View Full Version : Cinema Scenes anyone?

Tonnikan Jinn
Jan 12th, 2001, 12:46:04 PM
Good day eh!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I just made my first toy excursion in many months, and I found a bunch of Cinema Scenes at my local (and a not so local) K-Bee Toys. They had the Rebel Pilots, Jabba's Skiff Guards, Watto's Box, Tatooine Duel and not to mention the regulars like Jabba's Dancers, etc... and they were all drastically discounted. Does anybody need any of these?

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp If you do, then drop me a line and I'll see what I can do.


Jan 15th, 2001, 03:37:27 AM
i have seen the same thing at toy liquidators i picked up the rebel pilots, skiff guards, tantoinne showdown, and mos espa encounter all for $7.99 they also had jabbas dancers, final jedi duels amd a few purchase of the droids

Lord Sith
Jan 20th, 2001, 07:38:29 AM
Hi TJ, I'm actually looking for Watto's Box. I've just dropped you an email. Hope you can help. :) :) :)
