View Full Version : Star Wars Infinities
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 7th, 2001, 01:29:21 AM
I just picked up the new Star Wars insider and in it it mentiones a new comic series called Infinities. Its a what if story that shows an alternate time line for the Star Wars unvierse begining with ANH. According to the insider in the first issue "Luke's torpedo's explode prematurely. The Death Star is rocked but not destroyed. In retaliation, the Death Star fires on the Rebel Base on Yavin's moon but not at full power. Princess Leia and other escape, but soon after lift off, the Death Star reaches maximum power once again and destroys the moon. In hasty retreat, Han and Luke believe Leia and the others were killed in the second blast, while Vader movies in and captures Leia's ship before it jumps to hyperspace." It sounds intreguing and I will probably check it out when it hits stores.
Apr 11th, 2001, 10:41:22 AM
I think alternate time lines provide the best material for SW EU. Authors and illustrators are free to dream up whatever adventures they want for our heroes. They don't have to check with the SW Encyclopedia to make sure everything they write "fits" in. That's why my favorite SW comic is SW Tales. They don't care about SW continuity and you get some great stories as a result. They've had a couple of excellent Vader stories because they've been free to do what they want with the character. I think that Infinities has great promise and I look forward to it.
Jedi Master Carr
May 11th, 2001, 09:36:24 PM
I just got the first issue of Star Wars Infinities today and it is an excellent comic. The art work is top notch, except I didn't like how they drawed Tarkin and the story is great much darker than ANH. The plot is like I described in my first post with Luke's torpedo malfunctioning and not blowing the deathstar up. By the end of the first issue, Han and Luke think that Leia and the others are dead, but in fact they have been captured by Vader and the Tarkin then tells Leia, "Your time will be well served reflectin on how you shall best serve the Empire." At the end Leia has given up for the Rebellion and also Luke has become infuriated and had just destroyed 4 or 5 tie fighters out of rage, fortunately Ben came to him and told him to stop. The preview of issue 2 has Leia and vader clashing with lightsabers perhapsing showing that Vader is going to try to turn her to the Darkside. Man, now I have to wait a full month for issue two.
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