View Full Version : Summer Box Office Contest Round 4 - May 25th
May 24th, 2001, 01:30:23 PM
It's the 'official' start of the Summer movie season, and there's only 1 new movie opening in wide release. (Some war flick, maaybe you've heard about it).
is predicting 86 million for Pearl Harbor (Early Prediction) and <a href=>Box Office Guru (>) is predicting 96 million for the four day period. Lost World holds the 4 day record ot 90.1 million and Phantom Menace has the record for quickest to 100 million (5 days). Both records could fall this weekend.
The Contest this week is for 4 days, F-M, and all points are doubled. Pick the Top 5 movies for the weekend and the gross for each movie. Deadline is 12 midnight Friday night PDT ( board time), 3 am Saturday EDT (Ccnet board time).
You can revise your picks up until the deadline, and you can check the picks from the other board from the links below. ( 4738.topic) (
Good Luck to all!
May 24th, 2001, 03:33:37 PM
Better get started early in case I have any of the same predictions as others.
1. Pearl Harbor - $91.78 million
2. Shrek - $24.93 million
3. The Mummy Returns - $15.20 million
4. A Knight's Tale - $9.55 million
5. Angel Eyes - $7.67 million
Force Master Hunter
May 24th, 2001, 06:51:44 PM
1. Pearl Harbour (Predicting 31 million as it's biggest day), 91.2 mill
2. Shrek 28.5m
3. The Mummy returns - 16.8 m
4. A Knights Tale - 9.9 m
5. Angel Eyes (Who cares) - 6.2 m
May 24th, 2001, 07:12:37 PM
1. Pearl Harbor 93.5 M
2. Shrek 31.5
3. The Mummy Returns - 17.5 M
4. A Knights Tale - 10.5 M
5. Angel Eyes (Who cares) - 6.5 M
Hannibal Marzullo
May 25th, 2001, 01:45:09 AM
My Guess:
1- Pearl Harbor: $100.0
2- Shrek: $35.2
3- The Mummy Returns $17.6
4- A Knight's Tale $9.6
5- Angel Eyes: $8.0
May 25th, 2001, 09:37:48 AM
2. SHREK - 35.6M
5. ANGEL EYES - 7.3M
May 25th, 2001, 10:54:32 AM
1. Pearl Harbor - $80.65 million
2. Shrek - $33.32 million
3. The Mummy Returns - $12.60 million
4. A Knight's Tale - $9.95 million
5. Angel Eyes - $8.00 million
Lets see if I can beat 5 this time:)
May 25th, 2001, 12:55:02 PM
2)s H R E k....30
4)AKT ... 8.6
5)AE ... 8
May 25th, 2001, 02:37:00 PM
DBN: How come you spelled out SHREK and not the others?
May 25th, 2001, 03:38:42 PM
Are probably not going to slow this one down from breaking some records this weekend. But I don't think it'll do even 1/2 the box office Titanic did, as that will catch up to it, and even stuff like Project: Swordfish and especailly Tomb Raider will have no problems is sweeping it out of the no.1 and no.2 slots.
Jedi Master Carr
May 25th, 2001, 03:51:44 PM
This movie is review proof and the critics matter little or do I have to name Armagendon, TPM, The Grinch that Stole christmas, etc. All of these movies got bad reviews, all of them made more than 200 at the box office. Pearl Harbor will do the same. Sure if the movie does't connect to the audience then it will fail to make 250-300 range that I was thinking it originally would. I will know for certain tomorrow after I go and see it for myself, I would rather make up my own opinion then listen to some stuffy critic that would tell me to go see Moulin Rouge.
Well here is my estimate
Pearl Harbor 94.59
Shrek 36.75
The Mummy Returns 16.32
A Knights Tale 9.78
Angel Eyes 7.64
May 25th, 2001, 04:26:32 PM
cuz I felt like it darth23:p
buff jedi 2
May 25th, 2001, 04:27:15 PM
P harbor 102 mil (someone took my 101 guess) the only reason Im posting so high for PH is I feel im right when I SAY they will over in flate what it will make regardless if only 5 people goes and sees it.If they dont report atleast 95 mil on it ILL never talk about how crooked the boxoffice nubers are.
PH 102
sherek 40.5
mum 16.2
kt 8.8
AE 4.7 if that
May 26th, 2001, 02:44:18 AM
1) Shre - er, I mean Pearl Harbor - 86.90
2) Shreck, baby yeah! - 41.51
3) The Mummy Returns - 15.31
4) A Knight's Tale - 10.91
5) Angel Eyes - 7.21
Anyone else?
If someone didn't post yet they can probably post up to about 9 or 10 am Sat Board Time (before the Friday estimates come out). That's only for people who have been playing but might not have posted yet. (Albi Wan Yankovi and Yads).
May 26th, 2001, 03:07:50 AM
Average Estimate for the weekend:
Pearl Harbor - 92.06
Shrek - 35.14
The Mummy Returns - 16.68
A Knight's Tale - 9.85
Agnel Eyes - 7.22
I think these numbers are correct - it's pretty late. :p
May 26th, 2001, 11:04:38 AM
I guess we'll have the Friday numbers in a couple of hours...unfortunately I'll be at work, so I won't see them till this evening. :(
May 26th, 2001, 04:11:45 PM
$18 million? That sounds disappointing . . .
May 26th, 2001, 04:42:16 PM
Maybe not as high as some expected. What shocked me even more is SHREK is more than holding its own, taking in $9.67 million on Friday. I told you guys Shrek wouldn't fizzle so easily. I predict Pearl Harbor will level off at $80-$85 million this weekend and then fizzle very quickly the weekend after that. A lot of people used the Titanic analogy, and while Titanic wasn't exactly the best movie ever, IMO it's a much better film than PH. I don't think Pearl Harbour will have the "legs" to go far beyond $220 million.
The other thing is audience reaction seems a bit mixed.
That will really hurt word-of-mouth, which is what basically carried Titanic.
May 26th, 2001, 05:50:28 PM
It's all about the Shrek. :)
It will be interesting to see the difference between Friday and Saturday's numbers for PH. If there's not much of an increase then it's in trouble. Pearl harbor might not clear 80 million this weekend.
The 3 hour time period could be working against it also.
Jedi Master Carr
May 26th, 2001, 06:36:27 PM
I think it will make more on Saturday mabe even clear 20 million. I went to see it today and it was crowded nearly packed and they had another showing of it playing at the same time. I say it will clear at least 80, thought my estimate seems a little high right now.
May 26th, 2001, 07:22:33 PM
Will likely clear $20 million, however Monday likely will not. Pearl Harbor is going to have to average about $24 million the next three days to catch The Lost World, and right now, that looks pretty damn unlikely, especailly since Monday will likely draw lower numbers than Friday's $18.3 mill take.
Jedi Master Carr
May 26th, 2001, 08:20:12 PM
Why would Monday clear less, it is a holiday and just about every body is out of work and school. I am not say it will make 24 on Monday but I doubt it will make less than 18.
May 26th, 2001, 08:54:59 PM
I was toying with guessing 81 million, then I added a few just because of all of the hype, I think. Pearl Harbor BETTER clear at least 20 million today and tomorrow also. If it makes only 20 million Saturday Sunday and Monday then it will have 78.5 million of 4 days. A lot of money but not really living up to the hype.
May 28th, 2001, 05:34:01 AM
Lee's Movie Info. Estimates are in...
1 Pearl Harbor
2 Shrek
3 The Mummy Returns
4 A Knight's Tale
5 Angel Eyes
god that would be something to only make 60 million ... after people were thinking it will make as high as 120 million and as low as 75...
Force Master Hunter
May 28th, 2001, 07:18:12 AM
That had to be a misprint or three day only. It cant be four day
May 28th, 2001, 04:39:03 PM
Doh, used the wrong username. :p (This is RHJediKnight, btw)
May 28th, 2001, 04:41:45 PM
Those must have been just the three day totals. These are the four-day estimated totals for the top 5:
1. Pearl Harbor, $75.08 million
2. Shrek, $54.16 million
3. The Mummy Returns, $19.06 million
4. A Knight's Tale, $9.30 million
5. Angel Eyes, $6.26 million
It's kind of funny, $75 million is a huge opening, but it's kind of considered a disappointment considering Pearl Harbor was "supposed to" rake in $90+ million this weekend. Ah well.
May 28th, 2001, 04:53:45 PM
Pearl Harbor will get $75 million plus. It did about $19 million on Sunday; I would expect Monday to be $14-$16 million. The estimate might be a bit on the high side, but not by much.
Force Master Hunter
May 28th, 2001, 05:39:29 PM
Yeah, but look at the B.O. for Shrek.... that's bloody awesome.
May 28th, 2001, 08:27:38 PM
I had a hard drive meltdown Saturday night - so it might take me a while to get the Contest results up (I would have posted all the predictions by now).
I didn't lose much - mostly this weeks Bo info and the excel file I set up.
May 28th, 2001, 11:18:22 PM
yeah ... you are right to say that they were the three day estimates ... it did not hit me until I shut down my computer ... and look at the date:p ....
75 million is a great opener for any moive ... hell I rememberd when TPM came out and that was what most people thought it would make in its frist weekend about 120 million ... it made over 100 million by the end of the weekend but it did not go pass 120 million and the people said it was the end of that moive ... so who knows .. it could be a slow money making movie ...
BUT WHAT ABOUT "s";) (Shrek) what a boost over the weekend... I mean .. how many moview make just as much as it did that last weekend ... and make more the next 3 day weekend... WOW!! how fun for it...
Can Of WTF
May 28th, 2001, 11:58:21 PM
How cool would it be to see Shrek beat PH in the long run
Jedi Master Carr
May 29th, 2001, 12:54:32 AM
I know I think people went nuts with the hype just like TPM. I remember that too when every site predicted it would make 120 and some even said it would make 140 but when it didn't they went nuts and saying it was a disapointment. Unfortuntely Pearl Harbor is in the same boat 75 million is great and the estimates these guys made just unrealistic. Pearl Harbor is getting good word of mouth from what I have heard so far, everybody that I know that have seen it liked it, especially teenage girls. Most likely this movie will continue to do well for the next month and will defintely make 200 if not 250 million and be the #1 movie of the summer.
May 29th, 2001, 01:53:20 AM
In Hollywood, Disney found a voice of dissent, the Los Angeles Times' Kevin Thomas. ``'Pearl Harbor,''' he wrote, has ``an engaging love story and a remarkable evocation of a time when Americans virtually overnight pulled together.'' Noting that ``the film is sustained by a grand theme: innocence lost,'' Thomas praised the picture for being ``honest in its heart-tugging'' and Ben Affleck, whose performance is ``a confirmation of his stardom.''
well here is one brave soul:)
its a tuff call... I have believe there is a sleeper out their that will beat Preal Harbor this summer ... I don't know what that movie will be, but I think there could be something bigger than it..
May 29th, 2001, 09:36:09 AM
Well hell, MUMMY RETURNS might I guess, it's the #1 film of the year now(just passed HANNIBAL this weekend). TOMB RAIDER, FINAL FANTASY, JP3, A.I.(of course this is rated R) all have potential to be big...and then there's PLANET OF THE APES. I think that'll be the highest grosser of the summer(and year most likely).
May 29th, 2001, 09:43:08 AM
Windtalkers, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Once upon a time in Mexico. One of them could for me
May 29th, 2001, 10:31:18 AM
Evolution, bay-bee. Evolution.
I guess I'm glad that many people on the boards liked PH more than the critics. I still think I'll avoid it untill cable.
May 29th, 2001, 04:03:01 PM
i'll post this here too i guess
1. Pearl Harbor - $91.78 million
2. Shrek - $24.93 million
3. The Mummy Returns - $15.20 million
4. A Knight's Tale - $9.55 million
5. Angel Eyes - $7.67 million
Force Master Hunter (darth tubogeek i beleive)
1. Pearl Harbour (Predicting 31 million as it's biggest day), 91.2 mill
2. Shrek 28.5m
3. The Mummy returns - 16.8 m
4. A Knights Tale - 9.9 m
5. Angel Eyes (Who cares) - 6.2 m
1. Pearl Harbor 93.5 M
2. Shrek 31.5
3. The Mummy Returns - 17.5 M
4. A Knights Tale - 10.5 M
5. Angel Eyes (Who cares) - 6.5 M
Hanibal Marzullo (itala???)
1- Pearl Harbor: $100.0
2- Shrek: $35.2
3- The Mummy Returns $17.6
4- A Knight's Tale $9.6
5- Angel Eyes: $8.0
2. SHREK - 35.6M
5. ANGEL EYES - 7.3M
1. Pearl Harbor - $80.65 million
2. Shrek - $33.32 million
3. The Mummy Returns - $12.60 million
4. A Knight's Tale - $9.95 million
5. Angel Eyes - $8.00 million
2)s H R E k....30
4)AKT ... 8.6
5)AE ... 8
Jedi MAster Carr
Pearl Harbor 94.59
Shrek 36.75
The Mummy Returns 16.32
A Knights Tale 9.78
Angel Eyes 7.64
Buff Jedi2
PH 102
sherek 40.5
mum 16.2
kt 8.8
AE 4.7 if that
1) Shre - er, I mean Pearl Harbor - 86.90
2) Shreck, baby yeah! - 41.51
3) The Mummy Returns - 15.31
4) A Knight's Tale - 10.91
5) Angel Eyes - 7.21
1. Pearl Harbor 83.46
2. Shrek 37.89
3. The MUmmy Returns 21.05
4. A Knights Tale 11.11
5. Angel Eyes 10.45
Pearl Harbor - $95
S H R E K - $38.6752
T M R - $14.857364069473648745
A Nite's Tail - $8.7438632
Angel Eye's - $4.67382918465830387474848374
Qui Gon Fission
Pearl Harbor - $99.99
Shrek - $35.8
TMR - $16.8
AKT - $9.5
Angel Eye's - $6.45
May 29th, 2001, 04:17:28 PM
Thanks for the post, dizzy!
But you forgot :
Yaddle's Little Helper:
1) Went out
2) got drunk
3) with girlfirend
4) forgot to make predictions
5) (has a life?) ;)
P.S. Shame on you giving away people's alieseseses. :p
Looks like ReaperFett is the big #1 movie winner. (from a quick glance.)
I'll have everything posted tonight after I Frickin reinstall frikin MS Office on my frikin POS computer.
May 29th, 2001, 09:43:20 PM
I was sort of was thinking it could be JP3 this summer, it just looks like a fun movie to watch.
as for Mr.YADs. I say (2, with a little 3, part of 1,and a tuch of 4) ... I know better than giving the little prick number 5:p
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