Aug 11th, 2000, 08:11:22 PM has a report from Hasbro that more of the Target Exclusives(Speeder and Y-Wing) are shipping and they hope to have them available through Target On-line. So don't give in to scalpers just yet!:)
Also, I'll repeat my old advice for finding "rare" toys: If you're near the US Canada border and they're already gone from your area, Canada gets them much later so you have a second chance. Before short-packs were announced way in advance, I would find out what was difficult to find in the States and be sure to watch for it when it came out up here.
Also, I'll repeat my old advice for finding "rare" toys: If you're near the US Canada border and they're already gone from your area, Canada gets them much later so you have a second chance. Before short-packs were announced way in advance, I would find out what was difficult to find in the States and be sure to watch for it when it came out up here.