View Full Version : AI's ending (Huge Spoilers)

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 3rd, 2001, 08:32:12 PM
Okay I wanted to right this because I have now read something that has confused the ending of AI for me so only read this post if you have seen the movie. You have been warned.





Okay when the film goes to 2000 years later these things (I thought they were aliens) come and awaken David. On another forum there are several people who sware they are mechas they say Spielberg said so and it was in the early drafts of Kubricks' scripts. Now in a way that makes it interesting becaus Joe did say that all that would be left would be Mechas and he was right either way, but if thats the case these mechas seem so oblivious to Human culture including the Narrator he seemed interested in learning more about it. I guess I will have to see the movie again maybe its something thats not obvious when you first see it. Okay for all those that have seen what is your opinion?

Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:52:44 PM
Thay are mecha's...I thought it was obvious. The real beauty of that is not what Gigilo Joe said about mecha's being left after humans are gone...BUT at the beginning Hurt's character said something to the effect of "God created humans so he'd have something to worship him." We(humans) didn't create mechas to worhip....but to serve. But after our demise...they DO worsip us. Remember how the one adavanced mecha spoke so glowingly about the human race and our art and poetry?? I don't know...the more I think about it...the more the film just blows me away.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 4th, 2001, 01:05:09 AM
I guess I must have missed it, as I said I will probably have to watch it again to understand it all and to really make sense of it.

Jul 6th, 2001, 12:42:02 PM
Is David real? He sleeps...so he's finally been made real, right? Or not.... Was the whole sequence a dream the mecha's made for him? In a sense even if it WASN'T a dream(virtual reality or whatever) it WAS. That was not his real mother...it was a fax simile that only had memories of him...and no one else. He never does gain his mother's love...so it is a somewhat depressing ending.

The narration.... At first it bothered me, but now I think it might be one of the advanced mecha's telling the story(same voice as the one that spoke to David). He's telling a fairy tale to robotic "kids" about the one robot who became 'real'. Hell those mecha's adored humans!

More thoughts to come later...my best friend just stopped by the apartment.....

Jul 7th, 2001, 01:43:10 AM
I've seen AI twice and yes CMJ is right, they are mechas. I didn't think it was obvious the first time I saw it, though. I must have been tired or something, but I realized before I saw it the second time from reading more about the movie and whatnot. It seems obvious now I suppose, but it didn't before.

Jul 8th, 2001, 08:41:26 PM
The cinematography was brilliant. The shot where we first see David(out of focus and distorted) resembles the advanced mechas at the end. Wow...quite a preview, huh?

The advanced mecha actually resemble that logo for the robotics firm I think. This raises an interesting idea...the robots make themselves look like the only 'human' thing they remember(I think it's safe to assume that the image was imprinted on all mechas...even the future ones that we didn't build...it wioould be a way for mechas to be closer to us). This is similar to God creating us to look like himself(or any other creation tale in any religion...they all have that premise). Intead though....it's reverse.

The mechas try to find out what it is to be human...but in a sense the whole film makes the argument that mechas were more "human" than we are. But at the same time....they're not. They aren't capable of the dreams we are(isn't that what the super mecha said...something along those lines at least)...which is why I argue that David DOES become real. He does have dreams...and most importantly, to be real you have to die...which is what I believe happens at the end.

More thoughts to come.....

Other people feel free to post your own thoughts...or criticize mine. :)

General Ceel
Jul 9th, 2001, 12:53:41 PM
Its going to be fun to watch this one over and over on DVD where we have a chance to see things closer and figure out all of the subtle parts thay may have been overlooked.

Jul 12th, 2001, 05:33:08 PM
I'm going to see it again tommorrow. I may have another report.