View Full Version : Hey Guys
Mar 10th, 2001, 10:17:52 PM
I know I post here semi-often but I read in another thread about the MIA's of the board and my name was mentioned. So I decided to give everyone a heads-up why. I'm in Advanced film this semester and it's seriously fun as hell. It's also the most time consuming class on the planet. The film I'm working on now started shooting on Thursday(we went from 1pm-11pm). We shot yesterday(9am-6pm) and today(7am-5:30pm). We finish tommorrow, though who knows how long we'll go. Keep in mind these student films are about 15 minutes long(give or take, the last one I worked on was around 10, this one is a tad over 15) and it takes Hollywood crews MONTHS to shoot 2 hours. Now I have an idea why. It is great though, even though I'm not directing any of them. The one that is currently shooting employees me as their script supervisor, who is basically concerned with getting everything shot, and the continuity. So, I have one of the HARDEST jobs. Oh's fun. :)
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 10th, 2001, 11:31:07 PM
Sounds like you're having a blast! Keep it up!
Mar 10th, 2001, 11:55:19 PM
Great to hear from you CMJ! It sounds like you're having the time of your life. Will you have a chance to direct anything before you graduate? Remember your friends here at the board when you're on Letterman plugging your newest film. :)
Mar 11th, 2001, 01:48:24 AM
The students who Produce and Direct for Advanced Film have to go through an interview process, and you can really only take the class one time(I suppose if I went to grad school I could direct something). I tried to get director, but didn't(I was kinda dissapointed, but oh well). Then the rest of us that didn't get Producer or Director took a test to see what we would be most qualified for. The Producers got paired up with Directors...then they "hire" the rest of us. I scored really high on most of the sections, though I didn't score very well on the Director of Phography(cinematography) section, so I didn't get hired for that. Every group tried to get me to edit, since I was 1 of 7 people to pass that section....but editing is the biggest bit#h. All of the junk gets thrown at you and you have to make order out of it all. I didn't want that, so I turned it down. We have to work on at least 3 films(5 being shot, and that includes the Producers and Director...for example the Director of the first one is gripping on this one; the Director of this one was the sound mixer on the first one; the director of the second one is boom operator on this one.....etc....).
I was Assistant Director on the first one, which basically is the king complainer. The AD is in charge of "hurrying" everyone up. You work for the Producer to speed everything along. So I had to basically get on my soapbox every 10 minutes and yell at the crew because they aren't moving fast enough. :) It's kinda I got to direct a few shots. Even though it isn't as glamorous as the Director position(not by a long shot), you have total control over the pace of the shoot. Hell I even had authority to yell at the Director for not moving fast enough. :) Man I wrote alot...I guess I'll stop for now.
Mar 11th, 2001, 12:08:39 PM
Your comments on editing reminded me of how Lucas often says he enjoys the editing process. I think that's part of the reason he walked away from directing for so long. I think he was content to get his hands on films in the editing room. Good luck with everything, it sounds like you're really getting to know the nuts and bolts of what it takes to get a film made. I kinda wish I could be there too!
buff jedi 2
Mar 11th, 2001, 12:23:32 PM
WOW CMJ, you are a busy bee.Hope evry little thing goes well.
BTW . when you make it big dont forget Ole buff is an actor(hint hint);) (just semi retired ,none talented actor)
Mar 12th, 2001, 12:33:44 PM
Jedieb...editing is where you can really "see" the film coming together. From that standpoint it's pretty cool. But all the shots that get changed, the script breakdown thats wrong, etc....gets thrown at the editor. As script supervisor I had to take notes to give to the editor about which takes were good, etc. I'm not a bad note taker but I wouldn't want to have to comb through that mess. I'll probably go into the editing room to help him as much as I can(I may even get an assistant editing credit) but I wouldn't want all that pressure.
Mar 12th, 2001, 01:15:20 PM
You're making a Star Wars movie....?
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