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View Full Version : What Figs need to be Added to the POTF Line?

Sep 9th, 2000, 07:39:48 PM
My first and for most choice for a new figure is Luke's I'll fated friend and gunner, Dack. I thought Dack was one of the greatest characters in Empire, when I was little I used to pretend my B-Wing Piolate was Dack. He is the MAN.

Dack, we hardly new ye, literally.

Next I think more Cantina Aliens should be made, I don't have many actulle I have none, but I've yet to find the ones I want. And I over look Ponda Babar for some reason.

Sep 9th, 2000, 07:47:18 PM
Dack would be good. There were a few aliens I wanted that I just never got the chance to get during the early POTF2 greenbacks, because there were so many other figures I wanted at the time and I didn't have the money to get them all.
Which cantina aliens are left? I think we got almost all of them, didn't we? I would really like to see a Mawmaw Nadon (Hammerhead) resculpt. I wanted this guy so much, but I passed him up because he's all wrong. Instead of his whole upper body being hunched over, they just made his head do that. Bummer.

Sep 9th, 2000, 07:51:44 PM

Star Wars insider did a thing where people could fax in a ballot for a new Cantina Alien from a list of pictures in the back cover, I forgot about it, but there were some on there that need to be made.

I've been passing up good oportunities as well, I'm hoping the the 3 figure packs will start to drop a little more in price, $9.99 is good, but could be better, besides, the only piloate i want fro that set is Wedge.

Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 9th, 2000, 08:35:51 PM
A collector set of Rogue Squadron would be cool. Luke, Dack, Jenson, Zev, Hobbie etc...

Sep 9th, 2000, 08:48:17 PM

How about a newly modified Snowspeeder with a super long harpoon cable that is on a mechanism like that of a seat belt. It is spring loaded and ravveles up at the proper pull. It could be hidden inside the hull of the speeder and unravled for shooting, then re raveled.

Sep 9th, 2000, 08:49:23 PM
Figures I want to see:
Biggs (Tatooine)
Corran Horn (EU)
Some more Ewoks, preferably dead ones
A resculpted Rebel Fleet Trooper
A resculpted Royal Guard (Crimson Empire would be a great model)

And how about getting us the rest of the Pod Racers Hasbro? Not the ships, just the pilots.
That's all I can think of right now.

Sep 9th, 2000, 08:58:47 PM

I like the Ewok Idea! I don't have any of the new ones!


Sep 9th, 2000, 10:35:46 PM
Didn't they make a Crimson Empire figure in the short-lived EU line?

Sep 9th, 2000, 11:50:55 PM
You're thinking of the Imperial Sentinel. That was a pretty cool figure. It was featured in the Dark Empire comics.

Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 10th, 2000, 06:57:11 PM
If they made Ewoks, I'd want them to be actually furry!

Tatooine Biggs is a cool idea too!

E Williams
Sep 10th, 2000, 09:17:52 PM
The Tatooine Biggs sounds cool!

What I would like:
More Jawas (you can never have enough Jawas! :) )
The rest of the Jedi Council. This probably won't happen until ep 2 though. :(
More astromech and/or other miscellaneous droids (ie an R5 resculpt). Though this may be happening already; Sirstevesguide has a listing for a black r2...


Sep 10th, 2000, 11:24:29 PM
All I'm collecting for sure is the Jedi Council and any cool aliens, so I definitely want more Jedi.

Like I've said before, I think cheap army builders would be great: Bulk packs, simple packaging, and less articulation, but at a reduced price. I'd love to pick up half a dozen Jawas, Tuskens, or Stormtroopers for, say, $20.

Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 11th, 2000, 11:08:24 AM
That's been one of my life-long dreams. To make a huge army of imperials of all kinds, similar to when Palpy arrives on the Death Star.