View Full Version : Final Fantasy vs The Score vs Legally Blonde

Jul 9th, 2001, 10:13:32 AM
Another week, another battle. Final Fantasy starts Wednesday, the other 2 open on Friday. The Score SHOULD be a good movie DeNiro, Norton, Basset and Brando, along with Frank Oz directing. (his first drama?)

I have a hunch that Legally Blonde might do well, mainly because a cute female-skewed comedy may be what the Box office needs right now. I wouldn't be surprised if it won the weekend (if it has enough screens).

I'm interested to see how FF's Wednesday numbers compare ro Cats & Dogs and SM2's Wednesday figures.

Jul 9th, 2001, 11:07:24 AM
LB looks to be the date flick of the weekend. It comes across as Clueless Goes To Harvard Law. And Witherspoon looks hot enough to get guys to go along with their girlfriend's wishes. Can Final Fantasy strike B.O. gold and become one of the biggest hits of the summer? I would really like for this film to do well. It looks amazing but I just don't know if it's going to be able to break out of its demographic. The score is the "adult" movie of the weekend. I don't see it drawing too much away from LB or FF. I'd have to say it will probably come in at #3, but could still do well with strong word of mouth, like The General's Daughter did a few years ago. It just depends on how good it is. I mean, 15 minutes wasn't exactly a crowd pleasure.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 9th, 2001, 02:45:48 PM
The score could come in second depending on how well the other two do. This is a very difficult weekend to predict and I am glad FF opens on Wed so we can see how well it does. At least next weekend will be easy we can all guess what #1 movie will be.

Jul 9th, 2001, 02:59:44 PM
Things geta little easier after this weekend:

July 18 - Jurassic Park III

July 20 - America's Sweethearts

July 27 - Planet of the Apes

In August there's at least 3 new movies opening each weekend until Aug 31. (5 on the 3rd AND the 24th - not sure how big some of them are).

Aug 3 - :p
Apocalypse Now Redux
Original Sin
The Princess Diaries
Rat Race
The Rock Movie
Rush Hour 2

Aug 10
American Pie 2
The Curse of the Jade Scorpion
Osmosis Jones

Aug 17
American Outlaws
Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Aug 24
Ghosts of Mars
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Soul Survivors
Summer Catch

Aug 31 - Glitter

This is according to Bo Guru : www.boxofficeguru.com/sched.htm (http://www.boxofficeguru.com/sched.htm)

Oh Yeah, Spy Kids Special Edition opens in August also. :)

Darth Turbogeek
Jul 9th, 2001, 05:41:57 PM
Oh god..... please tell me they didnt make a sequel to that POS American Pie. There truly is no hope.

Jul 9th, 2001, 05:57:23 PM
I think Final Fantasy will win the weekend, but we'll see.

One of my friends, who is a girl (a hot one, though), saw Legally Blonde at a sneak preview and said she loved it. She thought it was a four star movie, lol. I doubt I'd end up giving it even three, but I kind of want to see it because she looks SO HOT in that movie. Haha. I'd see it for sure IF I had a girlfriend, haha ;)

The Score could go either way, could be good, could be pretty lousy. You'd think with the talent they have attached they could make a good movie, but I'm not sure. The trailer looks just decent.

Did anyone else notice that for some reason it's like Hollywood has said, "Gee, we usually put our lame movies in August, but I guess this summer we'll release big movies then too"? What the heck is up with that? Rush Hour 2 in August? That could very well be the first movie ever in August to make $30 million in one weekend, but I think it'll do $40 million without too many problems. American Pie 2 is another potentially big movie. I didn't even see the first and it is not my style of comedy because I think it's frickin' disgusting, but I suppose it is probably pretty funny. I bet that movie will do well, at least $25 million on opening.

Kind of odd that August is looking so crowded.

Jul 9th, 2001, 06:39:41 PM
I thought American Pie was surprisingly good parts were really hilarious - surprisingly so (if you've seen it you know what I mean). It was certainly much better than Austin Powers 2.

Jul 9th, 2001, 11:26:07 PM
I might like it, who knows. I should probably see it sometime. I thought Austin Powers 2 was pretty good, much better than the first. I hated the first movie and could not honestly give it a whole one star. It was a terrible movie and definitely the least funny comedy I have ever seen. I am not joking I did not laugh a single time the entire movie. I laughed multiple times in every Star Wars movie and they're not even comedies! Austin Powers was just that stupid british humor that wasn't at all funny in any way whatsoever. Stupid. Dumb. Inane. All of those come to mind, not funny.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 10th, 2001, 01:03:32 AM
I agree with you Jonathan I hated the first Austin Powers movie too, I just didn't get it. I don't know if its the british humor(I find Monty Python funny) or what but it was stupid. I have only seen parts of the second one and to me it doesn't look any better.

August does look busy. Still Rush Hour 2 should easily win the first weekend, and its a toss up for either Osmosis Jones or American Pie 2, Osmosis Jones looks interesting only because its the Farrely Brother first attempt at a PG movie (will they pull it off?) It looks better than last year when August was filled with a lot of duds. The end of July looks great too, Three potential blockbusters, dinosaurs, apes, and Roberts. I hope the dinosaurs take a big bite out of Roberts new movie though I do expect both to do very well that weekend since they really attract two completely different audiencs.

Jul 10th, 2001, 02:59:35 AM
Yeah I don't know what it is with that stupid Austin Powers movie. The british are really weird sometimes and that is one of those times. If they really think that is incredibly funny...umm...try American comedy. It's much better.

AP2 was actually a good deal funnier, but still stupid. Heather Graham is really hot, though, and actually so is Liz Hurley. Dang.

Almost everyone who has the first name Liz is super hot. From my class, Liz Irwin, Liz DiLorenzo, and even Ellie Ipsen (Ellie is Elizabeth which is Liz, hehe).

Yeah August is full this time around. I expect Rush Hour 2 to make a ton of movie on its opening weekend...

Jul 10th, 2001, 08:46:03 AM
I mustr agree with you Darth...I found the first AMERICAN PIE pretty hilarious. I wasn't expecting much....but I laughed a ton. I'm not sure about the sequel though....looks funny....but how can you do a sequel to AP? Some "movie universes" you can see a sequel(like SW or JURASSIC PARK etc...)...but AMERICAN PIE???? I don't know.....

Jul 10th, 2001, 10:58:53 AM
Uh oh.... I've read some comments from Brits who thing that AP is really annoying AMERICAN humor. ( I guess they're not aroudn right now).

Jul 10th, 2001, 11:39:23 AM
Austin Powers IS NOT an example of British comedy. It's not in the vain of Monty Python films. Both AP films are American comedies with characters that happen to be British. These movies are more of a spoof on James Bond films than British comedies. I haven't seen AP2, but I thought the first one was pretty decent. The cocunut scene in the honeymoon suite was pretty funny and the estranged son played by Seth Green was hilarious.

Jul 10th, 2001, 03:19:49 PM
There was a lot of excessively gross stuff in AP2. Mostly dealing with Fat bastard - mostly.

Jul 12th, 2001, 04:40:49 PM
Wednesdays numbers:

Final Fantasy debuted with 5 million (2300 screens).

Cats & Dogs spanked Scary Movie - 2.8 to 2.0 million.

Shrek beat Tomb Raider. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 12th, 2001, 04:50:48 PM
5 million is that good or bad and what does it say for this weekend. I figured it would open pretty good on Wed because its when most of the fans of the game will go out and see it. The question is will there be any interest from the general public and I think there won't be I know of only one person who wants to see and most people I talk to haven't even heard of it. I'd say it opens between 20-25 and gets eat up next weekend by JP 3.

Jul 12th, 2001, 05:48:00 PM
I don't know . I guess 5 million is pretty unimpressive. If word of mouth is positive it might do decently this weekend. Of course, C&D and SM2 has their biggest days last Wednesday.

I'm sure JP3 will be pretty big - unless people remember JP 2.

Jul 12th, 2001, 05:51:13 PM
I'm not so sure how JP# will do. I really wanna see it...BUT every time I see a preview with an audience I hear people muttering things like, "Again??" I don't think it will be as big as most ppl seem to think.

Jul 12th, 2001, 06:34:38 PM
I see the opposite, and feel it might do better than people anticipate..

btw~I thought the first AP was better than AP2.. I end up walking out of AP2, and watch TPM again:)

Jul 12th, 2001, 06:51:55 PM
Actually, I'd say $5 million is pretty darn good, considering that this Wednesday wasn't a holiday, and Final Fantasy really isn't quite as popular in NA as it should be. Then there's the people who think "animation=kids movie"...so I think $5 million is a good haul.

Jul 12th, 2001, 08:25:57 PM
I meant good compared to how it will do this weekend, and compared to the two movies last week. It's no holiday, but it IS summer. JP3 will probably do better next Wednesday. (unfortunately).

FF is potentially a 100 million dollar movie(imo), but if it starts with 25 million for the 5 day period (or something like that) then it will need great word of mouth to reach that level.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 12th, 2001, 08:44:15 PM
I think JP 3 will do really well, it looks a lot better than the Lost World. I kind of like the concentration on two different dinosaurs along with the Raptors. I hear the scenes with the Pteradons are incredible. Also the Spinosaurs (which is the now the biggest carnavore) is suppose to have a huge battle with the T-Rex I won't say who wins but that fight sure sounds intreguing. I also like the idea of making the Raptors more intelligent like they were in JP, it makes them more interesting at least to me. As for the box office I think it will do pretty good, I'd say close to 10 million for next Wed and it should pull in at least 45 for the weekend maybe even 50.

Jul 12th, 2001, 09:24:10 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if JP3 was a better film, but made about $50-$100M less that The Lost World. The Lost World had such an anti-climatic ending that it kind of ruined the movie for some.