View Full Version : Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Nov 6th, 2000, 09:08:39 PM
This was mentioned a few weeks back and I shyied away from it due to my lack of knowledge and understanding of what this film was about. Now, I have changed my way of thought from wht its about to what it means. To me, Crouching Tiger means fantasy is coming back. Although not a traditional fantasy, it is what I love about film and literature fantasy, taking the everyday and twisting it with the unbelievable.
I got my first issue of Total Movie Magazine on Friday (if you don't get this magazine, I suggest it. It has a free DVD loaded with trailers and special features with each issue). The DVD in this issue has the Crouching Tiger trailer, and I must say I was facinated and truely drawn in by the complexity of the film. ITs not another run of the mill action/martial arts film, but an epic. An epic with deep characters that seem to human to be fictional, and to exotic to be real. I'm in total suspense to see this film, and am already wanting to be drawn into the world it creates. The reviews so far are stellar, and my understanding of the plot makes me think this could be the only film of 2000 better than Gladiator.

Nov 6th, 2000, 09:13:15 PM
already seen a couple I preferred to Gladiator this year :)

Kung Fu isnt my bag really. I sort of get bored. This one looks OK though

Nov 7th, 2000, 02:18:05 AM
the effects in this film are some of the most mesmerizing that i've ever seen......for the reason that they simply don't seem like effects at all. and that's just from a trailer i saw with dancer in the dark!

p.s. you all should check out aronofsky's 'requiem for a dream'.

Nov 21st, 2000, 09:44:11 AM
Well I am back...
I saw Ang Lee's masterpiece two weeks ago and i totaly went in love with it...My friends didn't like it almost at all(there not film gore's-they just watch mainstream brainless pic's aka American Pie and all those same @#%$).This movie kicks the matrix's ass a 1000 times in the SFx and battle/fight scenes and also has a story to tell with REAL human beings and feelings.Ang Lee is here to stay in my opinion-I will recomment of making a prequel on the film with more action and warfare,I hope that he makes a trilogy or something bec as i have seen in the movie its a movie that is building the world around it for future movies set in there-I hope Ang-Lee doesn't live it here its so small ans so big the same time its like the movie itself is screaming for more-I want moreeeeeeeeee!:)
the cinematography and the lighting is wanderfull the music,the acting,the VFx,the sound editing,the script and above ALL the dirceting!:)
P.S.: aronofsky's 'requiem for a dream'is also a modern masterpiece so go out and watch those two films and see what real cinema is all about!:)