View Full Version : Do you like the NJO series?
Sep 2nd, 2000, 08:38:55 PM
Hart Kenobi
Oct 30th, 2000, 09:05:13 PM
Definitely not. Not after what they did to Ch........
Oct 31st, 2000, 01:23:55 AM
Hi I decided to check this board out since I've been on the Roleplaying forum for awhile now.
I haven't read any of the NJO books yet, so I'm just going on what I've heard about it. The fact that Chewie's dead pales in comparison to what appears to be mishandling of characters overall from what I've heard. But that's only based on one book, so it's not fair to judge the whole line yet. I have faith in Michael Stackpole, so I have high expectations of those two. I'm also a big Han Solo fan, so I'm looking forward to this new one I just picked up.
Hart Kenobi
Oct 31st, 2000, 01:40:37 AM
I thought the NJO novels simply took all of the problems from the previous novels and just crammed them all into two books. The fighting and tension almost got annoying. They should think of some original stuff.
Oct 31st, 2000, 03:13:22 PM
Loved it, especially the Chewie death. He was unneeded, and he got a heros death
Just needs some KJA...
Nov 1st, 2000, 01:52:14 AM
Eww, KJA? Do you wanna ruin the series, man???
Darth Turbogeek
Nov 6th, 2000, 09:44:54 PM
The series already sucks. JKA would be a fitting addition to it's suck worthyness
Nov 6th, 2000, 09:46:43 PM
better than another Zahn boreathon...
Darth Turbogeek
Nov 7th, 2000, 12:02:51 AM
Them's fighting words.
Director Isard
Nov 7th, 2000, 04:01:53 PM
Excuse me? it sucks? Maybe we could distinguish between such crap, as Luceno and Tyers who are really trying hard but just don't get the right feel for it, and Stackpole, who is doing a fabulous job. I didn't think Salvatore was that bad either.
I have to say I quite like the overall idea, and if they'd bring back Stackpole, and have him join up with Zahn, then maybe something really great could come out of it.
The books are a little bit more grown-up as the rest of the lot - not the silly ridiculous nonsense like Darksaber gave us. That's what I like about them.
Darth McClain
Nov 11th, 2000, 01:54:03 PM
I agree with Isard. The NJO does not suck. Sure...not all the books are as good as the rest, but the majority of them rock.
Lukes Roommate
Nov 30th, 2000, 03:23:21 PM
I think it could shape up to be a decent series.. I also think Darth Turbogeek is a frustrated writer who does nothing but crap on every one who has touched a SW novel.
Lucious Zaarin
Dec 1st, 2000, 11:46:03 PM
I greatly enjoy this series, and look forward to reading the Agents of Chaos books.
Darth Taxes
Dec 3rd, 2000, 11:22:02 PM
You won't probably enjoy the 2nd "Agents of Chaos" book. It stinks.
I loathed Vector Prime.
Onslaught was OK.
Ruin was cut to ribbons and made no sense.
Hero's Trial was OK.
Jedi Eclipse sucked dead donkeys.
Balance Point was pretty bad.
Each book has essentially the same plot, and the Vong are a sort of combo-plate of every lame villain you've ever encountered (the chief rip-offee is "GI Joe: the Movie). It reads like it was written by a committee with a pollster. Not a single spark of originality; just generic dullness.
Dec 8th, 2000, 05:23:15 PM
Overall, I like the series. But it does seem to be a story that could have been wrapped up in 3 novels. They're just dragging things out. We all know what's going to happen. the Vong will take over most of the galaxy, maybe even Coruscant, and then the Republic and the Jedi will save the day at the last moment. They'll probably be saved by that biological agent that attacked the Vong armor in ..(I can't remember which novel). Remember, there were some kind of spores in trees and they caused the Vong armor to swell up and kill them. It was the battle where one of Kyp's overconfident jedi got his face sliced up and now has a vicious scar. Oooooh, that's so deeeep! (Heavy sarcasm here.)
As for Chewie, the reason he was chosen is simple. We never got much Wookie dialogue in the novels did we? He was a wasted character. They never even tried to use him. It's as if they said;
"Hey, ROAR is all that I can think of for Chewie, let's just have him play with the kids and lose them every once in awhile."
Great work! Putzes.
Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2000, 04:27:37 PM
I really enjoyed the series I do not think they are stretching any because they are trying to bridge the gap between the old and the new. I think by the end most of the classic characters will be gone and I think some point the vong will be gone too I see a new villain on the horizon most likely a new sith lord who will use the vong to take over the republic.
Admiral Kettch
Dec 11th, 2000, 02:47:13 AM
I love the NJO, thats why I visit the NJO forum all of the time. Vector Prime and Balence Point are the two best novels so far in my opinion. I don't quite understand how you can think BP was poor.
"Yub yub, commander." -Various Lt.Kettch personaes
Jan 16th, 2001, 06:47:06 PM
early 2002. When Aalston comes, and quietens the moans with a flying Ewok :)
I think the main problem is, people wont get over Chewie. That is why they don't like the series
May 23rd, 2001, 03:48:02 PM
geekers, I guess the arguing is done... I was wondering what others thought of the series... the only NJO books I read all the way through were the Luceno books, and I thought those weren't too bad. I returned the Salvatorre book, cause that outpost in the beginning sounded like bad Star Trek or generic Sci-Fi instead of Star Wars, at least in my estimation...
Pat Za Ponor
Jun 12th, 2001, 11:55:08 PM
I love the series so far.
I thought Vector Prime was great. It was something new. A race outside of the Star Wars galaxy that detests droids and robots, which is what Star Wars is filled with.
The two Dark Tide books have been my favourite. I really enjoyed them. I love the character Corran Horn, and Stackpole is my favourite Star Wars author.
I did find the Agents of Choas books a little weak. Not because they were really that bad, but I'm more a jedi enthuthiastist. I really missed lightsaber battles and force manoeuvers. I could see how the Agent of Choas series would be a good change though, for those who didn't want to read only about Jedis.
I'm halfway through Balance Point and I'm loving it. It's back to the Jedi roots. It is really developping the Solo kids and giving them their own identity. But, man I hate Jacen right now. :lol:
EDIT: I finished Balance Point and I actually really like Jacen now. I thought it was neat how he resolved all of his issues and he appears to be the most powerful of all the Solo kids.
Jun 30th, 2001, 12:18:03 PM
I have to say I'm enjoying them, I'm about to read Dark Tide 2 and this whole Yuuzhan Vong thing is just awesome. The battles that have been in them are also very cool.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 22nd, 2001, 08:29:37 AM
I dont like them in the slightest. I just cant avoid reading them and think it's a badly done Star Trek episode. I really dont think any of the NJO authors capture Star Wars well at all and I really dont think the characterisations are good either. I stilllook at the Vong and still think you have got to be joking. Nicely thought out, but they just dont fit and that jars badly.
The EU was killed long ago anyway for me. It started soooooo well and it really has gone downhill since then
Figrin D an
Jul 25th, 2001, 02:50:54 PM
The only NJO novel I've read thus far was 'Vector Prime,' and that was over a year and a half ago when it first came out. I ended up reading it twice, as the first time I deplored it and gave it a pretty bad rating, but I later felt I may have judged it unfairly, and thus gave it a second chance.
Overall, it was well-written (I really like Salvatore's other work), but there were certain aspects that I really didn't care for. I think, in general, I'm just tired of the EU. There was a discussion over at the GJO board about the possibility of jumping ahead about 200-300 years in the EU timeline and starting a new series. Although it would never happen, it might be really interesting if the right authors are brought in to pen the books.... think about it... completely new characters, new plotlines, different galactic governement structure, new conflicts... it would certainly be a good way to give the EU a totally fresh start.
Anyway, I've got other books to read, so the NJO series is not high on the priority list...
Hart Kenobi
Aug 20th, 2001, 11:24:59 PM
I don't like the idea of EU creating new characters and then basing entire storylines on them. In my opinion, Mara Jade, Callista, Jacen and Jaina, they simply aren't a part of real, official Star Wars. They have cheapened the name to the point where the name is no longer revered, it's the butt of jokes. EU is horrible and NJO is the worst of the worst.
Aug 21st, 2001, 05:53:23 AM
yeah, because in Star Wars, only Luke, Han and Leia ever did anything, didnt they? gaaah
Hart Kenobi
Aug 22nd, 2001, 12:59:37 AM
Hey, you forget my man Lando.
Also, there are a lot of storylines you can base on Ackbar, Madine, and Mothma rather than resorting to Bel Iblis, Corran Horn, and Puffers. Instead of Boba Fett, why not write about a different bounty hunter? Like one that is alive in the SW Universe.
Aug 29th, 2001, 03:34:01 PM
do NOT diss Zahn and the NJO....
Sep 7th, 2001, 09:08:58 AM
I really like the entire series so far except for one flaw that is becoming a ecurring theme througout almost every book.
The New Republic seems to find an ally to help them in their fight against the YV, but at the end of the book, that ally leaves the NR high and dry.
The Imperial Remnant show up, have a hell of a maneuver with the Interdictor's and kick some serious YV ass, but then leave to protect the Imperial Remnant.
The Hapan's show up at the same time that Centerpoint is being fired up, and in one fell swoop, over half of the Hapan fleet is destroyed and Centerpoint is taken over by the Correllian to be used as a defense for themselves exclusively.
When is someone going to show up and stay to help?
When are we going to get back to the Chiss fighters that stayed around to help in the earlier books?
When are the Mon Calamari going to show up and when is Admiral Ackbar going to take over the show?
One thing I think we will see, and if anyone read the Thrawn duology, Spectre of the Past and Vision of the Future, wold be the arrival of either Soontir Fel, since his son is already with Rogue Squadron though not talked about much since the earlier books, and the possible arrival of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
I know it will really take a feat of great writing, but I think it is going to be written in some way that the Thrawn in the original Trilogy was a clone and the real Thrawn will arrive soon enough.
Other than those few flaws, I think the entire series is great so far.
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