View Full Version : A rant about the New Jedi Order

Nom Anor YV
Jan 11th, 2001, 11:29:39 AM
Well, I know I have been gone for quite some time, and (out-of-character) there has just been too much going on to warrant time here, but now I am back and hope to once again dive in full-force.
I am tired of the New Republic's situation. Of course I am completely enthralled by the Yuuzhan Vong, as you might tell by my character here, but come on, how many more books will we have to endure before they write a new theme into the book.
I know the Republic is supposed to be getting their heads kicked in, but the authors that they have commisioned to write this are falling into a recurring theme. The Imperial Remnant comes and helps, but after one battle, over Ithor, they go back to the Remnant, leaving only the Chiss and Baron Fel's son to assist the Republic, but since that book, Ruin II, we have yet to hear about the Chiss again.
Then Prince Isolder and the Hapan's come out to help, and lo and behold they are obliterated. So the Hapan's go back to the Hapes Cluster to protect their own lands and the New Republic is left alone again.
We have Solo's relative screwing over the Solo kids at Centerpoint and the Jedi are blamed for more. The only intriquing point of blance Point, and I have read the book three times now in hope of proving myself wrong, is the fact that the Yuuzhan Vong leader at the end makes the galaxy wide announcement that a bounty has been placed on the head of Jacen Solo.
I think we are going to see some bounty hunters, perhaps Fett, show up very soon. Maybe then we will get a new theme in the storyline. Also, what about the Chiss? When are they going to show up?
Lastly, and anyone who has read the Thrawn duology, Specter of the Past and Vision of the Future, when might we see a Thrawn clone show up? Could Timothy Zahn be commisioned to write an arc of the New Jedi Order? If possible, would it not seem to be a stronger possibility of seeing either the REAL Thrawn (possibly a clone was killed back in the Thrawn trilogy and Thrawn always stayed out in the Unknown Regions????) or just another Thrawn clone?
Also, anyone who says that Jacen Solo's final coming-of-age in Balance Point against the Yuuzhan Vong to save his mother was not the most ANTI-climatic part of that book must have read a different book that myself. It builds up and up to practically nothing. IT would have been more iteresting if the skirmish with the Vong was longer. Anakin has proven himself more against the Vong and more committed to the Force over the book series so far than Jacen has at all.
See you all soon. I will be lurking around.

Hart Kenobi
Jan 11th, 2001, 11:42:23 PM
I hate everything about the NJO including and especially the Vong. I haven't bought a SW novel since my first NJO book.

Figrin D an
Jan 16th, 2001, 01:49:17 AM
I love Timothy Zahn's books, and I really like the the Hand of Thrawn duology, but if he were to have another Thrawn clone show up, it would seem really tacky... Thrawn was(is) a great character, but having him show up in the NJO story arc would be pushing it...

Personally, I think Anakin Solo is the best written of the Solo children. The twins are both annoying... Anakin has actually done some pretty cool stuff...

It think it's no secret that I don't like NJO very much... I was one of the first people ranting about it when I bought Vector Prime the week it debuted and pretty much wanted to burn it when I finished it a few days later... I like R.A. Salvatore as an author, and while the style of the book was okay, the plot just made me cringe...

As far as NJO falling into a plot rut, the whole series is supposed to close to 30 books, so it may be a while before anything new and interesting happens... I'm pretty much just ignoring the NJO as best I can...

Jan 16th, 2001, 12:24:58 PM
Prepare for the Alston duology. He was guaranteed the inclusion of the Wraiths and Wedge. THis will rock. Bring face and a certain Ewok, and we're flying!

Doc Milo
Jan 16th, 2001, 05:21:11 PM
Yub Yub, Commander. :)