View Full Version : Worst Movie of all time
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 27th, 2000, 06:31:34 PM
Aug 27th, 2000, 07:09:04 PM
Who voted for 'Other', but didn't specify?
Aug 27th, 2000, 08:28:43 PM
"He-Man", "My Boyfriend's Back", "Waking Ned Divine"...there's more.:)
Aug 27th, 2000, 10:22:47 PM
Other: Thin Red Line
Hey, Masters of the Universe is a classic 80s movie!
Doc Milo
Aug 27th, 2000, 10:48:21 PM
Other. The worst movie I ever seen was "Total Recall 2070"
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 27th, 2000, 11:13:16 PM
Brain Donors.
Aug 28th, 2000, 04:52:50 AM
Hexen Bis Aufs Blut Gequält (Mark of the Devil, 1970).
Aug 28th, 2000, 05:19:24 AM
batman and robin is the closest and then is titanic and who the f*ck said that the thin red line was bad?that movie is one of the best of 98!:)
Aug 28th, 2000, 07:59:05 AM
I enjoyed He-Man, was a ok fantasy movie....and I thought Brain Donors was hilarious :)
Aug 28th, 2000, 10:26:55 AM
Thin Red Line is NOT one of the best of anything, not even the day it came out, even if no other movies opened it wouldn't be the best of the day. Some kid with a home video camera surely made something more interesting.
The movie is boring and put everyone in theaters to sleep, how it got nominated for anything outside of a Razzie is amazing.
I'd have to say Rushmore is the absolute worst movie I have ever seen, I don't care what the critics thing and any other film fans, the movie sucks. It is horrible tripe and I want the time back that I wasted seeing it. Right after Rushmore you have The Devil's Advocate, also a respectable ZERO stars. That movie sucked, it is a porno flick basically. Then there is Event Horizon, another porno flick almost. There is too much blood and nudity in both of those movies for me.
Godzilla 2000 is DAMN close, though, lol. That movie is surely one of the worst ever. Unlike the other three, however, Godzilla 2000 is so bad that it is actually good and becomes enjoyable again. I laughed a lot during it, lol. That stupid piece of trash.
More like Godzzzzzzzz....
I fell asleep before I could write out the whole word. LOL.
Aug 28th, 2000, 10:37:30 AM
Let's not have another battle over this movie guys......
Everyone already knows how I feel about it(I'm about the polar opposite of Jon) so lets just leave it at that.
Aug 28th, 2000, 03:54:03 PM
LB i am so f*cking close to take out your head!:(
Aug 28th, 2000, 04:30:54 PM
John, you hate Event Horizon!!! I FOUND HATER NO 2!!(iI do too)
I wouldnt say Batman & Robin, because Clooney acted well IMHO. I would say
Event Horizon
Jurrasic Park
Event Horizon
Aug 28th, 2000, 05:05:22 PM
Forgot about Soldier. That movie definitely makes my top ten worst.
Godzilla 2000 was pretty bad. To be classified as one of the worst movies of all time, though, for me a movie has to be so bad that you physically cannot sit through it; you'd rather watch a blank screen for two hours than watch the movie.
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 28th, 2000, 05:24:56 PM
Yeah, kind of like me and Clockwork Orange! I had to turn it off less than an hour into it.
*JMK puts on his flame retardant suit*
Aug 28th, 2000, 06:27:24 PM
No, that's not true dude, a lot of people don't like Clockwork Orange, don't feel bad.
It is a classic, that is true, but it is also a disturbing movie. My mom walked out on it in theaters. She actually stood up and said, "This movie is SICK and if anyone sits here and watches it they're sick too." LOL. She was not happy. About ten to fifteen people got up and left at that time, lol.
There are people that really appreciate Kubrick's work, he is a quirky director. I am not one of those people, though. I think he is just too weird for me, I'm not into his movies...
Event Horizon is one of the only movies that I nearly walked out on. I have a funny story about that, actually.
I went to the movie with my house manager at the time, that was back a while ago now, but anyway, we were trying to decide between that and Copland. So, I said, hey, Event Horizon looks good. It had a really good trailer, I will give it that much. You can make a good trailer for even the worst movies. Anyway, so it is pretty good through the first 20 minutes! Lots of potential, thought it could be a good 3 star movie. Then it totally fell apart. Not only did the wheels come unglued, the car itself blew up! LOL. It was that bad at the end, all of the weird crazy scientist stuff, the blood buckets all over, the movie is disgusting, stupid, infantile, and easily one of the worst ever. The only reason I didn't walk out is because I have never walked out of a movie before. Ever. I don't do it, I always stay through the end, it's just my policy. I hardly feel I can comment on a movie that I saw half of...
Anyway, so we are driving home from Event Horizon talking about how much it sucked, really too bad I wasted 2 hours of my summer in the final days on that thing. Then, we started talking about how we should have seen Copland. We got to talking about it, then half-way home we just turned around and went back to go see Copland. Hey, why not, second time is the charm right? Actually, Copland was a good movie, I'd give it 3 stars. It was enjoyable, certainly erased part of the bad taste that Event Horizon left.
That is one of the first times I've seen two movies in theaters the same day. Of course, since then I did it about 10 times with TPM or something, then with Gladiator and a million other things.
We won't get into The Thin Red Line, perhaps it is a Terrence Malik thing, you just like the guy, lol.
Anyway, I forgot Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. That is the only movie I actually did not sit all the way through, half way into it I just turned on my computer and surfed the net while it played next to me, lol.
I forgot about the movie because to me, it does not exist. It was never made. It is a nightmare that will go away if I don't think about it anymore, lol.
I usually forget about really bad movies after a while, it is super rare for me to give a film no stars. I mean, only a few movies deserve that (dis)honor.
Godzilla 2000 was bad in every way, which is why it "earns" no stars. Usually, even a movie that I don't like at all like What Lies Beneath, which was crap, I still have to give 2 stars because the production values are fairly good. For instance, the acting was good, the effects and cinematography are good, etc. But the plot and the movie itself, ugg..
In Godzilla's case, there is no redeeming quality. NONE. Everything about the movie sucked. The effects, the music, the acting (especially), the plot (which was the worst ever), and just about everything else you can think of.
I must say that I actually enjoyed it because it was so bad. I hated Event Horizon, but I thought Godzilla 2000 was really hilarious, it is just that bad.
Aug 28th, 2000, 07:20:02 PM
Copland was class
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 28th, 2000, 10:46:50 PM
I actually enjoy movies that are as bad as Godzilla 2000 because I can get a good laugh!
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 29th, 2000, 12:36:07 AM
How can you think Jurassic Park was one of the worst movies of all time. I thought that movie was great and I am tired of people putting Titanic on their list I know it beat Star Wars but we need to get over it. Actually almost none of these movies mentioned are bad to me the two worst that I have ever seen are Leonard Part Six and Robot Monster those two films are terrrible I can't even sit through them. I guess looking at the vote totals that nobody has ever heard of Robot Monster which came out in 1953 well I will post Leonard Maltin's review of it
Gorilla in diving helmet wipes out entire Earth population save one family, then spends most of film's running time lumbering around Bronson Canyon trying to find them. One of the genuine legends of Hollywood: embarrassingly, hilariously awful... and dig that bubble machine with the TV antenna! Originally in 3-D (except for the dinosaur stock footage from ONE MILLION B. C. ).
Another film that comes to mind is Santa Claus vs the Martians, now that film was terrible, and you could probably name every won of Ed Wood's movies too since they were just awful. And in my opinion there were more bad films produced in the 50's and 60's then there are today. I can think of at least 30 or 40 films mostly Sci-Fi films that you cannot even watch unless you are watching Mystery Science Theather 3000 poke fun of them. Watch some of these films sometimes and you will change your opinion on what an awful film is.
Aug 29th, 2000, 01:15:52 AM
I agree; there's a big difference between a movie you didn't like and wished you hadn't paid $10 to see, and a movie so incredibly terrible you want to shoot yourself.Titanic was pretty bad, IMO, but it wasn't the worst. Jurassic Park, whether you liked it or not, had a plot and nice effects. Again, I think we're falling into the same trap we always do with these threads: Instead of the worst movies, we think of the biggest disappointments we've seen.
Here's the ones I've actually sat through for one reason or another, and why they were supremely awful:
My Boyfriend's Back: This is about ateenager who gets killed right before his big date with his dream girl. He returns as a zombie, and discovers he must eat human flesh in order to survive. The movie tries to have a cartoonish, comedic feel to it, as the townsfolk deal with the fact that a zombie lives among them, his mother nonchalantly finds people for him to eat, and a kooky scientist tries to cure him. The plot and characterization are left behind completely in order to push the comedy, sort of like a Monty Python show. The problem? Nothing in the movie is funny. Nothing. Not even remotely funny. I didn't see one thing in the movie that warranted so much as a polite smile. Complete flop.
Soldier: Most everyone has at least heard of this movie: Man is trained as a super-soldier and turns into a good guy in the end. Everything in this movie is so over-the-top it's ridiculous: the evil governments toss out their soldiers like trash and wipe out settlements just for the heck of it. Our hero is an inferior older Soldier, but defeats an entire squad of the Newer, better soldiers. The ending seems to come too quickly after a dull and predictable climax. This movie was one of those movies where you keep waiting for the good stuff, but it never comes. Complete waste.
Waking Ned Divine: Ever watch one of those really boring European sitcoms about a bunch of old, ugly people? Imagine a movie version. That's about it. Very boring. VERY boring. To be honest, I might have missed some good stuff because I kept nodding off.
Aug 29th, 2000, 02:27:39 AM
Jurassic Park is a great movie. Easily 4 stars.
The effects are revolutionary and still impressive, the plot is fantastic, duh, the book sold 10 million copies. To say it had no plot would be like admitting, "gee, I'm stupid, I cannot understand simple facts." Come on, a book that sells 10 million copies OBVIOUSLY has a plot, whether you liked that plot or not.
Talk about one of the most imaginative and well put together movies around, sheesh.
Jurassic Park has great music, a classic plot with important messages, great directing, great action, great effects. What the HECK is there to downgrade?
Even if the movie disappointed you, there is just no way I can see anyone giving it less than 2.5 stars.
Aug 29th, 2000, 04:38:36 AM
1. I hated Titanic because it was A TERRIBLE FILM. I knew jack about box office then, and aint hugely bothered nowadays. I dont say JonathanFB only hates lock, stock because I am English do I? Everyone has there own opinion
Besides, I know people who dont like Star Wars who hate it
2. I may have been a little harsh, but I do dislike Jurrasic Park. I had to see it twice, because I fell to sleep the first time. IMHO, the acting was poor, the story wasnt very good and the script was dire. Only Sir Richard Attinburgh was good in the film. I enjoyed The Lost World and Godzilla more than this! And just because it sold £10million, doesnt mean it is great, many TERRIBLE things make a lot of money(Teen horrors, Romantic Comedies, Teen comedies
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 29th, 2000, 12:12:02 PM
Jurassic Park is one of my favorite films and I see the film differently than you. First I thought the acting was good to very good, Goldblum was brilliant perhaps some of his best work. Richard Attenboro was really good in it too, along with Sam Neill. I thought the movie had a really good plot, it was based on the book, and the movie changed all most none of the plot details, if you have problems with the plot in the movie, you probably did not like the book. And what made the whole movie was the special effects because those dinosaurs looked real and these effects has changed movies forever. I am sure you're still going to dislike it but come on one of the worst films of all time I can think of thousand films far worse, at the very least the special effects make it a good film. If you had said the Lost World I would have maybe agreed with you because that film trashed Crichton's book I could believe that had the T-rex going through San Diego though that was insane, that film had one of the worst scripts for a big budget film.
Aug 29th, 2000, 04:04:42 PM
i will just rate some of the movies we saw on this posts:
Titanic : *1/2 out of 5
Jurasic Park : ***** out of 5
The Lost World : **** out of 5
Godzilla : *** out of 5
Godzilla 2000 : **** out of 5
Soldier : **1/2 out of 5
Lock,Stock... : ***** out of 5
Batman @ Robin : * out of 5
Event Horizon : ***1/2 out of 5
did i mist any movie?!:)
Aug 29th, 2000, 05:34:29 PM
Actually, I agree with Jon that the fact the book was a best-seller shows it had SOME plot; books just don't work without one. Movies can throw a bunch of FX and visuals at peaople and get by, but books arre bombs without a good plot.
What I REALLY can't believe is that you liked Lost World but not JP.;)
I think the problem with trying to list the worst movies is that bad movies are quickly forgotten, so I always end up thinking of really hyped movies that I didn't like instead of the worst ever.
Doc Milo
Aug 29th, 2000, 06:08:55 PM
I thought Jurrasic Park was an excellent movie.
But the novel was ten times better! But that is usually the case with movies made from books.
One of the cases where this isn't true, IMO, ironically enough, is with Lost World. I thought the book, while action packed, contradicted Ian Malcom's character from the original story. Ian would never have gone to the island in Lost World for the reason he did in the novel. He would never believe that you can observe dinosaurs first hand in their habitat without having an effect on that habitat. The movie had a more plausible reason for him to go to the island -- even if it was a cliche; that being to "rescue his woman." :) Of course, the dinosaur loose in San Diego from the movie . . . well . . . that was where Lost World, the movie, just lost it.
IMO both the novel Lost World and the movie were pretty bad over all. But I couldn't say that's the worst. As I posted earlier, that honor for me goes to Total Recall 2070. I don't even know if this was in theaters for long, or at all. I rented it and it was so so so horrible. All the cop characters tried to be the same "tough cop with the cynical edge" and none of the actors came close to pulling it off. In essence, they were all the same characters with no difference among them. They were flat, no depth. The story was just stupid and done a million times before. It didn't deserve to have Total Recall in the title!
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 29th, 2000, 06:11:07 PM
I think it's always the case. I've never read a book, then seen the movie and liked it better than the novelization.
Aug 29th, 2000, 09:14:40 PM
Just this past weekend Roger Ebert did his 10 Best Films of the 90s special. And who was his guest reviewer? Martin Scorsese. And what was one of Scorsese's 10 Best? The Thin Red Line! But of course, what does one of the greatest directors of his generation know about movies? ;)
The worst movie I ever saw in a theater was Staying Alive. And just recently I was subjected to the horror that was The Avengers on HBO. And as a child of the 80s even I can't defend He-Man. I thought it blew chunks. But if brought someone some pleasure, then what the hay. And you can count me as number 3 for Event Horizon. If you're going to rip off Edgar Allen Poe, at least do a decent job of it.
And I love Clockwork. Another Kubrick film that openly defied conventional movie making. Watching Malcom get strapped in and reconditioned was gripping to say the least.
Other movies I hated
The Object of My Affection
I almost walked out on the movie and my wife for taking me to see it in the first place.
The Fifth Element
If Chirs Tucker would have been in the theater I would have killed him myself just so the police could taken me away and spared me the sound of his voice.
And while we're discussing Jurassic Park, I thought it was great. But as Doc pointed out, there were some MAJOR differences between the novel and the film. So it's quite possible to have enjoyed the book, but disliked the movie. Hey, do I get to say now that whoever didn't like the plot or the movie is a simpleton? No wait, that's not me...
Aug 29th, 2000, 11:16:06 PM
Fifth Element is another movie I forgot. Neat effects and stuff, but there were plot holes large enough to fly the DEATH STAR through. I rented this movie and invited some friends over. They nearly killed me afterward.
Aug 29th, 2000, 11:40:22 PM
The Fifth Element - ugh, I never understood why all my mates found this movie good. The film bored me to tears - the only good thing was when the girl smashed her hand through the unbreakable glass, grabbed the general, and then whacked his head upon the capsule. :)
Aug 30th, 2000, 01:08:00 AM
Yea Jedieb I saw that episode on Eber too. When Scorcese listed TRL as his #2 movie of the 90's I said"Well hell yeah!" I only rarely agreed with their lists(lists like that are impossible to come up with in the first place, single year lists are hard enough but decade ones...). I remember Gene really enjoyed that film, it most likely would have made his list if he were still with us.
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 30th, 2000, 02:14:54 PM
Could someone tell me why everyone LOVED Fargo so much? It was on both of their lists, wasn't it? It is a pretty good movie, but is it really that good?
Aug 30th, 2000, 02:35:35 PM
Fargo!Fargo was GREAT and it had one of the best sripts of the 90's!:)
Jidai Geki
Aug 31st, 2000, 03:00:02 PM
You forgot to include TPM on that list. Yes, there are MANY of us who would rather watch showgirls, r Leonard Part 6 over TPM any day.
Aug 31st, 2000, 05:51:16 PM
What, you don't like TPM? Not hard to tell, considering every post you've made to this board bashes TPM in some way.
Aug 31st, 2000, 11:13:02 PM
lets see, show girls/the doors/americanpie/southpark/magnolia/eyeswideshut/americanbeauty/jaws3/halloween3/thisis spinaltap/rockyhorropicshow/clockworkorange/beaches/placesheart/normarae/thats just a few Ican think of BUT THE WORSTEST!!!!!MOVIE OF ALL TIME IS THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT the worst script the worst cast AND the worst acting you will ever and I mean ever find(well maybe attack killer clowns)
Aug 31st, 2000, 11:27:22 PM
Haven't seen the BWP yet; seems it's one of those movies you either really like or really hate.
Aug 31st, 2000, 11:58:35 PM
Bromine You dont know the half of it ,You should rent it ,watch it and youll know the meaning SUX!!
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 1st, 2000, 12:22:40 AM
Only you would want to see Leonard Part Six perhaps the second worst film ever made over TPM. This is film that Bill Cosby told people not to see and he was in it. The only film worst is probably Robot Monster and still nobody has voted for it. I guess no one has seen it.
Sep 1st, 2000, 12:37:38 AM
That's the "problem" with really bad movies: Most people hear they're bad and never see them!:)
What IS the story of "Leonard Part Six"??? What's it about?
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 1st, 2000, 01:10:01 AM
Well you want a quick synopsis on Leonard Part 6 Bill Cosby plays this James Bond like character and the film begins with his butler explaning how he had 5 other adventures which thank god we did not see. The film starts off with this woman trying to conquer the world by using animals, there is one ludicrous scene where she uses Frogs to kill this one man. Most of the plot I forget, because it was just plain bad, the acting was horrible Joe Don Baker was in there playing some redneck cop, the rest of the cast was forgetable. There was some type of subplot about his ex wife who he like to have food fights with. And the movie ends with him blowing up this lady's lab and riding on an ostrich, an ostrich that looked like a stuffed animal. Believe me it is a film you do not want to see. When it came out Cosby came on television and told everybody not to see it. I am not sure how much money it cost or how much it made if somebody look to check it would be interesting to know.
Sep 1st, 2000, 06:16:11 AM
two you have a problem man!:( most of the movies you listed as bad are actually some of the best movies ever but there are some movies in your list that are actually bad as for the blair witch i rate it ****/5 bec its a fun and original idea/movie but it isn't a masterpiece not even close just a very good movie!:)
Sep 1st, 2000, 07:43:38 AM
ACE,I dont know man TBW was pretty dang bad ,
The blair witch was original but So is that talking bass on TV!the execution just was not there,the acting rotten the camera work(if it truely
was a cam cord)still was lame.And to top it off they try to pass it off as a true event.I dont know I guess I have wierd taste(i try and not let society tell me what I should like)But of course opinions are like b-holes evryones got one.
Sep 1st, 2000, 08:03:14 PM
"The blair witch was original but So is that talking bass on TV!"
I don't agree with you jeditwo, but that was pretty damn funny.
I enjoyed BWP. I thought it was fresh and original and I admired the guys who made it. It's encouraging to see small time filmmakers succeed in today's industry. I also thought it was damn scary. I'm not a big slasher fan. If I want to see a horror movie I want to see something that more psychological than gory. The Exorcist is still the scariest movie I've ever seen. And while it had a few gross scenes, it was the religious context and imagery that made it truly frightening for me. That and my age, I was pretty young when I first saw it behind my parents back.
The rawness of BWP is what appealed to me. It really did seem as if we were looking at the raw footage of some young filmmakers who went out on an unfortunate documentary shoot. It will be interesting to see how the success of BWP will effect the upcoming sequels.
Sep 2nd, 2000, 12:41:55 AM
aLTHOUGH iT SAYS loomis THIS IS JEDITWO(sware) I just dont get it ,HOW could BWP scare anyone???I have went back and read a lot of posts from way back and Most of you guys are WITH IT !!So how could you find TBWP remotely descent???Surely when you watch it, it is painfully transparent,you had to know they were actors >How about the old guys in the stream??When it came out I went to the official BWP
site and I gave them heck about the movie I also gave them predictions like When its brought out how its fake people will loose intrest(i was right)at the theaters).the only reason ANYONE went to see it was because they thought it was real.or someone told them it was great< until they found out it was fake)I knew early on it wasnt true,I had several friends who went to see it LOVED IT came back and said I HAD to go see it , it was the scariest,most mind blowning thing they had seen!!!!!I let tham ramble on about it for a bit AND THEN I laid the hammer on them ITS FAKE!!!!!Of course they thought I was lying ,a few weeks later they find out I was right And from then on they HATED and was pissed for being lied to from the hype and such about the movie .STICKS<ROCKS STICKS ,ROCKS OH MY , IM SCARED!!!!!!!But you know I hat eto say this but,I wish it was real because those people ( heather and the two guys)really got on my nerves.I wish they would have died ( and thats a very bad thing to say)I know the Budget was slim on the making BUT couldnt they atleast gotten her a kleenex!!Any way sorry to ramble I JUST REALLY HATE THAT MOVIE.
any way Of course that is just my lttle ole oppinion
BTW the next one is not being made by the hexam boys and will be in movie form so it may be almost descent ,I gave my prediction on the gross 30-50 mill.
now the hexams are going to make the 3rd one and it will be made like the first And I told them DONT waste your time TAKE THE MONEY YOU GOT AND RUN, because yu will loose your ass on the next one !!!!prediction 10-20 million tops
Sep 2nd, 2000, 12:50:04 AM
People actually thought it was real? I know their ads mentioned how this was supposedly recovered footage, but I thought it was obvious that the backstory was just part of the movie, not actually real.
Actually, now that I think of it, I remember several people saying they thought it was real, which surprised me.
Sep 2nd, 2000, 01:46:20 AM
Honestly everyone I came across thought it was real for a long time .I got into many heated arguements over if it was a TRUE movie or not!!!
Sep 2nd, 2000, 07:35:44 PM
loom/jedi2, I think the fact that so many of your friends thought it was real shows what a great job its creators did. It is a pretty convincing portrayal of a bunch of naive film students getting in way over their heads. I thought it did a great job of looking like a documentary made by a film student. Like I said before, I liked it, and quite a few other people here did. Sorry you hated it, but to each his own.
I can't believe some of your friends thought it was real! You know, you really should start taking advantage of them. Get them to lend you some money or something.
Sep 2nd, 2000, 07:55:31 PM
Sep 2nd, 2000, 08:42:23 PM
The thing that amazed me about the BWP was the amount of money it made. It had a budget of 60,000 and made over 150 mill. Whether the movie was junk or not, that is one hell of a return on an investment
Sep 2nd, 2000, 08:46:18 PM
I agree with JonLB. Biut I'm sick of arguing over this mivie[Thin Red Line].
Lets agree to disagree on this one. I hate it, CMJ loves it. John hates it, Ace Loves it. It goes on. It depends on what each looks for in a movie. Since I'm imature in my movie ratings [so I've been told, and I disagree] I'll let this go.
But there are many movies that we do agree are horrible.
I for one agree on Leonard part Six, Batman and Robin, and many of the others.
But we all have an opinion, and I've come to value CMJ's quite a bit from our encounters
Others to add to the list:
Arrlington Road
Deep Impact
Army of Darkness
Robot Jocks-This is REALLY bad.
Random Hearts (Sorry Ford)
Frantic (Sorry Again Ford)
White Man Can't Jump
The List Goes on...
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 2nd, 2000, 09:44:33 PM
I disagree with you about Deep Impact, I did not think it was a great movie, but I did like it. I thought Armageddon was terrible, though from the chessy acting to the horrible plot. I thought Deep Impact had better characters and the plot was more believeable. Also I wouldn't Arlington Road personally but I think that one is one of those movies you either hate or like because of the ending. I thought of another bad film that I had to suffered watching, Mchale's Navy. I do not even know why I went to see that probably because I thought the cast was good, it had Tim Curry, Dean Stockwell and Bruce Campbell all in it, but they were completely wasted and the film did not even have one funny moment.
Sep 2nd, 2000, 10:17:39 PM
Sep 2nd, 2000, 11:43:20 PM
I take it by your name and pic that you're a big Ford fan, as am I. I just saw RH on HBO and I have to say I agree with you. I was qute dissappointed. I was really into the story at the beginning but it quickly soured for me as soon as Ford and the congresswoman first meet. It was a pivotal scene and set up the rest of the movie and it just didn't work for me. I couldn't identify with Ford's character anymore. I just didn't buy his motivation for digging into his wife's affair. I lost interest in his character, and that never happens to me in Ford films. I have to say that's my least favorite Ford film.
By comparison, WLB was much more fun, and it's strong word of mouth and impressive BO prove that many other moviegoers felt the same. Whatever some people may think of WLB, it had a decent opening and low declines. When a movie opens around $30M but still pushes past $140M you know it had great legs and strong word of mouth.
Sep 3rd, 2000, 04:35:09 PM
*/note:all ratings are from 5 stars!:)
Arrlington Road : ****
Deep Impact : ***1/2
Army of Darkness : ****1/2
Robot Jocks-This is REALLY bad. : **1/2
Bingo : ***
Random Hearts (Sorry Ford) : **1/2
Frantic (Sorry Again Ford) : ***1/2
White Man Can't Jump : ****1/2
Sep 28th, 2000, 05:09:38 AM
My ally polly ologies;) for bringing this up but, Speed 2 next to the SW Holiday special is the WORST THING ever made. Keanu Reeves was wise not to star in that one! My third place vote is with that one movie(..or all:lol: ) Charlie Sheen made with the Aliens with grasshopper legs, I actually paid to see that one!:(
Sep 28th, 2000, 05:47:19 AM
Event Horizon was one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. It would have been even better if the studio hadn't cut almost an hour out of it.
Jurassic Park ruled, no doubts there. Godzilla 98 and TLW were pretty lame, but not worst ever.
I love Titanic. So sue me. :)
The Fifth Element was the closest movie to Star Wars before TPM. Don't know how you can hate it.
The Thin Red Line was good. But it was arty, that's why some found it boring.
So the worst film ever would be . . . . Haunted Honeymoon.
Sep 28th, 2000, 10:05:52 AM
Wow, someone who likes BOTH Event Horizon and The Fifth Element. You don't see that everyday. But my question is about Haunted Honeymoon. Didn't that star Gene Wilder? If it did then I think I remember seeing it years ago, and you're right flagg, it blew chunks.
Sep 28th, 2000, 06:31:17 PM
5th elemnt was definitely trying to be like Star Wars, and Blade Runner, and many other movies. What turned me off the most was the lack of a coherent, understandable plot. There were several points where the story seemed to take great leaps in logic. I ended up extremely confused.
Also, some of the stylistic elements seemed to be lifted directly from other movies. Not INSPIRED, but LIFTED. There's the obvious Blade Runner connection, but there's also others, like that guy who looked so much like Obi-Wan and turned out to be a similar character.
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 28th, 2000, 08:13:02 PM
Wow EP5GRAFLEX read my mind. The Arrival was bad, but The Arrival 2 was about 100 times worse!!!! Some of the worst acting, and effects ever.
buff jedi 2
Sep 28th, 2000, 09:35:37 PM
Since it been brought up ill give my list,I have to agree with my brother on a few of the worst.
no order.
norma rae
the blair witch
american beauty
american pie
the pest
rocky horror
earth girls are easy
all jurassic parks
terms of indearment
driving missdaisy
just to name a few
Sep 29th, 2000, 04:51:36 AM
The Exorcist was not scary at all! LOL, I don't know how anyone is scared by that, maybe in 1973 or something, but today it is a joke as far as being scary. I still really enjoyed the movie, it was very good and I highly recommend it, but scary?!
Hell, MOST episodes of the X-Files are way scarier than that!
Blair Witch Project was not only NOT scary, it was actually funny. Many comedy movies *cough Austin Powers* are not nearly as funny as Blair Witch Project. I laughed throughout most of the movie, but I never laughed once in Austin Powers. To be fair, the sequel is a lot funnier than the first one, A LOT funnier. I saw no humor in the purely "British humor" crap of the first AP movie. British humor is not at all funny. Bad food, bad humor, what is good about Britain? lol. j/k
The Fifth Element is one of those movies I really HATED the first time I saw it, I thought it was the biggest piece of you-know-what I had ever seen. The plot was the corniest thing ever and it just sucked.
Then, I saw it again later on DVD and I really liked it! LOL. I don't know how that happens, but I still think there are tons of plot holes (yes, big enough to run the Death Star through) and the ending is one of the corniest ever.
I really like the special effects and some of the visuals are fantastic. I like Bruce Willis in it and I actually liked Chris Tucker too, even though I can see how people would think he is REALLY annoying, lol.
I rated it about 1/2 star when I first saw it, now I think it's a 3.25 (undecided between 3 and 3.5). Don't ask me how that happens...
I'm glad someone wrote American Beauty as one of the worst movies ever, I know tons of smaller critics that think it is easily the most overrated movie of the last decade, if not ever.
The Blair Witch Project as good because it was original? What the hell kind of logic is that?
Let's at least keep some semblance of objectivity if we're going to grade these movies, at least I could admit that Fifth Element has a million flaws even though I enjoyed it.
Blair Witch Project score sheet:
Think about it here guys, this is like a 1/10. They don't get much worse.
Worst ever, they aren't even actors, I can do a better job than that. This is a 0/10 because they didn't act.
Script? Dialogue?
There is no script and the dialogue sucked hard. 0/10.
Umm...plot? Well, yeah it is sort of there, but it totally sucks. 2/10 for effort.
Music/Sound?, there wasn't much here. 1/10.
There was a director?! 0/10.
The movie sucked in every way possible, face it, it was a horrible movie. You cannot possibly rate a movie with that bad of production values highly, it was just crud. No redeeming factors. If that's not a 0 star movie, hell I don't know what is.
DarthAce, if you really think Godzilla 2000 is a 4 star movie out of 5, you've got more problems than I imagined.
Sep 29th, 2000, 06:12:58 AM
And while it had a few gross scenes, it was the religious context and imagery that made it truly frightening for me.
The religious context was exactly what put me off. I don't like stuff like that at all. Two men reciting Bible quotes to get rid off a girl's demon? Please.
I didn't find The Exorcist scary either, but I can definitely image that others do. Actually, there were a few creepy moments, but in the right mood I can sure see this movie scaring the living sh!t out of someone.
The Blair Witch Project really funny IMHO too and not scary at all. And I mean funny as in hilarious dialogue.
The visuals in The Fifth Element are awesome indeed. The 9-story New York traffic is breathtaking.
Jonathan, I hope you're joking about British humor not being funny at all. Two words: Fawlty Towers, the best TV-show ever made.
I liked the original Austin Powers quite a bit better than AP2. I loved the visual jokes in the first one. AP2 was rather lame.
The movie sucked in every way possible, face it, it was a horrible movie. You cannot possibly rate a movie with that bad of production values highly, it was just crud.
BS. If I enjoyed a movie I give it a good grade. Enjoyment can mean enjoying a movie's technical aspects though. But it's all about my personal enjoyment.
Sep 29th, 2000, 10:55:05 AM
Of course they're reading bible qoutes to get rid of the demon Dutchy, it's an Exorcism! That's the whole point of the moive. What are they suppose to do, sing show tunes? ;)
I don't think I've ever met anyone over 12 who's been scared by an episode of the X-Files. And how can a film's originality NOT be considered something positive? What kind of harebrained logic is that?
I liked BWP BECAUSE of its rawness, that was part of its charm. It didn't have to have state of the art effects to be a good film. The bottom line is, it wouldn't have caught on the way it did if it didn't have some merit. It does seem to be a film that people either love or hate.
Sep 29th, 2000, 03:38:56 PM
Don't think I saw it mentioned, but the worst movie I've ever seen personally has to be Cabin Boy.
Had that guy Chris Elliot from the Fox show Get a Life, him I enjoy and the show was funny. But this particular movie Cabin Boy was just horrible.
Oh yeah.....and if no one mentioned it.....Highlander 2.....we come from Zeist! Blaaa!!
Sep 29th, 2000, 05:31:18 PM
Yet another person who thinks the planet Zeist was a horrible idea. The list grows...
Sep 29th, 2000, 05:43:11 PM
OK, Ill admit I was wrong about Jurrasic Prak. I dislike it, but not hate it. Now my list reads:
Event Horizon
Quite a few Kung Fu films
Most films including the cast from Friends, with a few exceptions
Sep 29th, 2000, 05:47:39 PM
I don't care for Scorsese. Good Fellas Was really good. And he is a good director, but I think his taste sucks.
Sep 29th, 2000, 07:41:33 PM
The Exorcist not scary? Just the commercials creep me out!
buff jedi 2
Sep 29th, 2000, 08:27:18 PM
I like what Johnathon has to say about the blair witch It sucked it should have been listed as a comedy,The acting was poor period!!!i think someone else made this point.THe only reason it made anyMoney was the fact they promoted it as A TRUE Movie,the last footage of some kids fiming in maryland somewhere.I wish it was real because the cast made me hate them!!!!alot!!!!!(I know thats very wrong but I cant help it). My brother and myself went to the theater and saw it and left in the first few minutes of it .I saw it later on TV and Im glad I didnt waste my time at the theater.Now the 5th element was a good movie ,action , descent script, decent acting .The movie was not great but well worth watching.The Exorcist was a very good movie But not at all scary.It was actually funny in parts .If the religious thing about it scared you just always remember PUT your faith in GOD and everything will be COOL>I laugh at satan!!!! I wish I knew someone who had a Demon in them ID talk sooooooooo much trash to it .anyway ill stop rambling.
Sep 29th, 2000, 10:53:39 PM
If people liked A Thin Red Line, I don't see how they could not enjoy the fun loving movie Tommy! Now, I am quite biased. I LOVE the Who, and Loved Tommy, the album before I saw the film. I thoroughly enjoyed Tommy for its quirkyness and wonderful taunt at society! I wrote a term paper on this. My paper lacked in feeling, and resulted in a B+, when I know I could have pulled an A+.
Mr Sleepless
Sep 29th, 2000, 11:06:07 PM
The 13th Warroir was @#%$ing lame.
Who said Event Horizon sucked? it ruled.
Sep 29th, 2000, 11:49:43 PM
I saw parts of Tommy on cable the other day. What the hell was up with Ann Margaret writhing around in chocolate? (At least that's what it looked like, it could have been mud.) I'll stick with the album and Pinball Wizard.
Sep 30th, 2000, 06:07:10 AM
BWP's acting was not good? It was excellent. Heather Donahue gave one of the best female performances of the year.
Sep 30th, 2000, 07:20:00 AM
I said Event Horizon is pants
And Heather thingamejig got nominated for a Golden Rasberry, which is normally an indication it is actually good acting
Sep 30th, 2000, 08:50:37 AM
JonathanLB, you better take back what you said about British humour, or I'll send the Spanish Inquisition round. :)
Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Conned Me Out of Five Bucks was awful. The first film had wit, the second was nothing but lame catchphrases and jokes about drinking poo. The fact that film could make $200 million has to spell doom for our society.
Sep 30th, 2000, 09:24:26 AM
I saw no humor in the purely "British humor" crap of the first AP movie. British humor is not at all funny. Bad food, bad humor, what is good about Britain? lol.
At least we dont call beefburgers hamburgers :)
AP is nothing like British Humour. Watch The Full Monty. Or Lock, Stock(ALL OF IT). Or Red Dwarf. Or Monty Python. Or Faulty Towers. Or Only Fools and Horses. Or any Eddie Izzard show. Or Jack Dee show. Or Lee Evans show. Or Harry Hill show. THAT is British comedy
Sep 30th, 2000, 06:50:18 PM
I agree with Reaper: The only way Austin Powers was similar to British Humour was the accent, nothing more.
Oct 1st, 2000, 12:15:48 AM
When I think of British humor I think of Monty Python. Those guys had some of the funniest skits and movies I've e ever seen.
Oct 1st, 2000, 05:23:14 PM
Of course they're reading bible qoutes to get rid of the demon Dutchy, it's an Exorcism! That's the whole point of the moive. What are they suppose to do, sing show tunes?
hee hee
I liked 5th element a lot - more than I thought I would. But then again I liked Cabin Boy too. (for a movie on cable it was entertaining).
no on ehas yet mentioned on of the absolutely WORST movies ever -
The Avengers.
I actually saw it in the theaters - mainly cause I liked the TV series so much when i was a kid.
To quote a great review of it that I saw :
"No only does is seem as if the filmmakers have never made a movie before, it seems like they've never even SEEN a movie before"
Oct 1st, 2000, 08:16:46 PM
I was really looking forward to The Avengers; until I saw the trailer.;)
Oct 1st, 2000, 09:07:15 PM
I have to agree with you both on the Avengers. I was stunned at how BAD that movie was when I saw it on HBO. What the hell was Sean Connery thinking? Uma and Ralph F. were completely wasted as well. That was one of the worst big budget disasters I've ever seen. Every episode of the original TV series that I've seen was better than that pitiful excuse of a movie.
BTW, if Connery wants to play a mad man trying to take over the world then he should do it in a BOND FILM! I've always thought that would make one of the best Bond films ever. Have Connery come back as the original 001, and have him match wits with Brosnan. The hype around that casting would propel that Bond flick to a record breaking Bond opening and probably a record BO take for a Bond film.
Jedi Master Kyle
Oct 1st, 2000, 09:13:26 PM
That would be simply amazing!! Guaranteed that it would out gross any other Bond film!
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