View Full Version : The Big 2-3

Jul 12th, 2001, 05:37:48 PM
Yes...it has come again. Tommorrow marks the 23rd anniversary of my entrance into this wonderful world. Another birthday for me. Yeah. :) I'm being somewhat sarcastic, as I hate the idea of growing up(hell I'm about to finally graduate college in August...then it'll really hit I guess). Anyways, most of my friends aren't around so I'm gonna spend most of the day with my brother(we're going to see A.I again...he gets off easy). Since he's about to move this might be one of the last times we really "hang". Ahh it is bittersweet to get older. :)

Jul 12th, 2001, 05:44:48 PM
Happy birthday dude!

Jul 12th, 2001, 06:39:09 PM
gawd to be 23 again..hehehe

well HAPPYBIRTHDAY dooooooood!!!!!

buff jedi 2
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:30:06 PM
wow 23 !!!! boy your just a young pup .Watcha doing for your b day ???? ;) just think in 3 years youll be as old as me and in 70 years youll be as OLDDDDDD as jediEB(S) :) congrads man.


Jul 12th, 2001, 09:35:39 PM
Jedieb's Dana Carvey's Grumpy Old Man Voice
STUPID YOUNG PUNKS!!! In my day we didn't trash our elders over the internet. In fact we didn't have any fancy internet. If we wanted to communicate over long distances we'd smack sticks together or use smoke signals. Sometimes we'd accidently set our hair on fire but the screams of anguish only made the message travel that much further! We rolled around in agony and misery AND WE LIKED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, Happy Birthday CMJ.. young punks............. >(

Jul 13th, 2001, 02:39:02 AM

My wife just had a Birthday July 9th...my mom had her B-day (turned 50) on July 8th...my dad and I have birthdays next month...he turns 56, I turn 26...

Jedi Master Kyle
Jul 13th, 2001, 09:43:28 AM
Happy Birthday CMJ! Welcome to the ranks of 23!

-No one likes you when you're 23.
(Blink 182)

Jul 14th, 2001, 12:59:10 AM
haha, Fox my dad is actually older than yours. He's 59 and my mom is 49. lol.

23 eh CMJ? I would take 2 and half of those years, that way I'd be 21, if you'd give them to me! ;)

Jul 14th, 2001, 02:54:31 AM
My dad is realy healthy for a 56 year old...spent his whole life keeping in shape for the Police...he looks to be in his lower 40's...the DR's tell him they wished they had his heart....and he still works out in the ring with me and my brother with boxing gloves...I hope I am in that good of shape at his age..I see men in their 50's all the time just look OLD..

Jul 14th, 2001, 04:58:06 AM
Yeah our dad's sound pretty similar in that respect. My dad has a bad back, though, but he always works out and keeps in good shape at least.

He honestly looks like he is probably 45 or so, not 59. He has all of his hair even without using any products, it's not gray, and that's the same way his dad was too, so he was lucky that way (hopefully I will be too).

My mom definitely does not look 49. I wouldn't say she looks 30, of course, but she could be 38 or 40 pretty easily. My dad has friends that look like they must be 75 or 80, haha, yet they're younger than him by a few years.

Jul 14th, 2001, 11:49:13 AM
Thanks evrybody for the "Harrp Birthday" comments. It's glad to feel loved. :)

I actually had a really good day...spent half of it with my brother and half of it with my girlfriend. My brother and I saw A.I. again...and then went out to eat. My gf and I went and got the engagement ring I bought for her appraised(I haven't asked her yet...just got the ring...I'm waiting for the right time to ask...don't worry everyone will get a cigar when she says yes) and I must say I got quite a deal. Then we played miniature golf(a passion of mine...juvenille I know...but I love it) and went for ice cream. All and all a pretty good day. :)

Jul 14th, 2001, 12:49:00 PM
NOTHING WRONG WITH miniature golf!!!!!! IT RULES! Esp when it is to hot to play golf!

Jul 14th, 2001, 12:50:20 PM
oh...and I have played some MG that is harder then the real thing! Woods would shoot over par on these things...lol

Jul 15th, 2001, 12:00:35 AM
I'm pretty dang good at my "home" course. There's a miniature golf place here in town that has 2 courses...and though I haven't mastered them, I'm pretty solid. Yesterday I shot 2 over par on one of them(10 over on the other...but oh well). I've shot +1 on each before...but never par. One of these days.... :)