View Full Version : EU = Fan Fiction?
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 21st, 2000, 11:17:03 PM
I wonder.... there are some good ones out there, I winder if it's possible for one or two fan fics to become EU.
I'd like to think the one I'm writing is good enough, certainly is long enough. 120,000 words and growing....
Jun 21st, 2000, 11:23:47 PM
Personally, I think some of the EU should be re-classified as fanfic.:)
I can see it happening maybe (Fanfic becoming EU), but considering the sheer volume of fanfic out there, I think it would be hard for LFL to sort through them all if they started allowing people to submit them. There's also the fact that you can't just do anything you want with the SW Universe. I'm not sure how they do it with SW, but I know with Star Trek novels they send you a "Star Trek Writer's Bible" that contains all the rules you have to follow, and your work has to be approved every step of the way.
Jun 22nd, 2000, 12:18:02 AM
I find it unlikely. Go to the Fan Fic forum at TFN - it's simply bursting with fan fic written by fans for SW. There's very little chance that some fan fic will become classified as EU.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 22nd, 2000, 01:51:35 AM
I gunna have a try anyway :)
Jun 22nd, 2000, 03:22:50 AM
Go for it!:)
Jun 22nd, 2000, 03:28:53 AM
I think at Michael Stackpole's website he talks about how a writer is hired to write for SW, and IIRC he mentioned that LFL sends you a "Star Wars Dos and Don'ts" thingie and the kit and all that like ST.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:17:20 AM
What's his web site?
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:49:52 PM
(don't know)
I do know you cannot kill characters without GL's permission, I read that somewhere
Jun 25th, 2000, 09:00:02 PM
I read an old interview with Timothy Zahn, and it seems you can't do too much without permission. The interview is here: (
Jun 26th, 2000, 03:33:01 AM
Eww Fett, you think Kevin J. Anderson is better than Michael A. Stackpole??? ::shudders::
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 26th, 2000, 07:51:34 AM
I have to agree with JB, Stackpole is a better writer, he has a better feel for his characters and is pretty good
Jun 26th, 2000, 08:16:38 AM
When I think about it, I don't really like any of the characters Andersen has invented:
Kyp Durron: Lame, unoriginal
Daala: Very stupid, downright annoying at times. She's supposedly this great military leader but just keeps messing up.
Qui Xux, Moruth Doole...and did Darksabre have any new characters at all?
Sorry, wrong topic for this rant.:)
Jun 26th, 2000, 07:54:40 PM
Zahn is great. Stackpole is great too. As is Allston.
That's all I know since I've only read their books (read the Thrawn trilogy and X-wing series, and am currently reading I, Jedi).
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 28th, 2000, 02:25:50 AM
Dont read any more. You'll be sorely dissapointed.
Well, anything by Stackpole is great, and Zahn rules. KJA is..... not good and some thoers are appaling. Children of the Jedi is so awful I burned it.
Jun 28th, 2000, 01:43:31 PM
I like the character Kyp a lot, and I enjoy his stories.
Zahn is OK, but uses to much real life things(Slippers, hot chocolate)
Jun 28th, 2000, 02:15:39 PM
Hot chocolate kind of surprised me. He could have at least made it sound more...intergalactic.:) (Rontonian chocolate drink or something)
I guess I can't really complain about Kyp; I haven't read anything with him in it except Jedi Academy and DarkSabre.
Jun 28th, 2000, 02:46:39 PM
And then, Luke tried the Mint variety. Why not grilled Dewback or something
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 3rd, 2000, 07:28:51 AM
Nothing wrong with Hot Chocolate....
Jul 4th, 2000, 06:28:27 AM
I think it's worse when authors go out of their way to give EVERYTHING an alien name. It seems to artificial that way.
Jul 4th, 2000, 07:00:51 AM
Yeah, like Battlstar Galactica with the "yarns" and "Centauns". Just say minutes, seconds, days, kilometres and light-years! We won't hold it against them!:) On the one hand it was a neat touch, but on the other hand it could get frustrating trying to figure out if the Cylon attack was one day away or one minute away.
At least in SW they refer to the common language as "Basic", and they have a unique alphabet which is a nice touch. Although, I've actually heard someone complain that the tractor beam controls in ANH had the Latin(or whatever the correct term is) alphabet instead of Aurabesh.
Figrin D an
Jul 7th, 2000, 12:48:07 PM
That's getting pretty picky when someone notices that something like the tractor beam control labeling uses the Phoenician alphabet instead of the official Star Wars "Aurabesh" alphabet...
I don't really mind Zahn using some familiar, real life terms in his books. Making up new "alien" terms for everything would make a Star Wars novel a somewhat irritating read... like having to partially learn a foreign language.
Jul 7th, 2000, 03:35:40 PM
It's funny what terms people think are too earth-like and others they don't mind. You'd never expect to see the words "flashlight" or "wristwatch", and instead we see "glowlamp" and "chronograph". At the same time we see common words like "databank" and "computer".
Jul 8th, 2000, 03:08:40 PM
I think it about specifying. Hot Drink could have been used rather than hot chocolate, but it would look stupid if that happened with a computer
Jul 8th, 2000, 04:25:34 PM
Yeah, what eould they call a computer? A calculation machine?:)
Jul 8th, 2000, 08:14:26 PM
'Machine that spits out junk for people to translate for themselves'. :)
I think computer is a much easier thing to say. :)
Aug 26th, 2000, 08:29:27 PM
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