View Full Version : Oscar 2001

Dec 31st, 2000, 05:26:31 PM
The time is nearing to the Best/Worst Award Show. Although I persoanly feel that the Oscars tend to be the biggest political show nest to the Presidential Election, I faithfully watch them in hopes that the right nominee actually wins.

Now that the host has been selected in Steve Martin, a perfect choice, itts nearing nomination time. And since we all love film we should start thinking of out nominees in each catagory. I know I'm going to miss several catagories, there are sooo many, butyou can add the ones you want.

So, without further adue, The Nominees are...

Best Picture:
1. Gladiator
2. Cast Away (I have not seen it yet, but Hanks' films are almost always nominated)
3.Almost Famous

Best Actor:
1. Russle Crowe-Gladiator
2. Tom Hanks-Cast Away
3. Geoffry Rush-Quills(Havn't seen it, but he is quite amazing in anything)
4. ?

Best Actress:
1. Julia Roberts- Erin Brokevich(Who knows?)
2. Gwyneth Paltrow (Joke! But it wouldn't surprise me, they would probably nominate her for Duets just to get her on the ballet-Politics)
3. Kate Winslett-Quills (I really don't know, but its a possibility, and considering 90% of the films this year SUCKED)
4. ?

Best Supporting Actor:
1. J. Pheonix-Gladiator

DAMN THIS IS HARD!! HELP ME OUT, I'm at a loss! I'll try and add more later.

Dec 31st, 2000, 05:46:51 PM
Best supporting:

Olly Reed(Gladiator)
Dougray Scott(M:I2)
Vinnie Jones(SnatchBrad Pitt(Snatch)
James Caan(Way of the Gun)

Dec 31st, 2000, 08:08:46 PM
Best Director:

Rovbert Zemeckis (Castaway)
Ridley Scott (Gladiator)
Sofia Coppola (The Virgin Suicides)
Curtis Hanson (Wonder Boys)
The 2 guys who did Chicken Run (I forget their names)

Anyone else?

Dec 31st, 2000, 08:11:16 PM
Anything good this year that I've seen is bound to be ignored at the Oscars i'm sure. As usual, everything is right under their noses....but won't get @#%$. Its the one show i love to hate. Not sure why i watch, but every year my family gets chinese food and sits around the one-eyed god to watch it. Traditions are hard to break. Gladiator and Castaway will get some stuff, thats like a given i think. Both films were fine in my opinion. Castaway's fourth and fifth acts were weird thought, but whatever. Hanks was nice though. My top five:

1. Dancer in the Dark
2. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
3. Requiem for a Dream
4. You Can Count on Me
5. O Brother, Where art Thou (just cuz the coen boys rock)

Another noteable stuff that I...noticed: American Pyscho, State and Main, The Hugh Jackman Show, Girl On the Bridge, Dark Days, Wonder Boys, Croupier, Chicken Run.
I look forward to the British equivalent of the Academy Awards, their choices have always warmed my cold, cold heart. As for the Oscars? Castaway, Gladiator, Wonder Boys, Chicken Run, something else maybe. At least for where the main focus is concerned. I'd like to see nods in the general direction of Bjork, Ellen Burstyn, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Benicio Del Toro, Fred Willaims, Zhang Ziyi, Ang Lee, Darren Aronofsky, Lars von Trier (oh jesus, will this guy be ignored---he's an open communist). I think i'll just write personal letters to all these people thanking them.
....at least Steve Martin will be funny. won't you, steve?

Jan 1st, 2001, 08:29:37 PM
Steve couldn't hold a candle to Eddie Izzard though. I SO wish they had chose him

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 1st, 2001, 10:30:31 PM
This is my thought on the 2001 oscars
Best Picture
Erin Brockinvich
and one of three possibilities
Almost Famous
Billy Elliot
Crouching Tiger

Best Actor
Tom Hanks- Castaway
Russel Crowe- Gladiator
Sean Connery-- Finding Forester
Michael Douglas-- Traffic or wonder Boys
And two possibilities
George Clooney-- O Brother where...
Geoffrey Rush--Quills

Best Actress
Julia Roberts-- Erin Brockinvich
Joan Allen--The Contender
Ellen Burstyn--Requiem for a Dream
Juliette Binoche--Chocolat
Renee Zellweger- Nurse Betty

Best supporting Actor
Albert Finney--Erin Brockinvich
Joaquin Phoenix--Gladiator
Bencio Del Toro-- Traffic
Bruce Greenwood- 13 Days
William Defoe- Shadow of the Vampire

Best supporing actress
Kate Hudson--Almost Famous
Catherinie-Zeta Jones-- Traffic
Judi Dench--Chocolat
Frances Mcdormand--Almost Famous
Julie Walters-Billy Elliot

Ang Lee-- Crouching tiger
Steven Sodenberg either Traffic or Erin Brockinvich
Ridley Scott Gladiator
Robert Zemicks Castaway
the Cohen Brothers O' Brother where thought are.

Jan 2nd, 2001, 03:34:12 AM
the real crime this year will be that "Dude, Where's My Car" will not get any nods...My list..from what I have seen, and what I hear in the news..


Wonder Boys
Dude, Where's My Car
Crouching Tiger, Hiden Dragon

Best Director
Just from the list above..not every movie, but most of the time close to the same as the best picture list...

I also think Crouching Tiger Hiden Dragon could get a lot of nominations if things fall right..my numbers put it from 4-9..

It has a strong chance to get nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Foreign Picture, Best Cinematography, Best Score,...and a smaller, but still real chance to get nominations in costume, make-up, and art direction....and a FAR outside chance, to get a nomination in special effects, because the acadamy has a thing for originality in this area. While nothing in the movie is groundbreaking for anyone with a love of Hong Kong fantasy pics like Dragon Inn, it really is something new for many in America, and the techniques used to film the special effects sequences took real talent and skill, something the academy might want to award, similar to what they did for Matrix, over the more technically advanced TPM. If Matrix had not been made, I would put the chances for a nomination in this category much higher, but some of the newness has wore off a bit because of Matrix.

If I was to pic how many total nominations it might get, I am going to say 6... ;)

The most nominations will be Dude Where's my Car though, because it touches many in the Academy in a way they have not felt in years...I think 12 nominations for it is in order..and a good chance to win 3...