View Full Version : Question about Cloak of Deception-possible spoiler!

Jun 9th, 2001, 09:07:23 PM
In one part of Cloak of Deception, it talks of the Council chamber having all of the members present, save for Adi Gallia. It then describes Ki-Adi-Mundi coming in to the room. Now, if I'm not trippin', if the Council was full, Ki would already have been there. I know he took someone's place, but whose place was it? Judging from context, I guess it was Vergere, but I am wondering if anyone else knows for certain.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:33:10 AM
I'm not sure I thought he was a member of the council in that novel I know he took the place of someone else they showed it in one of the ongoing comics I can't recall his name at the moment but he got killed when the Jedi were fighting some type of creatures on another world. He seemed to be friends with Qui-Gon and at that moment he was up for his spot but they past over him because of his definess of the council and took Ki instead.