View Full Version : Comic Book Films
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 26th, 2000, 05:49:23 PM
Now that X-men is a big hit, which superhero(s) do you want to see get his/her own movie
Jul 27th, 2000, 01:41:16 PM
Wow, 31 views an no replies so far. :-P
Jul 27th, 2000, 01:42:07 PM
Aw man..... I can just hear the hip-hop 'update' to the Classic Spiderman theme now..... :-|
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 28th, 2000, 01:34:35 AM
I guess no one wants to see a wonder woman movie.
Jul 28th, 2000, 04:44:59 PM
well, @#%$. I mean do you have to ask? ;)
Jul 28th, 2000, 05:07:00 PM
and only i want an ironman film :)
personally out of the heros listed i think ironman would have the best story,
add in tony starks alchoholism and youve got a good backstory as well,
id also like to see a Greenlantern movie, Hal Jordan version not Kyle Rainer
Jedi Master Carr
Jul 28th, 2000, 05:34:57 PM
I was just kidding about wonder woman, I figured nobody would want to see a film with her. Heck, i guess I am the only one that wants to see the Fantastic Four, I think if it is done right it could be a hell of a movie, it has the greatest villain in the comics, in Dr. Doom. Now I would like to see Iron man, Hulk and Spiderman too when/if they come out I will be there, I just favor the Fantastic Four a little more.
Jul 28th, 2000, 05:41:13 PM
I voted for Spidey, but Hulk and Ironman are high on my list, too.
As I've said before, IMO Fantastic Four would be tooo cartoony. (But what do I know?)
Jul 29th, 2000, 05:53:35 AM
the latest script for FF was so lame,
i do the ocasionaly film work and got to read the script
;) thas all ill say about that,
but the script was pretty bad,from the parts i skimmed, im glad they are redoing the script, the ending had doom growing really big, and destroying the statue of liberty, then the FF stop him and the end sceen would be a giant doom in place of the statue of liberty,
how lame is that???
why would he want to destroy the statue?? why make him big?? hes enough of a threat normal size you dont need to make him big, the whole thing would have been as corny as B&R, thats why they decided to start the scrip over from scratcv,
i just hope the next one is
1 - more true to the comic
2 - doesnt try to be cheasy,
it could be a great movie if they do it right,
Jul 29th, 2000, 06:15:18 AM
Eeek! Destroy the Statue of Liberty? This isn't Lex Luthor we're talking about! This is the man himself: Doc Doom! Doom was always so cool because deep down you know he's gonna win eventually. I just love that. The FF thwart his plans over and over again, but Doom's plans are so cool they SHOULD work. He's one of the only villains I truly fear. But maybe that's just me. has a review of a FF movie that apparently made it to film, but was never released. It's somewhere in their archives if anyone wants to look. Pretty darned awful.
One thing that they've got to fix in the movie is Mr. Fantastic's stretching. Whenever he stretches his arm or whatever, it goes all loose like spaghetti. Just have it stretch in a straight line instead and it would look MUCH better and believable, IMO
Jul 29th, 2000, 02:58:45 PM
hte worst part of that was when he gets frozen in place of the statue. doom has to dissapear, or the FF destroy a doombot instead of him, the end cant have doom shown losing in any way, because hes so brilliant he wouldnt be captured or killed, and would always have a backup plan to get himself out of a bad situation, so the end must have the FF save the day, but doom gets away, so they didnt really win absolutly, they just win for that day and know doom can strike at any moment
and all the effects and sets, most effects for doom which were not needed, would cost about 150 million,
then theyd have to find money to pay the actors,
the movied id write would go something like,
reed and crew goes up in rocket, (in secret of course) and the rocket starts going loopy, sirens & warning lights go off, and they have to make and emergency landing, i would have this scene look somewhat like apollo13, make it more realistic, maybe even use the same sets, (if i was making it,to save some money ;) )
they land find out about thir powers and reed decides they should use their powers for the benifit of mankind,
we then cut to a 2 years later, the team is making something up in a big lab,reeds looking over data screens thing is moving huge parts around and johnny is welding with his finger, they are jsut in normal clothes at this point, things in jeans mussle shirt, reeds in labcoat, johnnys in mechanics coveralls,
i think id have doom go after the FF first, trying to get back at reed, and because he sees them as his only opposition to take over the world, maybe sends some robots after them, so some robots break into their workshop, fight ensues, and the robots get thier asses kicked,
later in the movie doom comes out and has some world dominating plan, FF decide to stop him and reed brings out a costume for each of them out of something hes been working on, the unstable mollecule material, they suit up, thing makes a coment about monkey suit and rips most of his off, but the shorts,they go to fight doom in a final battle,
not at the statue of liberty again (in xmen was enough) probably in dooms castle would very cool
that is just a fast draft of a simple plot outline, id also try and incorporate doom and reed being roomates and doom having a occult facination, and blaming reed for his accident,
Jul 31st, 2000, 10:26:48 PM
My upcoming Y Craze article is on this subject, sort of...
It is about past comic book successes such as Batman and Blade, what made them great movies, then it mentions X-Men and how it has changed the genre and made it possible for more comic book movies...
I'll keep you posted about when it will go up. I just submitted it Sunday, I suggested the idea back in May, though, I work on a contract basis, I suggested a huge number of articles, all were approved and now I am doing them. Then when that runs out, I'll have more...
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 1st, 2000, 01:50:58 AM
I read about that script it was by Michael France(SP) I believe, what I could not believe was there were people saying it was a great script, it sounded terrible to me. Well Sam Hamm is writing it now, so maybe he can keep it true to its roots. In one rewrite I read that that they incorporated Doom's accident into the Fantastic Four's storyline, something about him being one of the scientists on the experiment and it was his meddling that caused it to malfunction and in the process they gain their powers and he becomes disfigured. I think it sounds interesting, though that storyline may not end up in the final product. Hopefully, they will get working on it soon and make a great movie, I think since they have the greatest comic villain of all time and my favorite comic character, I feel they could make an awesome movie. I finally see somebody else voted for the Fantastic Four at least it has two votes.
Darth Renegade
Jan 10th, 2001, 01:06:28 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing the Avengers or Ghost Rider or even Punisher get their own movies. Yes I know Punisher has his own movie, but Dolph Lundgren(sp?) didn't do him justice if you ask me. I'd like to see more of the Xmen involved in the future, or Xmen characters (ie Apocalypse, Archangel, Bishop), or perhaps the Executioner's song made into a movie. I think that'd work out fine...but what do i know??
Jan 11th, 2001, 09:56:02 AM
Executioner's song would be a pretty cool movie, the cast would be huge though, it included just about everyone from X-Men, Uncanny and X-Force.
I think a good Avengers/Captain America movie would be cool and I agree Dolph sucked...ok well he didn't suck but basically it was just a run around the city and shoot people and call it the punisher. Admittedly sometimes there isn't a whole lot more to him than that but if you read the early issues of his first series he did quite a bit of different stuff.
Darth Renegade
Jan 11th, 2001, 12:27:16 PM
Definately. There was so much more they could have done with him. They should've related his family more, brought in Chip and even Jigsaw. Kinda partial to Jigsaw so.....
Jan 11th, 2001, 03:11:03 PM
Jigsaw was definetly cool, a good start would have been him seeing his family killed, then skip a few years into the future, you see some thugs rip off this lady on the street, running down the street they run into a wall of muscle, all you see the Skull logo and he commences to beat the crap out of them. WEll thats how I'd start it :)
Darth Renegade
Jan 11th, 2001, 03:57:03 PM
Yup, I can picture that
buff jedi 2
Jan 14th, 2001, 09:17:12 PM
I want a real good Flash movie.
Would love a Johnny Bravo movie (If i could star in it)
Jan 15th, 2001, 11:43:45 AM
Flash would rock...would you rather Barry Allen or Wally West though?
buff jedi 2
Jan 15th, 2001, 12:11:30 PM
Barr allen , I used to wqatch the tv show that was out a few years ago and I think he was Barry (the newer flash right?Mark Hammill also played a baddie on it.
Jan 26th, 2001, 12:59:49 AM
uh...just to let you know, most of these movies are in the process of being made
spider-man, iron man, hulk, ghost rider,captain america nad yes wonder woman are being made
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