View Full Version : A New Empire

Feb 26th, 2000, 05:46:24 AM
I'm guessing you can prolly realise what exactly I might be on about, from the title. Well, yes you're right. Considering that the plot of a project myself and a few others are going to be working on is set 26 years after Return of the Jedi, I'm guessing it would have to be posted in the "Expanded Universe" section of a forum. =O)

What we're planning is a "trilogy" of modifications to the game Mysteries of the Sith, including new characters, heros and villains along with a completely new story line. We also plan to add our own skins and add more aliens to the game. Of course, no modification would be the same without filmed cutscenes. =O)

We're looking for any fans out there that may be able to assist with the time line of events, leading up to that point. Such as, there where abouts of Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and Lando. The most recent piece of news that I have is that the Empire agreed to a treaty with the Alliance, on which most of the story line is based upon... more so along the lines of.. "If the Alliance were to ever come across our plans.. there would be all out war!"

If anyone else maybe interested in joining up with this project, please let me know.

Thanx for your time =O)

Doc Milo
Feb 27th, 2000, 03:26:30 AM

Well, if it takes place 26 years after ROTJ, then you'll have to know that the galaxy is being threatened by an extragalactic force called the Yuzaan Vong (sp?) and that Chewbacca is dead.

Oh, and Luke and Mara Jade are married and Mara is infected with a deadly disease caused by the Yuzaan Vong.

That's as far as I've gotten. I haven't read Onslaught yet, so I don't know if there are any other developments that might help.

Feb 27th, 2000, 06:47:04 AM

A disease ay? And an alien race.. sounds rather good.

As for Chewie.. well.. none of the main characters are gonna be in it.. perhaps mentioned.. but not actually in it.

But yes.. it does help to know =O))

Fanx =O)

Nov 14th, 2000, 05:03:43 PM
Jedi's are on the rise. Unfortunatley there are two factions involved. Kip Duron and some of the more flashy Jedi believe that they are superior to standard humanoids and therefore know what is best for them. Luke, Coran Horn and Mara Jade lead the other side of the conflict.

Anakin Solo has come into his own right as a Jedi. He has saved Mara's life and bested an entire collection of Yuzaan Vong.

Jaina Solo has proved herself as one of the best pilots in the galaxy and is now a member of Rogue Squadron.

Jason Solo is torn between his duty as a Jedi and where he believes his life should be going. He is in conflict with Luke's idea of what a Jedi should be but is still very much against Kip's ideas.

The Yuzaan Vong are undetectable via the force. They are evil and are outside of the force. They believe that the only way to salvation is through pain. Through delivering and accepting pain and death. They have no fear of death and this has proven to make them powerful enemies.

The Yuzaan Vong concider machines to be an abomination. Their technology is biologically based and through genetic engineering and breeding have created weapons that equal if not surpas those of the new republic and the empire. Ampistafs made of snakelike creatures can meet a lightsaber head on and then spit venom. Flying beetle like weapons act as persistent boomerangs attacking their target. Large pieces of Yorrik Coral (asteroid looking) are the snub fighters of the Vong. Pilots wear cognition hoods that make communication between commander and pilot instantanious without words.

The lists of technology go on and on. If you would like my opinions on it please feel free to contact me via e-mail mightylodek@hotmail.com
