View Full Version : Rebirth: What did you think? (Spoilers)
Aug 2nd, 2001, 08:20:40 PM
I just finished it last night. Overall, I'd say this was a very good book. It wasn't focused to much on just one character. The author made good use of non Jedi characters like Han. Han did things that no Jedi probably could have done and I think the EU needs more of that.
I also liked the way he handled Luke, Mara, and the birth of their child. I actually found myself cheering at the end. I liked the name they chose as well. I think that Ben was the perfect choice. I know some would have liked something completely original but I thought it was a nice nod to Obi-Wan and it made it more emotional for me BECAUSE the boy was named after Kenobi.
One of the things I found interesting was the entire heretic shaper storyline. It had no apparent connection to any of the other ongoing storylines but it definetly served a purpose. I think this is a character that will play a large role in an upcoming book. The Vong are starting to show definite weaknesses. Worldships are dying, the Shamed Ones are starting to revere the Jedi. This was one of the developments that I found most interesting. The suggestion that a possible Vong civil war was stirring and that the Jedi could find themselves at the head of one of the factions is pretty interesting.
Well, any other observations?
Force Master Hunter
Aug 3rd, 2001, 04:55:48 AM
Who wrote it?
Aug 3rd, 2001, 07:18:39 AM
Greg Keyes
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 3rd, 2001, 02:45:12 PM
I liked it very much too, I especially like how Han was treated in the novel. I really loved the scene when he told Jacen off (he was beginning to get on my nerves there). I also like the scene where Han was telling the Vong comander sarcastically that he was going to send Jacen to them in an escape pod and the commander believed him. I thought that was funny. I also liked how he treated Corran Horn he made him seem normal but also an extremely interesting character, I am not worried he might bite it in the next novel if the rumors are true. I too have seen the weakness of the Vong. One of the commanders mentioned how thin there fleet is and they were lucky the Republic didn't know it. It looks like Kyp did though at least I think he had a line there some where. Speaking of Kyp what did you think of him. I agreed with his actions to a degree, they should have destroyed their new worldships but he should not have decieved them like he did that was just wrong.
Aug 4th, 2001, 08:09:56 PM
I thought Kyp was his typical arrogant self. And Wedge's harsh words were right on the mark. It was one of the best passages in the book! Don't get me wrong, I like the way Kyp has been portrayed in the NJO series. Luke needs a foil to play off of. My problem with Kyp has always been Anderson's portrayal of him as having potentially more power than all of the other Jedi, including Luke. To me that was a major mistake, one that I think the EU has been backing away from for quite some time.
Jaina's slap was perfect! Kyp may have had solid reasons for attacking the World Ship, but his methods were uncalled for. It's that "means to an ends" attitude that's going to be his downfall. Those pilots that died should have known what they were REALLY dying for.
Aug 4th, 2001, 11:25:00 PM
::skips by the spoiler-heavy stuff:: Whee, I just bought it today, it looks really cool and, judging from the average opinions here and from other people I've heard, it sounds really cool too. Can't wait to read it, which I'll do as soon as I finish Conquest (I'm about halfway through that one, started late).
Aug 15th, 2001, 12:25:24 AM
Oh wow, that was a really good book. It never got boring, it was never stupid or silly, it was very serious and very well-written. Greg Keyes seems to have the Star Wars thing down, I hope Del Rey asks him to write more SW books. The Edge of Victory duology are, IMO, the best books in the NJO series, and I think this is exactly what the series needed, I think it's all going to turn around for the better from here until the end. I'm really looking forward to Star by Star, now.
Aug 15th, 2001, 05:46:41 AM
Must disagree with you there JediEb. He always came accross to me as a talented Jedi, nothing more. Better than Corran, the original Mr Perfect. And Stackpole almost ruined Kep's character. At least Luceno was next, with a perfect portraya\l
Satine Capashen
Aug 15th, 2001, 07:24:57 PM
I liked the book. And, with any luck, they have more of Tahiri. she was always my faveorite in the JJK series for kids. All in all, I liked the way Kyp got blasted by both Wedge and Jaina. Now if they would only put Janson in there........:D ^_^
Aug 15th, 2001, 07:36:10 PM
Aug 15th, 2001, 07:57:00 PM
Hobbie and Janson rule!!
Aug 15th, 2001, 08:00:20 PM
Satine Capashen
Aug 18th, 2001, 08:17:56 PM
Yeah. Janson's my favorite out of the two though...
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:20:12 AM
Reaper, I think there are lot of instances in Kevin Anderson's Jedi Academy trilogy that portray Kyp as having enormous power. Even when Luke tested him by probing his mind he literally knocked Luke off his feet. And then Kyp when on his galaxy wide tear knocking out everything from Luke to an entire planet and star. Anderson made him seem practically unstopable. The portrayal even carried over into the Dark Horse comic Leviathan. In that comic Luke even describes Kyp as possibly being "the greatest one of us all" when describing the Jedi training at Yavin. Then we come to the NJO and who gets elevated to the position of being regarded as the second hottest Jedi around? Kyp. During the whole series it's been follow Kyp or follow Luke. As for perfect Corran, I agree with you, but I still prefer the Luke-Clone to Kyp. I really hope he gets knocked off by the Vong. And I hope Wedge is there to see it!
Aug 26th, 2001, 10:34:02 AM
Eb, he was possessed by the greatest Sith ever. That wasn't his power.
Kyp is making this interesting. They kill him, NJO will go from good to bad. The series is unpopular as it is.
Side note, Im getting sick of never hearing Kyp's views. All we get is Lukes side of the argument. Now, considering Kyp is right IMO, shouldnt they at least try to make the argument balanced?
Also, Wedge is horribly written in the NJO. The Reborth Wedge wasn't anything like how we love. As well as coming off as misinformed and hugely hypocritical (Kyp killed millions. So has Wedge. How can he criticise?)
But of course, no doubt Kyp will die, all the Jedi will love Luke, and Ben will kill all the Vong with a force tantrum or something, while Corran Stackpole wipes out entire worldships, acting as disrespectful and arrogant as he wants, yet still seen as a model Jedi. Because let's face it, if Kyp goes, that'll happen. Being as we never hear opinions from Kyp's side, we'll just see it get worse
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