View Full Version : Playstation 2

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 24th, 2000, 06:38:46 PM
How many of you are going to buy the Playstation 2 on Thursday? I am going to try and get one Thursday, though I have a feeling I will have no luck. I am really looking foward to its release after I read a magazine article praising it recently. In the the games look awsome and the graphics look incredible. This should destroying any doubts about the quality of the games for this new system.

Oct 24th, 2000, 06:58:02 PM
It does look good indeed.

I've heard though that quite a large number of people are getting it for the DVD to save of a DVD palyer. the games aren't exactly a drawcard (so I've heard) as of yet.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 24th, 2000, 08:57:56 PM
The upcoming games do look great from what I have seen. Especially Madden 2001 it might be the best football game ever made. There are a few other games coming up like Star Wars Starfighter which looks like one of the best Lucasfilm games ever made. There are a few other games that I saw that just made me say wow.

Oct 24th, 2000, 09:01:28 PM
Dont like Sony, dont like Playstations. Wont buy one.

Still working out how it can eject dics on its side though

Oct 25th, 2000, 08:23:36 AM
I've heard unless you had one reserved somewhere your not going to find one(at least not very easily) guess they didn't make anywhere near enough...and I've heard they're gonna be $300! Ouch.

I haven't many good things about the DVD player, at least compared to other players, doesn't have much for features from what I've seen, but its a player and I guess thats all you need :)

Personally I'm going to be rushing to the store tomorrow morning to get Majora's Mask for N64, it looks to be a awesome game!

As for the next system, I've got a Dreamcast already and its pretty cool but I'm waiting on the GameCube, which looks like it'll blow both the Dreamcast and PS2 out of the water without much trouble.

Oct 25th, 2000, 04:42:14 PM
$300 is pretty steep, even with DVD capability. How much are the games?

Oct 25th, 2000, 04:54:39 PM
The games are out now...but the systems aren't...go figure. They seem to be the in $50 range, not too bad.

Oct 25th, 2000, 06:22:54 PM
My brother has ben considering gettin a normal Playstation because they're now cheap. I've been pressuring him to get the PS2 if he wants a console since it can play all the old PS games and also has the DVD capabilites thrown in. Of course he's paying. :)

Oct 25th, 2000, 09:35:45 PM
The only reason I've been buying systems these last few years is to play SW games. But I think I'm gonna pass on PS2. Nintendo's cube will be a tougher to resist because that Rogue Squadron game looks unbelievable but I'm going to try to be patient and wait for prices to drop.

Oct 25th, 2000, 09:56:07 PM
I was at the mall last night, and I stopped by Electronics Boutique to look around at stuff. Then I saw they had a PS2 out for people to play. So I went up to it and started playing (the game they had in there was Madden 2001). Good God the graphics were beautiful, it was like watching the real thing (well, as far as video games go); the game was excellent, it looked stunning, and the gameplay was great as well. I'm still impressed by the PlayStation 2, makes me wish I'd pre-ordered one. But I'm gonna try and see if there are any free ones tomorrow...

Jedi Master Kyle
Oct 25th, 2000, 10:14:04 PM
What's with the Nintendo Cube? What's it supposed to do, and when's it supposed to come out?

Oct 25th, 2000, 10:14:06 PM
I think you'll be lucky to find one if you didn't pre-order it, at least from what I've heard. I think it looks cool but not for the $300 price. I think they should have left the DVD player out of it and just put out a game console instead of worrying about seeing how many things they can make the PS2 do.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 25th, 2000, 11:25:59 PM
Actually the originally was priced at 299 back when it came out years ago. So they did not push the price tag that up. Probably by next christmas it will be down to 150 once the demand goes down. The reason I think the price is so high, is that there is not enough of a supply and such a high demand. I'm still going to try and get one tomorrow, I'm going to get up early and go over to Walmart and see if they have any left. I won't be too upset if they don't have any I will just have to wait to the spring when there will be more of them. I have also heard the same complaints about the DVD player but the game quality looks awsome along with the fact you can connect to the internet, plus I was reading in a magazine that it is faster than some super computers, now that is amazing. Personally I doubt Microsoft's box will beat Playstation, from what I read most of the major video game experts think P2 will dominate for the next five years because of the power of the processor and that their are no limits to the machines potentional.

Oct 25th, 2000, 11:59:50 PM
I agree, the price will undoubtedly come down after Christmas. If you can wait a few months you'll probably save quite a bit.

I've heard Microsoft's advantage is that the programming language used to program games for their box is very similar to Visual Basic(used to program most Windows apps), so a lot of programmers and game developers are saying that it will be a lot easier (and presumably cheaper) to make games for it.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 26th, 2000, 12:29:28 AM
I haven't heard about that, but Microsoft still has a major problem to deal with it will probably be broken up the question is more when and not if and then how will affect this new games system. I guess I kinda of hate Microsoft because I feel they have a monopoly over pcs, and probably will not buy it for that reason alone.

Oct 26th, 2000, 01:04:49 AM
I feel the EXACT same way. In fact, when I heard about the Microsoft box, I started imagining that they would probably only work with certain TV brands, and the games would be full of bugs...

...And Microsoft would let other developers make games for their console, then rip off the game code, repackage the game and give it away free with the system.;)

Oct 26th, 2000, 07:16:38 AM
Gamecube....Gamecube....Gamecube. Check out Ign.com's videogame section and look at their gamecube area, this thing is incredible. Comparing straight hardware it blows the PS2 away, the only downside is that it'll come out later so the PS2 will have a bit of a headstart.

Oct 26th, 2000, 07:35:52 AM
Ok I had to go out and back up what I posted above. From IGN.Com here are some of the Specs of the two Systems.

PS2 - 300Mhz Processor, 32MB of System Ram
Gamecube - 405Mhz Processor, 40MB of System Ram

And interesting note on the Graphics cards in the two systems.

NEC, manufactures an ArtX-designed graphics chip codnamed "Flipper" as well as the Gamecube's memory components. Flipper will house 3MB of embedded 1T-SRAM. Comparatively, Sony's PS2 features 4MBs of eDRAM on its graphics chip, but also draws upon additional system RAM continuously. Nintendo has 40MB of system RAM to draw on; 24MBs of that is 1T-SRAM and 16MBs of that is A-Memory(100MHz DRAM).

I also found out that the Chip in the GameCube's are made by IBM(which I knew) but they're made about 40 mins from where I live, and in the same part of IBM my wife works! Cool :)

A few other things I found out while reading, the N64 may or maynot be able to play DVD movies, but it will be compatible with the DVD format. And also it may or maynot come included with a modem, I guess its not currently scheduled to, but may when it gets released(October 2001 is possible release date). They're looking at a price in the rnage of $150-$200 for the system when it comes out.

I've got nothing against PS2, may even get one eventually but from what I've seen on the GameCube it looks incredible and I think I'll just hold out for it.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 26th, 2000, 03:41:27 PM
Well, I tried to get one this morning but could find one no where. I heard at walmart people were line up last night at 11:30 and they put them on the shelves at 12:15 and they were gone by 12:30. I read somewhere that they will send out 100,000 a week from now until Christmas but I beat it will still be hard to find. I will probably just wait until after Christmas, when the prices might be lower and there will be more of them available.

Oct 26th, 2000, 07:39:09 PM
From what I've been reading lately it seems that in the future SW games will be available for more than one platform. It'd be great if games like Demolition and Rogue Squadron 2 were available on both the Gamecube and PS2. Does anybody know if these games are going to be available on both systems?

Remy LeBeau
Nov 3rd, 2000, 06:27:32 AM
I want t'buy it but it cost $445 + 14% tax =( =(

Nov 3rd, 2000, 10:48:35 AM
$445? I know I've seen them go for more than that in online auctions but if you wanna wait around most stores should have it for $300(or less) early next year.

So do we have Gambit in our ranks now? :)

Nov 5th, 2000, 08:26:24 AM
here their selling for about $547 plus 7percent tax,

personally im passing, they only have 5 games, and im not really intersted in any of them, maybe if it gets cheaper and has a game id love to have then id get it,