View Full Version : Dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 6th, 2000, 07:48:02 PM
Some guy emailed Hasbro Canada to voice his displeasure over the lack of new Star Wars stuff in Canada, and here's the response he got!<font color="yellow">
"Dear Mr. Stronge,
We will not be shipping any new Star Wars product for the balance of 2000. We do hope to be shipping new product in early 2001, pending retail demand.
Michel DesRosiers -Consumer Service Representative </font>
Pending Retail demand!?!?!?!?! Yeah, I'm sure that after the stores have been stuck with tons of leftover, excess Star Wars junk, they'll be glad to order more star wars stuff! IDIOTS!!!!! ORDER A REALISTIC AMOUNT NEXT TIME! I'm so disgustingly behind now, I don't think I'll ever catch up!
Sep 6th, 2000, 07:53:00 PM
Meanwhile, The Bay still sells 2-1B for $6...TWO-ONE FRICKIN' BEE!!!
Albi Wan Yankovi
Sep 6th, 2000, 09:34:45 PM
I'm sure glad I'm in America ;) MUA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 6th, 2000, 09:35:37 PM
Still????? Christ he's been on liquidation since Mulroney was in power!
But on a brighter note, my wal mart updated it's episode 1 first wave fig collection. more jedi duel mauls and battle droids. what a load of f*cking s*it!
Sep 7th, 2000, 01:45:35 PM
That really sucks! But you know, a lot of stores in the U.S. aren't exactly stocking up on SW merch. either. The new figs are gonna be hard to find, period. I'm just glad my local comic book shop has made deals to make sure he gets plenty of new SW stuff for those customers he knows that will buy from him. That's the ticket, boyos. Gotta make connections where you buy your toys. That's the way to ensure you get what you want.
Sep 7th, 2000, 02:51:51 PM
I really feel for the Canadians. You usually have to pay higher prices to begin with, and now Hasbro is just basically you to go screw yourself until 2001. It's just not fair. :(
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 7th, 2000, 05:36:03 PM
It's certainly not. Hasbro's head office is about a 45 minute drive from me. I went there once, and I stocked up on the the preview Mace Windu fig and the B'omaar Monks. They were $5 and $9 each respectively. Not a bad deal. I was happy with Hasbro then, but now I want to go turn the whole building into a pile of rubble. It's ugly anyway.
Sep 8th, 2000, 07:10:27 PM
Well you know that as long as the people on this board are here you have people that can help you out. I'm always happy to help! I'm assuming you guys would do the same for me?
Sep 8th, 2000, 07:18:30 PM
Darn right!:)
Sep 8th, 2000, 08:00:25 PM
I was just thinking about the response from Hasbro and what it means: Does this mean that we won't see anything new in stores, just whatever's on the shelf? Or does it mean the stores may still get new stuff from the warehouses, but new product will not be shipped from the factories out to the warehouses? If the latter is the case, what will we "miss", assuming they start shipping again in 2001? The first few waves of POTJ? Or, as optimistic as it may seem, will we actually not miss anything completely, but just see less of some waves?
Sep 8th, 2000, 10:46:20 PM
I think you guys might end up missing the first few waves of POTJ. Which could mean as many as 12-18 figures, including everybody's favorite fat Rogue, Porkins. That just plain sucks. I'm more than willing to help anybody out as well. Except for the Sith. You evil bastards can fend for yourselves. I mean look at my pic! You think Qui-Gon down there wants to help out any Sith Lords? Hell no! ;)
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 9th, 2000, 01:05:29 AM
Cool, thanks for the offer! I think I may have to wait and pray that the exchange rate tips a little more in my favor though! Paying upwards of $15 per fig is a little much, even for a nut like me!
Sep 9th, 2000, 01:25:59 AM
It woudn't be that much, would it? Figures are $6.99 American(I think). That's around $10.50, +tax&shipping,
Albi Wan Yankovi
Sep 9th, 2000, 05:19:54 PM
10 bucks is still a lot. But then again, so is 7.
Sep 9th, 2000, 07:52:51 PM
Well, since figurs are regularly $10Cdn up here anyway, and figures in the US work out to about $11 Cdn, that ain't too bad of a deal, if I REALLY want something.:)
Sep 9th, 2000, 08:53:04 PM
Holy crap, $15! That's ridiculous. What you need to do is find someone to trade with. The only problem with that is you have to find figures of equal value to trade with and that's probably tough do in the Great White North right now. :(
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