View Full Version : Fast and the Furious vs. Dr. Doolittle 2
Jun 21st, 2001, 01:22:16 PM
Another week, another battle. A safe comedy sequel vs a low budget, high octate, ultra car stunt movie. I wonder if wither movie will actually be any good. ;)
buff jedi 2
Jun 21st, 2001, 01:31:26 PM
I'm very sure DDL will run all over FAF .I wouldnt be surprised at a 50+ opening for DDL.(that eddie he so crazy)
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 02:08:09 PM
I think DD2 will beat FAF quite handily. But again, I wouldn't expect more than a 30-35 million dollar opening. Maybe half that for FAF, 20 tops.
Jun 21st, 2001, 05:21:58 PM
I think both look pretty bad. I'm avoiding both at all costs.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 21st, 2001, 05:51:17 PM
Dr Doolittle 2 will be #1 easily probably getting close to 40 million. To me it looks a lot better than Fast and Furious which is just Gone in 60 seconds with nobody in it, many I have all seen one of those actors and he has impressed me yet.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 22nd, 2001, 02:01:21 AM
Fast and Furious appears to have better car chases.
Which wouldnt be hard, Gone in 60 seconds was crap car wise.
Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:20:38 AM
We're getting into the part of the year where all the kids are out of school, and the Box office numbers can be the biggest for several weeks. it's weird to think of more 2 or more movies movie making over 25 million week after week (even the not so great movies).
I definitely agree that Doolittle will probably do better than Furious, they have been really pushing Furious with ads and some mtv stuff for a while now, though.
Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:58:56 AM
I'll probably jst catch something thats been playing for awhile if I go to the movies this weekend. I can not imagine paying for either of those films.
Jun 23rd, 2001, 02:00:44 PM
did showbizdata make a mistake? 14.7 million for The Fast and the Furious, and only 8.5 for DDl2?
Jun 23rd, 2001, 02:56:41 PM
I guess we were all wrong about F&tF:p , I cannot wait to see the movie... I think Vin Diesel ROCKS!!!!
Jun 23rd, 2001, 03:58:06 PM
I'm glad for it. I like when the smaller, ballsy movies do well. Its doing what I wish Way of the Gun or Boondock Saints did, it appears
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 23rd, 2001, 05:50:37 PM
It still looks stupid to me every critc called it terrible. It has nobodies in it and a plot that has been done over dozen times.
Jun 23rd, 2001, 06:03:58 PM
every critc called it terrible
Your own opinions count only
It has nobodies in it
Way of then Gun had Caan, Philleppe, Lewis and some nobody called Del Torro. All either nobodies or near. Two Oscar nominations and one winner.
And then Boondock Saints. Yound Indy, Dafoe, Billy Connolley. Nobodies but Dafoe really. Great film
And anyway, I would say Vin Diesel is a somebody
and a plot that has been done over dozen times
Yeah, and Star Wars was original:)
Jun 23rd, 2001, 08:07:09 PM
I believe Jedi Master Carr was taking about F&tF Reaperfett..
I would have to say you do have some very good points RF!!
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an original plot or original idea for a movie or story anymore. What makes a good movie or a story, is how the story is told. Stories are told and retold with the same characters in every story. Anymore to make it different, they change the sex or the action of the characters, to give them a twist, and the idea of being original.
Force Master Hunter
Jun 23rd, 2001, 08:38:53 PM
Just looked over rotten Tomatoes....
53% on the meter.... but unusually, look at the pick of the crop! 67%! It's commented as dumb acting, awful script - but when the car scences get going its supposed to be awesome and that's whats getting it the good reviews. I tpromises nothing other than cars and that it seems to be delivering.
Good car scences
This sounds like my type of movie.
Jun 23rd, 2001, 09:03:19 PM
Rotten Tomatoes is BS. They pick a quote out, and use it. On the Mystery Men one(Which got rotten, stupid thing), there was a review saying it was average. Rotten. Ive seen good reviews made rotten by picking a line out
BTW, Lock, Stock... Hard Boiled, Army of Darkness, Braindead/Dead Alive. All nobody-full as well. All top 15 films for me
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 24th, 2001, 01:20:35 AM
I wasn't talking about those other films it was F%F as I said before it just looks a copy of Gone in 60 Seconds which was just an average movie which I would have never saw if had not stared such actors as Nicholas Cage, Delro, Lendo(sp) Robert Duval, and Angelina Jolie and I only caught that on a rental I never would have sheled 6 bucks for it. The same with this movie its just another race car film, plus it looks very boring to me and none of the actors interest me so I doubt I would even rent it. Now why it made so much on Friday is simple teenagers. Gone in 60 seconds opened big but went down real quick, I expect the same for this movie I doubt it will reach 75 million not even mentioning 100 million.
Jun 24th, 2001, 01:55:39 AM
While it is true that Gone in 60 had the bigger names, I think the difference between the two is how well filmed the action in Fast and Furious is. While I know you guys are not the biggest fans of Rotten Tomatoes, they try to follow a simple formula. If a person on a 4 star scale give the movie 2 or less stars, that counts as a rotten, and anything above 2 is good. While this does not leave much room for middle ground, you should be able to quickly get a good idea of what the movie is about, and how it is being taken by critics. As mentioned above, the cream of the crop critics, like Roger Ebert, seem to really like Fast and the Furious. Each of them says it is a B movie for sure, but praise the chases and races scenes as the best filmed since Ronin. Ebert even says some of the action equals the climax of Road Warrior, something I seriously doubt, but if so I am not going to miss it.
To compare what top critics think about FATF compared to Gone in 60…..67 percent of them liked Fast, while only 26 percent liked Gone in 60..even those that liked Gone, said the action was over-edited, and to touched up, and they seemed to like the campy feeling of it more then the action…..while everyone who likes Fast seems to praise the action greatly.
I just have to see this movie on the big screen. I have a gut feeling it is going to be much more enjoyable then the crap like Tomb Raider.
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:54:58 AM
Hey, Tomb Raider was awesome. I saw it twice already, once opening day and once the next day. I'd like to see it one more time. That movie was awesome! Easily 3.5 stars.
Fast and the Furious looks sweet. The minute I saw it was Vin Diesel's new film, which was long, long before the trailers (I had looked in IMDB), I knew I wanted to see it.
Vin Diesel is my favorite new actor and I'm glad that finally people are beginning to take notice. I think he's the next big name in Hollywood. I said that when I saw Pitch Black and Boiler Room, both of which opened within a few weeks of each other or something (maybe it was the same week?). Anyway, he is awesome. Not only is he a cool actor, he's also a really good one. He is the reason why Pitch Black is a four star film in my book instead of a 2.5 or a 3. It could easily have been a pretty average and pretty boring movie, but instead it had a strong concept and a great leading actor who made the movie not only original but extremely enjoyable and just darn unexpected and cool. I never hand out four star ratings during the off-season hardly (any time outside of May through July and November and December), but that movie deserved it. Fox disagrees, but we agree that the crash sequence is freakin' awesome.
I will see Fast and the Furious tomorrow, but I just got back into the country from Mexico where they're still watching Casablanca, so I didn't get to see the film opening day like I always do for new movies, hehe. Just kidding about the Casablanca one, Mexico's not that far behind ;) any thoughts on why Fast and Furious had such an amazing opening? The studio could never have expected this. Everyone thought it would only make $20 million or less. My personal guess was $19 million, so I was right with Box Office Guru on that basically, but now we both look like morons. It nearly made that in one day. Hmm...looks like a $35 to $40 million opening for Fast and Furious.
I really want to write a biography on Vin Diesel, hehe. That would rock. Too bad that would be really hard because I'd have to convince him to sit down and let me interview him and I'd have to talk to other people who know him, etc. Too difficult probably, and he's a young actor basically.
Fast and Furious could not have cost more than $40 or $50 million to make, I don't think. That movie will be a massive hit for its studio, even with awful staying power. It'll still make $115 to $140 million it seems like.
Jun 24th, 2001, 07:52:57 AM
I hope Mexico isnt far behind, there's a cinema near my hotel next week:)
Vin has a big thing going for him. I've only knowingly seen him in Saving Private RYan, so I cant judge his acting. But what he has, is presense. I saw a picture from Pitch black, where hes holding a shotgun or something one handed. And he looks great for an action film
Jun 24th, 2001, 01:06:37 PM
indeed he does ReaperFett:)
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 24th, 2001, 03:48:41 PM
I'm just not a fan of race car movies, they bore me I love planes much more but that is just my opinion. I didn't really wanna watch Gone is 60 seconds I only watched that because of the cast. This movie just looks dumb to me and I doubt I will ever watch it.
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:14:57 PM
Dumb?! I think the word you're looking for is extremely cool! :)
haha, j/k. Yeah Gone in Sixty Seconds was not that good, it was alright. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't much.
Vin Diesel is so cool. I want to see him in more action films. He made Pitch Black a modern sci-fi classic.
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:35:19 PM
Still haven't that. Keep meaning to rent it, but never get around to it.
Force Master Hunter
Jun 24th, 2001, 06:57:59 PM
Well I am a BIG fan of car moives, which means Gone in 60 seconds right pissed me off. It was shocking car action wise and totally unrealistic.
Some to f the best car movies are things like Bullitt, The Blue Brothers and.... cannonBall Run. All were highly authentic speed wise and stunt wise and just a plain blast to watch. CannonBall run as the ferrari and the Cobra race into (Los Angles?) are going extremely hard and it is for a car nut bloody good to watch and listen to.
Fast And Furious is sounding like my kind of moive car wise. Someone let me know please?
Jun 25th, 2001, 01:56:33 AM
Wow, What a shock! 40 million for F&F.
And me without the internet all weekend.
I was in Orlando this weekend, it was kind of weird, I went to Orlando Studios City Walk (the free part) and saw a movie there.(Shrek, baby, Shrek). Outside the 20 screen cineplex they had a bunch of Fast and Furious type cars out on display as an attraction for the movie. (I guess it figures, since it's a Universal movie). I guess this is the first major surprise of the season.
Jun 26th, 2001, 12:56:54 AM
Actually, I think it could well be one of the biggest summer surprises ever for an opening weekend.
Look over the rest of the top ten best June openers. What one of those movies was NOT supposed to open huge? Maybe AP2 was bigger than many people expected, but come on, everyone knew it was going to do very well. Four Batman films and none of those were a surprise either for opening weekend.
Fast and the Furious was just an astonishing surprise! I bet the studio was just going nuts over those numbers. A $38 million film making $40+ million in just its first weekend! This could be one of the summer's most profitable film, if not THE most profitable. If it makes $130 million in the U.S., which would not even be very good staying power, then it takes another $150 internationally or more, when you add in TV rights, cable, video sales, DVD sales, rentals, etc, you have a profit of probably more than $100 million! There is no way they had expected that.
I bet the studio would have been happy with a solid $18 or $20 million opening. It still would have been hugely profitable...
As Lord Vader would say, "Impressive. Most impressive."
Jun 26th, 2001, 11:06:07 PM
Gone in 60 seconds opened big but went down real quick, I expect the same for this movie I doubt it will reach 75 million not even mentioning 100 million.
FATF had a 52 percent drop on Monday..from 11 million to 5.2 million..this is a much better drop then other recent movies like Tomb Raider...which had a 62 percent drop...and 66 percent for Pearl I think it will do 75 million should be at 52 million at least going into this weekend..and if it has a 50 percent drop will be at 72 million by Sunday..
Jun 26th, 2001, 11:20:31 PM
haha, what?! Who said that? No offense but that's the stupidest thing I've ever read on here.
HELLO?!?! It opened with $40 million. There is no way, NO WAY, it will make less than $120 million.
Even the WORST movies of all-time, the absolute stinkers that had no staying power, still made 2.5 times their opening weekends. Fast and Furious is not a stinker at all. If it sucked as hard as Eyes Wide Shut, it'd be in trouble. That movie had the worst staying power of any major film within the last five years I think. $22 million opening with a $55 million total. That is pathetic. It should have easily made $100 million if it were any good. Anyway, Fox is right, a 50% decline from weekend day to weekday is actually excellent, not just decent. TPM fell 50% from its huge Sunday gross to its record Monday gross (one of the few records it still firmly holds; no movie is going to break that record except for the next two SW films).
Even pretending it has absolutely terrible staying power, it makes 3 times its opening gross, as oppossed to 7 times for TPM and 5 times for a "good" staying power film. Four is average. AP2 made 4 times its opening weekend gross, which is a good rule of thumb for most films.
Nonetheless, movies directed at teenagers generally fall faster because they fail to expand outside of their core audience. Fast and Furious will probably suffer a 45% decline or so next weekend, but it doesn't matter. The studio would have expected that and the film will easily be a massive hit for them.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 27th, 2001, 01:11:10 AM
I'd said that but that was before it made 40 million. I'd still don't think it will do much more than a 100 because of all the films coming out the next two weeks. AI % Crazy Beautiful the 29, Cats and Dogs and Scary Movie 2 the 4, Kiss of the Dragon the 6th, the Score and Legally Blonde the 13 and then Jurassic Park 3 the 18. I think it will fall out of the top pretty fast at least by the 13th but it will not be a movie that will have much repeat value. Sure I admit I was wrong but I was looking at the way most of the analystis did who thought originally that it wouldn't really make any money.
Jun 27th, 2001, 02:40:06 AM
Oh ok, before it came out. Sorry I did not look back, I just read what Fox said.
I would have agreed with you before it came out, but now it is headed for the $120+ million area. Understandable if you said $75 to $100 before it arrived, though. That would have been a good prediction, I thought anyway. Guess we were both wrong.
Jun 27th, 2001, 03:30:55 AM
I think you said that after it came out that it made almost 15 million on friday right?
Jun 27th, 2001, 09:25:30 AM
So I guess Dr. Doolittle 2 didn't live up to expectations.... :p
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 27th, 2001, 09:58:39 AM
I'm not sure I may not have looked at Friday's numbers or thought they were wrong when I said that. I was mostly following what I thought it was going to make I think everybody was surprised by how much it made. I guess the real battle begins this week AI vs Crazy Beautiful :P Seriously I doubt some chick flick stands a chance against the power of Spielberg. I think AI will do 45 million at least but I think it will do more I say somewhere between 50-55 is a good estamite since the film is getting so much buzz right now.
Jun 27th, 2001, 11:04:58 AM
B.O. surprises like FATF happen every year. It's always interesting to look back at our predictions and compare them to what really took place. Can you imagine what we would have said to anyone who would have predicted a $40M opening and $120M plus gross for FATF? We would have said they were nuts and didn't know squat about the B.O. I like it when a sleeper shows up and shakes things up a bit.
Jun 27th, 2001, 04:50:07 PM
haha, yeah I agree Jedieb.
I would have been like, "What are you, a freakin moron?! It won't make $40 million. Are you on drugs?" lol.
Ah well, sometimes the box office is not as predictable as we'd like to think. It's still fairly predictable in many ways. For instance, generally you can say, "Ok this is a family movie, so it will increase a good deal from Friday to Saturday," or "Ok this is a teen flick with a massive built-in audience, so it probably will increase only 10% on Saturday, or maybe it will even decrease 10%."
Then you can make a good prediction for Sunday based on the time of the year and the film. Even though you cannot always be right, it's still kind of cool that the moviegoing habits of people nationwide is actually somewhat predictable! I like that idea :)
Jun 27th, 2001, 06:09:23 PM
You're right Jon. Lots of B.O. tendencies are predictable. Which is why I enjoy abbrerations like FATF (Which I really don't plan on seeing, I'm more of a fan of its performance than the movie itself.). When a movie bucks a long standing trend then you know you've got something out of the ordinary. I'll probably catch it when it hits cable. I didn't realize the cue ball lead was a SPR cast member. He does solid work.
Jun 27th, 2001, 06:18:56 PM
Ive only seen Vin in that, hes great:)
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