View Full Version : George Lucas Destroys EU With One Word!
Darth Fenris
Aug 10th, 1999, 11:18:12 PM
With one name spoken in The Phantom Menace, Lucas destroyed an entire thread of the Expanded Universe. What was it? (so much for the damn novels, eh George?)
Darth Fenris
Aug 13th, 1999, 10:15:16 PM
Okay here's a big hint... Its a name... If that doesn't give it away, then you need help.
Mara Jade1
Aug 13th, 1999, 10:54:06 PM
I can't figure it out, I DO need help.
Aug 14th, 1999, 08:39:30 AM
Me neither. :( Perhaps now is the time to post an answer.
Mu Satach 2
Aug 15th, 1999, 11:10:24 AM
I'm not familiar enough with EU to even guess.
Darth Fenris
Aug 15th, 1999, 11:25:12 AM
I had hopes I wasn't the only one who noticed it. I thought it was blatant. For years, people who read the novels understood that Alderaan's representative in the Senate was Bail Organa (he was rumored to be a major player in Episode 1 before it came out). When Senator Palpatine announces his nomination to run for Supreme Chancellor, Captain Panaka names one of the challengers "Bail Antilles, of Alderaan." This is doubly undoing, since fans have also seen the name Antilles when referring to the x-wing pilot named Wedge, the only minor role to appear in all three Trilogy films. According to the EU, his surname is Antilles and he is from Corellia. Perhaps though, there is a logical explanation for Lucas' choice of Antilles as the Alderaanian senator's name. In ANH, C-3PO refers to his last master as Captain Antilles, captain of the Tantive IV, which was the corvette carrying Leia and her plans. Just a thought.
Aug 15th, 1999, 10:38:40 PM
Captain Antilles was the captain of Leia's ship that was captured at the start of ANH - he isn't this Bail Antilles. You're right about Wedge's history (being born on Correlia and all) - he isn't related to this Bail Antilles either. Bail Organa and Bail Antilles are 2 different people as well (so I've heard). So how does it destroy the EU may I ask?
Aug 16th, 1999, 12:39:12 AM
If you're implying that because there's a Bail Antilles from Alderaan who is a political figure that there can't be a Bail Organa, that's not so. Bail could be a common name, or, as some have suggested, it might be a title, like Senator. I admit that the names are more confused now, but it doesn't really go against EU...yet.
Darth Fenris
Aug 16th, 1999, 10:52:44 PM
All I was saying is that it is commonly accepted, though the novels and speculation (usually referred to as the Expanded Universe), that the Alderaanian senator at the time of Palpatine's rise was Bail Organa. The coincidence of TWO senators at the same time named Bail seems a little illogical. It also seems unlikely that two planets as diverse as Correlia and Alderaan would have a common surname show up twice throughout the story.
Aug 16th, 1999, 10:56:13 PM
Whatever. :)
Darth Fenris
Aug 17th, 1999, 12:20:29 AM
Yeah I know, it is a little anal, I suppose :)
Aug 17th, 1999, 08:22:31 AM
I always assumed Bail was a first name as well... BUT.... But (while not keeping up with the Expanded Universe, so I may have missed this)... I always assumed that Darth was a first name as well... But then we come find out that it is a title.. Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Darth Vader.... So... then in essense, Bail may be on the same lines of a title. (Okay, go ahead and laugh if I just porved my ignorance as far as not knowing Darth was a title and not a name)
Aug 17th, 1999, 03:21:14 PM
One must also remember that Bail Organa is roughly the same age as Obi-Wan. I think he'd be a little young to be a senator(Leia was, but she's an exception.). I think Bail Organa became a senator after the Clone Wars, and after his family was given rule over Alderran. I figure this is only a coincidence.
Aug 17th, 1999, 09:46:22 PM
I can't agree that Bail Organa doesn't exist because another person with a similar name shows up in a similar place...Maybe he gets married and takes his wife's last name?
Aug 18th, 1999, 08:30:04 AM
I did not read the novelization of TPM, so I do not know if it is in there... but was Bail ANTILLIES a last minute change? As someone stated, logic would have it that Bail Organa would be around the same age as Obi-Wan Kenobi (or perhaps younger... if Anakin / Vader is Luke and Lea's father, Bail Organa could be theoretically around his age... since he is Leia's adopted father... but that is besides the point). The point being... if Bail Organa was a senator at the time of TPM and around the same age or older than Obi-Wan, that would make him very old by the time he sent Leia on her failed mission to Tatooine to retrieve "General" Kenobi. Could this age problem been discovered at the last minute, and could the name Antillies have been substituted very late? According to the Internet Movie Database, actor Adrian Dunbar is listed as "Bail Organa"... with the footnote of "uncredited (scenes deleted)" Does this change the price of Bantha "Fodder" on Tatooine? Not in the least... just something to think about..
Aug 18th, 1999, 04:31:25 PM
Just wanted to throw us an easter egg and watch us overanalyze it to death while he sits at his computer laughing his head off. Very funny, George. ;)
Aug 19th, 1999, 03:25:20 PM
Bromine, "your insight serves you well..." You are probably right.
Aug 19th, 1999, 03:32:47 PM
Script Editor:"Bail Antilles is running for Chancellor..." GL:"No, no, you idiot! It's Bail ORGANA!" SE:"It is? But I've already sent out the copy." GL:"Oh, forget it. Go help design another dress for Amidala and let's hope no one notices the error." SE:"Don't worry. No one will care about someone's last name."
Aug 19th, 1999, 08:55:19 PM
Good one Bromine. :)
Doc Milo
Aug 24th, 1999, 07:16:54 PM
I know I'm late to this, but isn't it possible that Bail Organa might have been Amidala's age at the time of TPM. That he ran for senate some five or seven years later (ep2 doesn't take place until 10 yrs after TPM, right?) And that he took over as Alderaan's Senator at that time. I mean, we have Bill Clinton as President now, does that mean Bill Bradley can't be President in 2000 just because they have the same first names? Bail could be as common as Bill on Alderaan. And thus it wouldn't be that uncommon for people with the same first names to be elected to the same political office even serving back to back terms.
Aug 24th, 1999, 07:32:42 PM
I think you're onto something Doc. :)
Aug 25th, 1999, 07:45:21 PM
Exactly, Doc: GL just used the same name instead of making up a new one. I mean, he IS getting old. For crying out loud, I don't expect him to keep thinking up cool names all his life. :) -Just to mess with people's heads some more, I think Kitster should have been named Lando, with no connection to Lando Calrissian at all. :)
Doc Milo
Aug 25th, 1999, 10:39:38 PM
Speaking of Kitster, I would love for GL to make Kitster Boba Fett. That is one part of the EU I wouldn't mind seeing shot to hell. Of course, it doesn't have to be. Kitster can flee Tatooine, after finding a way to disable the transmitter in his body, and he changes his identity so that his old slave master can't find him, and he becomes Jaster Mereel, and eventually Boba Fett. And he names his ship Slave I to remind him of his background as a slave.
Aug 26th, 1999, 12:50:27 AM
You know, I don't mean to shoot down all these great ideas, because I love them, but I was thinking about how GL never seems to let the EU tell about anything he wants to cover. There was always a big gap in EU that Ep. 1-3 will fill, so I don't think GL will wreck any EU because it always seems to work around and outside his story.
Aug 26th, 1999, 03:39:34 AM
I hope Kitser (or whatever his name is) s NOT Boba Fett - I think that's just making everything a bit ridiculous (by the end of the prequels half the galaxy will know each other at this rate).
Aug 26th, 1999, 01:32:46 PM
Kitser stinks. If he is Boba Fett I'll loose all respect for GL. I hope old Kitser tries to leave Tatooine but forgets the transmitter and ....BOOM. That would rock.,,,:)
Yaddles little helper
Aug 26th, 1999, 01:46:48 PM
I thought the word you were gonna say was Midi-chlorians. And yes, Kitster stinks. But he's oscar-quality alongside Wald. Have you ever wondered if Warwick Davis' mission in life is to destroy otherwise great movies?
Mirax H
Aug 26th, 1999, 04:33:32 PM
I've heard speculation that Fett is actually a woman. As a woman, that sounds kinda cool until I really think about it. I would just completely shatter my image of Fett. That would suck so I hope GL doesn't throw us that curve. It would also go against the EU too and that would suck also.
Aug 26th, 1999, 05:16:29 PM
Boba Fett as a woman? That's kind of, more like scary. I DEFINITELY want to see a slave try to escape Tatooine and, as Anakin puts it, "BOOM!" As for Warwick Davis, he sort of turned my third viewing of TPM into "Where's Waldo?" as I looked for more appearances in every scene. Why did he play several different roles? Was it to lend some star power to the movies? Maybe it was to supplement the small population of theatre-going SW fans with all those Warwick Davis fans, which are the largest and most important demographic in the entire movie industry. :)
Leia Solo
Oct 20th, 1999, 01:42:32 AM
it is true that they are two different people. and no, lucas didn't completely discredit the eu. bail antillies is the man that ruled alderaan before the clone wars. during the clone wars, dad served under him, and not only proved himself a good fighter, but a capable leader as well. during the war, something went terribly wrong, and bail antillies was killed. once this happened, my dad, bail organa was elected to take his place. you must realize that there are about fourty years between episode one and episode four. a lot can happen in that time.
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