View Full Version : Best Car Chase?

Jun 24th, 2001, 07:21:07 PM
Seeing as F&TF just came out, seems relevant to ask:)

The Rock
Ronin(any of them)
The Corrupter
Way of then Gun(Simply because it took a car chase, and changed the entire premise of it)

Force Master Hunter
Jun 24th, 2001, 07:31:20 PM

Bullitt (Authentic and done by two motor racers, Steve McQueen was actually quite talented racer)

Cannonball Run (Last race into Los Angles is brilliant)

Mad Max 2 = Original

The Blue Brothers - Fun!

The Wraith - Not sure if you guys know about this moive, its a real BGrader with Charlie sheen. Pretty good car chases in that

Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 24th, 2001, 07:51:11 PM
Exactly my two guys: Ronin and Bullit. Also, have any of you seen Taxi or Taxi 2 produced by Luc Besson? It's french, but There are a couple of KILLER chase scenes that make renting the DVDs worthwhile.

Jun 24th, 2001, 08:45:31 PM
I am also a huge fan of the car chase, and my top five, in no particular order, would be…

Bullit….Steve wanted to make a car chase, without using speed-up photography. The results was the most realistic car chase Hollywood had done at the time. The build up to this scene is amazing. As Steve slowly follows the other car until it finally bolts.

Ronin….A good movie, with great car chases. The final chase is amazing for its sheer length, and complexity.

The French Connection. Probably the best actual movie among the 5 I have chosen, with an amazing car chase.

To Live and Die in L.A.---same guy who did French Connection, and while the movie is not as good, the chase is amazing.

The Road Warrior….man what a final chase!!!!

Honorable mentions… Vanishing Point, Taxi 2, The Blues Brothers,

Force Master Hunter
Jun 24th, 2001, 10:41:06 PM
Now how did I forget this one...

The Italian Job!!!!

You want a car chase, HIRE THIS MOVIE. It was done by a bunch of rally drivers and it shows. It pioneered many techniques and still stands up in quality. Puls, virtually no trick shots at all

Jun 25th, 2001, 08:36:43 AM
Best, in no particular order

French Connection
Blues Brothers * * * *
(The funniest as well. "I've always loved you...")
Cannonball Run * * * *
(Fun movie, great chases, the sequel must be avoided at all costs.)
Smokey and the Bandit
(Burt Reynolds loves his cars!)
The Road Warrior

Lethal Weapon 4
(Let's drive through a building and come out the other side back onto the highway! I know it was a bit tongue in cheek, but what we're they thinking!)
Eight Million Ways To Die
(The chase was just as bad the title. At one point Jeff Bridges is driving on only his rims and you're asking yourself; "Why am I sitting here watching this?"
(Never liked it or Keannu. The whole concept was just too ridiculous. I mean, does anyone in L.A. even know what a bus looks like, let alone ride one?)
Speed 2
(They switched to a boat and got even dumber. Something I thought wasn't possible.)

I haven't seen many of the car chases you guys have mentioned. Ronin, Way of the Gun, Bullit. Bullit is the one I'd love to catch. I probably saw it when I was a kid but I just can't remember it. Steve McQueen

Jun 25th, 2001, 08:58:53 AM
I'm glad BLUES BROTHERS got mentioned....I've always loved that chase. Another great car chase in a comedic film is the one in FLETCH. I laugh my ass off at that everytime. As for the dramas....they were pretty much all mentioned.

Jun 25th, 2001, 11:39:00 AM
yeah, Italian Job:)

Jun 25th, 2001, 02:04:43 PM
CMJ, I completely forgot about Fletch. That was a great chase. I tend to like chases that have a sense of humor about them, but the LW4 building bit went too far.

Jun 25th, 2001, 07:43:28 PM
Talk about a weird coincidence. Today I was at craft store with my wife to buy some spray-on chalkboard paint for my son's room. While we were there I saw some model kits I'd never seen before. They're these metal snap together kits that don't require paint. Well you know which car they had? Steve McQueen's black Charger from Bullitt! It get's weirder, right next to that car they had 3 different models from American Grafeti! This thread must have some kind of strange mojo going for it.