View Full Version : Looking for a few figure suggestions
Aug 14th, 2000, 12:06:32 AM
I want to put together a Star Wars version of the Village People (I'm not a VP fan; it's part of a much larger theme:) ). My idea is that it would be five people you'd see in a Star Wars town. So instead of a cop, firefighter, Indian chief, construction worker, and uh...something else, I'm thinking stormtrooper, droid, Imperial officer, Jedi knight, and Tusken Raider. I've got a Jedi(Windu), and a droid(3PO). I never did pick up a Tusken Raider or stormtrooper, but fortunately new versions are coming out soon. What about the officer, though? I have Tarkin, but is there a more generic-looking officer out there?
Oh, and the larger project is a Star Wars Battle of the Bands!:)
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 14th, 2000, 02:33:48 AM
What about General Veers?
Aug 14th, 2000, 04:59:45 AM
About which wave is he in? The Darth Vader and Stormtrooper Commtech wave? I'm so mixed up with release dates.
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 14th, 2000, 11:14:59 AM
Now that I think of it, I think he came with the AT-AT.
Ever considered Nien Numb for your village people?
Aug 14th, 2000, 12:59:52 PM
You want some release date info? Here you go:
Grand Moff Tarkin Green Card/Hologram
Wave 9 first released 7/97 along with Ackbar, Rebel Fleet Trooper, ASP-7, Ponda Baba, Long Snoot, Weequay Skiff Guard, Dengar, and 4-Lom. I don't have the case breakdowns but if you see these hologram figures anywhere there should be some Tarkins in the mix.
Captain Piett Green Card/Freeze Frame
Wave 15 first released 3/98 along with Removable Helmet Vader, Zuckuss, & Ishi-Tib. The Blast Shield Luke wave was also released around this time.
Admiral Motti Green Card/COMMTech chip
Wave 29 released 1/2000. Probably the hardest Imperial officer to find but a nice figure nevertheless.
Of these 3 I'd go with Piett, but the most common one I've seen is Tarkin. You can always just buy a Tarkin and swap heads with another figure. Whatever you do, let us know when this all gets set up! I'm looking forward to the show.
Aug 14th, 2000, 05:17:06 PM
Since I've got a MOC Tarkin stashed away somewhere, I think 'll take your advice and open him up and swap heads.
I was thinking of some aliens, but the Village People theme is different uniforms/costumes.
Finally got my scanner going, so expect pics relatively soon!
Aug 14th, 2000, 11:31:16 PM
Okay, just did some checking and it turns out there's six Village People (cop, cowboy, Indian, construction worker, biker, and naval officer). Guess I need one more band member. Any ideas? Maybe a Boba Fett(Mandalorian uniform, get it?)!
I've also discovered how creepy the Village people are. They're shocking and disturbing and different and in-your-face all at once, but not in the good "Mr. T" way; more like in the bad "Pee-Wee Herman" way...
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 15th, 2000, 01:55:48 AM
yes, the village people are a scary lot...very disturbing.
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