View Full Version : Observations about AI from the trailers
Jun 12th, 2001, 12:39:34 AM
After seeing the newest trailer for AI, I get the sense they are starting to try to market this movie to action fans. If you have seen the newest trailer you know what I am talking about. Fast edits, people running, and stun weapons being fired while flying ships circle androids. I have avoided any spoilers, but I also feel the trailer speaks heavily already of Steven’s underlying moral of the movie. There is obvious parallels with the Nazi round-up of Jews, and possible elimination of them. At least I get this from the new trailer. Anyone else agree or maybe read a bit about it?
buff jedi 2
Jun 12th, 2001, 01:07:21 AM
I Really do not wish anything bad to happen to anyones film BUT Ive seen the trailers and such on this one,and it really seems this movie is going to suck Hard!!I have yet to see anything appealing about it.Am I missing something??(and of course I would.But thats just my 2 cents worth and as usual thats all its worth.
Doc Milo
Jun 12th, 2001, 02:26:29 AM
I saw the first trailer and then the second and I honestly thought I was watching a trailer for two different movies. The first one seemed like a drama about a child, and the second seemed almost like some strange mixture of Blade Runner and Judge Dredd...
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:10:57 AM
I have high hopes about this one... I haven't seen the newest commercial...but the 2 trailers I saw in theatres were great. I wouldn't be surprised if there was 'some' action in it...but it's not gonna be an action flick.
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:28:29 AM
That's sometimes a BAD SIGN, when there's two completely different kinds of trailers. Like they can't figure out how to market the movie, or they're afraid they'll loose certain demographic groups so they do some creative promotion.
Of course, maybe both the trailers are good representatives of the movie.
xx Kyiang Sunrider xx
Jun 12th, 2001, 03:14:05 PM
what movie
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 12th, 2001, 04:04:01 PM
I've only seen the first trailer, but I think it's a clever way to market the movie by using 2 types of trailers.
Jun 12th, 2001, 04:06:33 PM
It's not clever it it's selling something that isn't there.
"what movie "
A.I. The big Steven Speilberg film comign out in a few weeks.
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 12th, 2001, 07:07:32 PM
The second definition of clever in the britannica:
mentally quick and resourceful but often lacking in depth and soundness.
close enough, no? :)
Jun 12th, 2001, 08:17:17 PM
I didn't mean WASN'T clever, there are plenty of clever con men around.
Jun 14th, 2001, 04:02:00 AM
the more I see the new trailers,the less I want to see the movie. I like the first trailer, it left a lot of questions about the movie and what it can be.
Now it just seems like a civil rights movement movie for artificial intelligence. So, have you huged you computer today and tell it how much it means you:p
Jun 16th, 2001, 06:04:54 AM
Well, everyone I've talked to in real life pretty much is extremely excited about this movie. My best friend, another close friend, Ben, and a girl I talked to from my class tonight, Ellie, among many others.
I think A.I. will be awesome! It's a Steven Spielberg film. As far as I'm concerned, that means it'll be good. How many bad movies has he really made? He hardly worked on Lost World, hehe, and it wasn't bad, anyway, it was actually good, but it just was a letdown from the first film, that's all.
Amistad kicked butt, even though it didn't do that well. It was a great movie, I thought, maybe one of his strongest.
AI will rule! There is nothing wrong with trying to promote a movie to multiple demographics with different promotional slants.
Look at The Phantom Menace! They tried to sell it to female audiences indirectly through things like Vogue's story on the clothes and then articles on makeup, etc, and if you want to talk about directly, then you have Queen Amidala's One trailer / Tone Poem thing. Every movie usually appeals to different groups of people and it's wise to target those various markets.
If you make a film like Star Wars, for instance, you can reasonably try to draw action fans into theaters, but you also want people who are looking for more of a thought-provoking movie.
I am sure with Episode II they are going to sell it as a romance film to women, but for kids they need do no more than put the Star Wars name out there and show some good action, same with action fans and most movie fans, really.
I have not seen the second trailer, but I have heard people talking about it, Tory (a guy who works at the house and stays with me sometimes) was mentioning how the second trailer makes it seem more like an action film. I'm very excited about it.
So far, this summer has ruled. I loved last summer, but this summer has at least a good chance of being better, though I doubt I'll see anything of Gladiator's caliber. In fact, I very much doubt it. Tomb Raider, Swordfish, Evolution, Shrek, The Animal, even Mummy Returns wasn't bad (nothing great, either, but I appreciated the effects and it was better than the first film).
AI will be the best film of the summer, I think, but if not, it's probably Shrek I guess.
Jun 16th, 2001, 12:43:51 PM
Ok, after reading some of the early reviews coming out these last two days, I am once again excited about this movie. Early word is that it is as close to a Kubrick movie as you can get. I love the story outline that has been presented, and if the buzz holds up it could be THE Oscar movie next year. It is the movie I am looking forward to the most.
Agent Rex
Jun 17th, 2001, 05:35:49 AM
...I haven't yet seen de trailer.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 23rd, 2001, 12:07:57 AM
I just realized something the movie is rated PG-13 I think this was brought up before when we thought the movie was rated R and that it could only do so much but now that it has a lower rating I think it could easily make 250-300 and be the #1 movie of the summer.
Jun 23rd, 2001, 12:39:48 AM
now reviews saying it stinks are coming out.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 23rd, 2001, 05:54:03 PM
Just wondering what site are reading these reviews? I thought most reviews couldn't be released until a the debut of the movie. But there are exceptions Star Wars comes to mind. Does anybody know when the film got screened for critics? If its this week than we will have to wait until they see to really know how good it will be.
Jun 23rd, 2001, 07:50:35 PM
Well there are 8 reviews up on For the most part they are positive so far. Most critics will have there reviews in the next few days though.
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:42:59 AM
I remember thinking that Gladiator had no chance at even a Best Picture nomination after reading some of the more "good, but not great" reviews, but that film kicked Oscar ass, not just taking Best Picture but plenty of other awards too.
Damn I really hope DreamWorks wins its third straight Best Picture Oscar. [Note: I just realized that AI is being distributed domestically by Warner Bros. and internationally by DreamWorks. Still, it would count as their third best picture since it is a joint deal.] It already SHOULD have happened because Saving Private Ryan deserved that award more than the chick flick that won (and that critics did not like nearly as much as SPR; in fact, audiences liked SPR better too, which the box office gross proves). Amistad should have been a major best picture contender (not a winner), but the lawsuit filed against Spielberg claiming plagiarism really hurt its chances. That was an unfortunate break.
Fortunately, though, DreamWorks used up all of its bad luck in the first few years, now it's been clear sailing and plenty of @$$-kicking along the way. :)
Haha, Atlantis was so pathetic at the box office. If that is all Disney can do, they are really screwed! Barely made more than Shrek, even though Shrek has been playing for four weeks or something. I hope DreamWorks has the top two highest grossing movies of the summer. They don't even release many movies each year, but the ones they do release are usually incredible successes.
Look at Atlantis this last Friday, haha! Man that is so funny. It is just BARELY beating Shrek. Disney is sunk. Profits plummeting, competition from rival themeparks adding up, jobs disappearing, and their animation division is soon to fall to DreamWorks.
The ONLY thing keeping that studio's animation competitive is Pixar, which is not a Disney company. They have a five picture deal with Disney, with Monsters, Inc. being the fourth in that deal and arriving this year, but when the deal expires there is talk that Pixar will go independent and compete with the other studios on their own grounds.
Why not?!?! Pixar is incredible. Not only does it have the lowest turnover rate in Hollywood and the best working conditions, they do not produce any movies that are not instant massive blockbusters. It would be one thing if their films were grossing $85 or $90 million, but every one of them has done incredibly well. They don't need Disney at all, but Disney needs them like oxygen, which is practically what they are considering Disney can't make an animated hit without Katzenberg.
Hercules? Please, that was one of the worst in Disney history at the box office, so was The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Atlantis is possibly the greatest bomb in studio history, the only film that might only break even and not turn a profit (Disney films make 4 and 5 times what their box office grosses amount to). Tarzan was a good hit, definitely a winner, but not exactly a Lion King.
Lion King made them $1 billion in PROFIT, pure profit, not revenue. That is unthinkable. Titanic didn't do that well for its studios, even. $1.8 billion box office, split that in half because theaters take that much, then you have $900 million, subtract $250 million for budget, prints, and advertising, and you have $650 million, plus whatever else they made, but that was split two ways between Paramount and Fox.
The problem is, people are SICK and TIRED of seeing Disney's stupid fairy tales with their dumb moral values that come across as cheesy and corny, not educational or enlightening. There are good ways to make family movies, and then there is the tired old formula they just cannot abandon. Did Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Shrek, or A Bug's Life pander to little kiddies? No. Did TPM? No. Every one of those films was a massive success, over $200 million in half the cases, and Disney keeps making baby movies that only people under 4 feet tall will like, which is the reason they're not doing as well. Lucas proved it is possible to make a PG film that everyone likes, not just little kids, and Shrek proves again that you can be extremely edgy and commical, pleasing adults perhaps more than kids, and still make a ton of money doing it.
I am really anxious now to see Pacific Data Images' third collaboration with DreamWorks SKG. Their first was Antz, the third is supposed to be a film called Tusker about a herd of elephants in Asia, but I don't know when that comes out. DreamWorks bought 40% of PDI initially, which also deals with other studios' effects, but I think since then DreamWorks bought a majority share in the company (have to look into that).
Oh yeah, back to the point: A.I. is going to kick major butt. Entertainment Weekly says A-, and that's a good rating from them, plus, it's a new Spielberg film, dang I cannot wait. I hope it's as good as it should be.
This Haley Joel Osment kid or however you spell his name, geez, he's getting quite a start. Wonder if he can maintain the momentum. Not even the dude from Home Alone had this much early success (yes I know his name but I cannot spell at this time of the night/morning).
Jun 25th, 2001, 02:08:24 PM
AI just set a preview record over in Japan (breaking TPM's record by 14%). Could this be a sign of things to come? I'm not saying that it stands a chance of doing $400M, but is such a strong Japanese performance a sign of summer dominance and the #1 spot for 2001?
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