View Full Version : Cleopatra:2525

Oct 23rd, 2000, 05:15:30 AM
I see the weirdest things on TV when I'm up late. This has to be the stupidest, though.

I really can't begin explain the plot without sounding like a complete idiot, so I won't even try. Suffice it to say, a group of supposedly beautiful women battle in the future against evil robots that dominate the Earth. The acting is REALLY, REALLY bad. Worst acting I've ever seen outside a "Psychic Friends" infomercial, and the script is on par. The FX look like they were done by a bunch of college students during lunch on a Coleco. As far as the "action" scenes go, they make 1970's pro wrestling look real. Seriously, I've seen my five-year-old counsins choreograph a fight better.
As for the theme "song", it's about as melodious as the sound you hear while being beaten with a sack of hammers. I'll try and remember to get a recording the next time it comes on.

Honestly, this is without a doubt the WORST television series I've ever seen or heard of. If anyone likes this show, I'm sorrry to say that I think you're a complete retard. I can't see how ANYONE, with or without a brain, could like this show. BEWARE: This isn't one of those campy shows that you can laugh at. This is just BAD.

So, anyone else seen it?:)

Oct 23rd, 2000, 11:49:13 AM
It's not that good - I heard it was cancelled.

Unfortunately Jack of All Trades was cancelled too. :(