View Full Version : The Starbird, 70's Y wing like starship

Commander Kevin
Jun 26th, 2001, 05:03:29 AM
Hey guys click on my banner and try out my first ezboard.

On the main ezboard page you'll see another banner saying the forum's name, click on that once your done looking around the forum and it will take you to the main website talking about starbirds.

Most of you guys probably had one of these.

Jun 28th, 2001, 09:06:23 AM
I had one.
I used to fly my pet lizard on it.
Every so often, Harry (the lizard's name was Harry) would use his own version of an ejector seat and "fall to earth".
Determend to save the universe, Harry would always be the hero and climb back on (with a little help) for another flight.