View Full Version : Vintage Figure Values

Jul 5th, 2001, 11:09:11 AM
Can anyone point me to a web site somewhere that has a list of approximate values for vintage figures? I have about 20-30 duplicate SW/ESB/ROTJ figures (still on card) that I am considering getting rid of, but I have no idea what they are worth. (If anything.) Nothing really rare in the bunch.


- MikeT

Jul 5th, 2001, 03:52:02 PM
If they're still on card then your bound to be able to sell them for a decent price, even if they're not that rare. Vintage is gold! I'm not sure about an online vintage price guide but I'd suggest picking up a copy of Toyfare or some other toy magazine. Use the prices as guide, some figures will sell below, others above. And you have to remember that they list prices for cards in mint condition so if yours have a few dents and scratches you'll have to figure that into your prices. IMO a magazine is alot easier to work with because it's portable and more easily accesible.
Hope this helps!

Jul 9th, 2001, 01:46:14 PM
or if ya want, I'll take em off your hands for $1 each! :)