View Full Version : #1 film of the summer?

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:14:01 PM
I was wondering what people think will be # 1 this summer. I though it was going to be Pearl Harbor. I still think it will make 200 but I doubt it will be the top grosssing film. I do not think Shrek will do it. No animated film has ever claimed the top spot in the modern age in the summer. Even Lion King got beat by Forrest Gump it will probably do about 230-240 what Toy Story 2 did. I think the Mummy Return's time has past so that leaves us with I think three AI which looks really good, Planet of the Apes which could be really good if burton has struck gold or JP3 whcih looks a lot better than the Lost World. I think it will be AI, there is just something about Spielberg and the summer plus I think it will be like Sixth sense and draw people in all summer and into the fall. If its really good it could dominate the oscars next year. I think it will make 250 at least maybe more. As far as the other two I think right now JP3 will make more than Planet of the Apes I might change my mind if Apes is any good (if stinks it will sink really fast) I think JP 3 will be one of the top 3 movies of the summer behind AI and Shrek with Pearl Harbor 4th and THMR fifth.

buff jedi 2
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:27:14 PM
I hope its the APES!!


Jun 9th, 2001, 12:40:15 AM
It will be SHREK. No doubt about it. I expect A.I. to be the best film of the summer though.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 9th, 2001, 01:02:52 AM
It just I don't think an animated film will make enough money. Look at Toy Story 2 which to me is the best animated film of the last 20 years it made a lot of money in its first month but tailed off towards the end. I think Shrek will make 230-240 and thats about it. I have a feeling that AI will be amazing and go on to make close to 300 when its all done. Speilberg and summers are just magic.

Jun 9th, 2001, 06:35:35 AM
Well what do you mean "will make enough money"? The film is already well on its way for $240 million or so. That will be the best take of the summer, as CMJ said, no doubt about it.

I don't think it will be the summer's best film (though I thoroughly enjoyed it!), but it probably will be the highest grossing.

I really hope A.I. is absolutely awesome and makes $250 million, then goes on to win Best Picture. I'm serious, that would be cool, but I just don't think the odds favor that scenario.

I would LOVE to see DreamWorks take Best Picture for the third year in a row. They should have done it already because SPR SHOULD have won, but...oh well, good job Miramax for buying your statuette. Nice campaign...you losers! LOL.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 9th, 2001, 03:18:41 PM
But if AI makes 250 then that would make it #1. I know its R rated too but I don't think that will matter if its a good story it will be #1 and the best movie of the years. Also there is still Apes, I have no clue how good it will be, but if it is great then it may obliverate all the films this year and make 300 but its hard to say, the trailer does look pretty good but its a difficult film to judge right now.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 9th, 2001, 07:46:21 PM
A R Rated film make 250 million? That's hard to imagine. No, Shrek could well do it. The thing is, it seems to me to be a moive that can be watched several times, to pick up things you missed. I saw it last night and I have to admit I was in hysterics. Just plain outright funny. If it's going to make over 250 million, it will be plain this weekend.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 9th, 2001, 09:52:32 PM
It has happened before at least once Sixth Sense was R rated and it made about 300 million so it can do it if it has good word of mouth. On another note Shrek made a little less than 4.5 million which means it will make some where between 15-18 million for the weekend. Sure its now close to 200 but I think its beginning to wane a little and I still think Atlantis will hurt it next weekend. Not because Atlantis is a guarenteed box office hit but it has Disney's name on it and kid will go see at least the first weekend sure it may bomb after that but the damage will be done. Besides another movie opens the same day Tomb Raider which I think will be huge probably 30-40 million easily and it will crush everything else. To me its tuff for a film to have legs and Shrek just hasn't show it has the legs to be the #1 movie yet. I still think it will be a July film, probably AI or Apes as I said before but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Jun 9th, 2001, 10:05:58 PM
Tomb Raider will probably surprise everyone when it makes $45 to $50 million in its first weekend. lol. Everyone is always surprised, but come on, the hype has been heating up for months now and my theater is building a special promotion...structure or something outside of the theater! I don't know what they're doing or what it is, to be honest, but they were constructing this wooden thing, this structure just outside of the area where we waited for TPM tickets.

That movie will have a huge opening (then fade fairly fast, but that doesn't mean it won't be good; that's just what happens).

Shrek will do far better on Saturday than it did Friday, remember. It's a family film. It will also do better on Sunday than the other competing movies.

I know you'd like to believe that if Planet of the Apes is a great movie it will make $300 million, but come on! You guys are acting like that is easy when that is really VERY, VERY, VERY RARE! Few movies ever make $300 million, and even The Sixth Sense couldn't do it despite incredible word of mouth and nearly unprecedented staying power (for an August movie especially). Making $300 million truly takes a phenomenon (TPM, Titanic) or an event movie of epic proportions (such as ID4) or a sentimental movie that is very rare (E.T. and Forrest Gump).

No matter how great the director, no matter how great the movie, no matter how much people love a film, very few movies are able to crack through $300 million and basically no movie ever makes $400 million in one release. Only two have ever done it, and only two more are likely to do it in the next 5 years (Episodes II and III; nothing else will come close to $400 million I don't believe).

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:12:29 PM
I didn't say it neccessarily would at least if it was great it would be the #1 movie of the summer. I personally have my doubts about it but probably will go to see anyways. Heck JP 3 could be #1 the first one did it is just going to depend on how good it is, if its better than the last one it will at least do 150 to 250 but if just as bad or worse than they have problems, we will have to see. I still think shrek will wane mostly because all films do except a rare few and I don't see Shrek in that category just yet.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:50:11 PM
The promotion for Tomb Raider is pretty big, even seeing similar to what Jonathon saying in Australian cinemas. It's being hyped, hyped, hyped. Ummm, no thanks, this is one movie I will steer clear of. Dont care if Jolie is a babe or whatever, I just dont see what was in the end a @#%$ game getting anything at the B.O. I'm hoping it goes through the toliet after opening.

Anything that beats Shrek will more than likely end up making 250 million at least. Can we see anything coming up that could do that? Planet of the Apes, could. Remember the factor here is the repeat viewing, no movie is going to get this far without a lot of repeat views. Thence, it will take something special to better Shrek, something people will want to see multiple times.

Jun 9th, 2001, 10:53:19 PM
1- I dont hope anything does badly, as peoples daily wage is at stake here. I wont go see something, but dont HOPE it sinks.

2- Tomb Raider is getting mixed reviews, but a lot good. it sounds good for me

3- Chris Barrie AKA Rimmer

4- Angelina Jolie:)

Jun 9th, 2001, 11:48:14 PM
Wasn't it PG-13?

Jun 9th, 2001, 11:50:05 PM
I think if Shrek does at least 18 million this weekend..it will do at least 265 million.....making it the movie to beat.

Jun 9th, 2001, 11:54:20 PM
yeah it was pg-13...I think the biggest R-rated movie ever is Saving Private Ryan..(not adjusted for inflation) at 215 million..for inflation I think Exorcist might be king..and would have broken the 300 million mark

Jun 9th, 2001, 11:59:27 PM
Well just checked it. The Exorcist would have made 412 million not adjusted for inflation...that is just its one run..not counting the re-release last year.

Also of note.. THe Godfather would have made 347 million..

Jun 10th, 2001, 06:45:13 AM
I have been looking forward to Tomb Raider for a while now. I absolutely cannot wait to see it, and yes, Angelina Jolie is a total babe.

I see the movie making $140 million or so, tons opening weekend, not very good staying power (most movies that appeal to teenage audiences do not have good staying power; it's just a rule).

Shrek will be the highest grossing movie of the summer. Katzenberg has his wish: competition between DreamWorks and Disney. Now this ought to be lots of fun in the years ahead. Didn't the Academy add an Oscar for animated films now too? That should also make it even more interesting.

Even better -- Pixar will cut its ties with Disney after the current five picture deal, most likely. That is what insiders are saying anyway. They have the cash now to fund their own projects. They shouldn't rely on Disney anymore. I think Pixar should stand alone and compete. Disney would be sunk without them and their three movies have all been massive successes -- more than anything Disney can do lately.

Darth Turbogeek
Jun 10th, 2001, 08:24:12 AM
Reaperfett : Maybe it's their bread and butter, but simply put, if they cant come up with something decent, then they damn well deserve to be bombed. Tell me, if you perform badly in your job, would you expect to stay in it just because someone said it's your liveihood? No. And that's the same here. If they cant produce something decent, then get the hell out of there and let someone in who can

Jun 10th, 2001, 09:27:23 AM
ok, film bombs. Company works on cutting costs. Bye some aspiring filmwriters hopes. Bye cameramen. Not their fault it bombed, but they get axed. So yes, it does matter

Darth Turbogeek
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:00:14 PM
If they're good enough, they'll get work elsewhere. It's just like any other business.

Jun 10th, 2001, 06:15:17 PM
right, screw that. Do you know how many attempts most screenwriters have to do to actually get work? A lot. A company bombs, it does less. That stops ME achieving my dream. Screw good enough. Sometimes, only one company would take something on. Take Star Wars. Only one company risked it. What if they hadnt done so? The rest had rejected it already. Wed have no Star Wars

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:17:24 PM
Well Shrek did less then everybody predicted so I don't think it will be making no 250 million. I still think it will make 235-240 if thats the #1 movie then this summer is pretty bad IMO much like last year. With the increased ticket prices there is no reason that some movie can't make it to 250 and I still argue it will be one of the July 3 AI, JP3, POA take your pick but one of them will dominate the second half of the summer and become the #1 film of the summer, I don't think it will be the # 1 movie of the year I think that will belong to Lord of the Rings which will get close to 300 easily.