View Full Version : Hannible weekend

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 9th, 2001, 06:33:39 PM
I supect a big weekend for this movie even though the film is getting mixed reviews which is to be expected I think it would be hard for this movie to hold up to the first one. And I do not think these critics will hurts its box office it didn't hurt TPM for example. Predictions for the movie range from 30 million all the way to 50. I doubt it will make 50 but instead think it will take in 36 million crushing the Feburary record set by Scream 3 which was 34.7. Here is what I think the rest of the top 5 will do
Valentine 8
Wedding Planner 7
Saving Silverman 6.5
Castaway 6

buff jedi 2
Feb 9th, 2001, 06:53:58 PM
Should be a great weekend for it.I finally sae the first one and really thought it was great .if this one is half as good im sure it will gross atleast 150 mil.


Feb 10th, 2001, 10:42:45 AM



j/k - I never saw the first and I won't see the second.

Feb 10th, 2001, 05:39:25 PM
$19M on Friday. This is gonna be a HUGE weekend for Hannibal.

Feb 10th, 2001, 07:14:00 PM
Well since it made $19M on Friday, and it's a sequel to a horror movie, it should do about $50M even this weekend.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 10th, 2001, 10:12:29 PM
My estimate seems pale in comparison now especially since sit made more than half what I predicted it would in one day. Still I doubt it will average almost 19 million a day for the whole weekend because that would be very unlikely since Sat and Sunday are usually bigger for Family movies so it will probably average enough just to make it to 50 million which is really surprising for an horror film. Now will it continue to good buisness is the question I have not seen it yet I want to but I hear the end of the movie is really gross and want to find out from somebody just how gross it really is. Has anybody here seen it yet?

Feb 11th, 2001, 04:59:32 AM
I saw it. I thought it was a strong film, good. Not as good as most of Ridley's films, but very well done!

I thought its gore was WAY overrated. It really is not that bad, sure it is super gory, but not nearly what I thought it would be.

I have not actually seen the first film, but from what I hear, it is way way worse. I don't know why some critics are saying otherwise, I mean the scenes I've heard about in the first are just SICK!

The worst in this is one guy's skull being cut open and him being forced to eat some of his own brains, but that is as bad as it gets, and that is only one scene. Yes, it is SUPER gross, and almost made me want to vommit (eww), but the rest of the movie just some blood really, no more than anything else.

If that is keeping you from seeing the film, then go ahead and see it. It was good, and very abnormal, but that can also be a good thing. I think most people will really like it, the audience reaction seemed good when I went, but who knows...?

Very impressive box office, wow, go Hannibal. Holy hell.

Feb 11th, 2001, 11:36:06 AM
You heard wrong....HANNIBAL is twice as gory as SOTL. I enjoyed HANNIBAL(I loved the fact that it had a different tone and feel from SOTL. Usually sequals try to be the same movie. This one was very different), but saying that it wasn't nearly the film the original was. Still, well worth a viewing(or two).

Feb 11th, 2001, 05:28:58 PM
$58M estimated for the weekend.

Feb 11th, 2001, 07:10:05 PM
Sounds about right Dutchy.

No, I didn't hear wrong CMJ. I could elaborate if you want, but in case anyone hasn't seen the first film like me and doesn't want to know...

There is nothing in Hannibal of even close to the same gore as the original, and I've heard many other people say that now too.

If the first movie were not as gory as Hannibal, than what the **** is the big deal? The original movie must be like Barney or something, because Hannibal wasn't very gory at all hardly.

Saving Private Ryan makes that movie look like the Power Rangers.

Feb 11th, 2001, 08:58:58 PM
"No, I didn't hear wrong CMJ. I could elaborate if you want,". Please do. I saw SOTL for the first time like just a week ago(so it's still fresh on my mind) and have since watched it 3 times. I'm pretty sure since I HAVE seen it...and you have yet to do so, I have a more accurate idea of the "gore" of the film. SOTL had a alot of gore implied(which is probably what you are refering to since Buffalo Bill skinned his victims), but nothing was really ever shown from his killings(we glimpse a photo here and there from a crime scene). We see an autopsy of one victim of Buffalo Bill, and Hannibal Lecter's escape(where he killed 3 cops) but thats the extent of it. Since about 4 times as many ppl get blown away in the first gunfight in HANNIBAL I think the the sequel has the monopoly of the violence.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 12th, 2001, 02:47:06 AM
Maybe its the book you heard was gorier. I know the book is way gorier than the movie they are a couple of scenes that are very gross. I haven't read Hannible yet so I have no way of comparing the two. Now back to the gross (no pun intended) I am very suprised in how much it made 58 million is way off what anybody thought it would do. In that way it is similar to X-Men which everybody was shocked that it made so much. Of course the big question is can Hannible attenain this viewership. I say no I think we will see a 50% decline next weekend and the movie probably will end up making somewhere between 150 and 200 which still is unbelivable considering it a R rated movie and a sequel.

Feb 12th, 2001, 12:16:29 PM
Silence of the Lambs was not a very gory movie. As CMJ said, much of the gore was implied. There sure as hell wasn't anything that compared to a brain eating scene. SOTL was extremely creepy and the first time a mainstream Oscar contender featured a flesh eating villian. That was part of its appeal and what made the film as memorable as it was. I doubt many people would say SOTL is gorier than Hannibal if they saw both films within days of each other the way CMJ did.

Feb 14th, 2001, 02:07:25 AM
The worst in this is one guy's skull being cut open and him being forced to eat some of his own brains, but that is as bad as it gets,

Check Please!

Sounds about like I'd expect. It's not so much that that kind of stuff happen in THIS movie that bothers me, it's that we'll be seeing similar 'gags' repeated in a bunch of crappy lesser movies for the next few years.

(if I know Hollywood)

[that looks better :p ]

Feb 14th, 2001, 08:31:00 PM
Well, maybe you are right CMJ, but from what I heard in Silence of the Lambs it was much worse, but maybe that was jus tall implied. The types of things I was thinking of you already mentioned, some dude wearing his victims skin, etc.

It sounded nasty as hell.

Hannibal is not a very gory movie, so I guess the entire situation, both movies, are way overrated as far as gore. I am shocked if just that much gore and blood makes people cry foul. There is hardly any gore in Hannibal, there is some blood here and there, but come on, it's not that bad at all. It's like when people told me they thought Gladiator was really gory. Umm...ok fact check please. Fact: there is basically NO gore in all of Gladiator. There is only some blood, and not even very much of that is shown. It is a tame movie, entirely tame. Most Japanese anime is more violent and disgusting than Gladiator.

Hannibal also is not that bad. The brain scene was the only really bad one, and then there were some other slightly gross scenes, but come on, nothing as bad as I was expecting to see. I'm glad, too, I didn't want to go in and be sickened by the amount of gore. I was hoping it wouldn't ruin the entire film, and luckily it did not.

Hannibal will probably drop a lot second weekend, but it also will be enjoying a holiday frame. I still think it'll probably make a solid $40-45 million over the Fri - Monday portion of the weekend. We'll see...

Feb 15th, 2001, 01:06:22 PM
I don't object to GORE so much how sick the whole thing is.

Feb 18th, 2001, 07:00:16 PM
JonathanLB, why have you not seen Silence? Go, now! :)

Anyway, it looks like Hannibal is holding up pretty well this weekend. A surprise, to be sure, considering the mixed word of mouth. I thought it was an above average horror flick, but not a patch on SOTL. Nothing beats Lector's escape in that film for sheer tension.

Feb 19th, 2001, 09:37:17 PM
Why are Holiday weekend's numbers always so f-cked up? According to Showbizdata.com Hannibal grossed $12M on Friday and $19M on Saturday making $31M not including Sunday. Now the estimates for the 3-day weekend show $30M. I don't get it... am I missing something?

Feb 19th, 2001, 10:27:04 PM
That the studio's overestimated(obviously they did). How is it they always manage to screw up holiday weekends though? I have no idea....maybe it's some conspiracy. :)

Feb 19th, 2001, 11:08:30 PM
Why are Holiday weekend's numbers always so f-cked up? According to Showbizdata.com Hannibal grossed $12M on Friday and $19M on Saturday making $31M not including Sunday. Now the estimates for the 3-day weekend show $30M. I don't get it... am I missing something?

deja vu.
