View Full Version : Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Jul 13th, 2001, 02:05:36 PM
I just saw the trailer at:
www.newsaskew.com/va5/trailer3.shtml (http://www.newsaskew.com/va5/trailer3.shtml)

By the time Chris Rock delivered the last line of the trailer I was laughing hysterically. This looks like it's going to be a hilarious movie with nods to both Lucas and Spielberg.

Jul 13th, 2001, 03:58:10 PM
I want to see this movie so bad, haha, it's going to be hilarious. Unfortunately, though, I leave for college before it opens in theaters so I'm not entirely sure I'll get to see it right away, or at all. I hope so though.

Jul 13th, 2001, 09:29:56 PM
Congrats on the beginning of the great college "experience" Jon. You'll have plenty of time to see it. Have you scheduled your classes yet? Stay away from 8 o'clock classes. Everything is much easier to handle when it starts in the PM hours. ;)

Jul 14th, 2001, 12:57:03 AM
haha, that is excellent advice, Jedieb, and I have already taken care of it! :)

I scheduled my classes in the 2nd orientation group out of 6, so I had a great pick of possible classes, but even better, there were 27 individual groups at the 2nd orientation and my group was THIRD to pick classes! So basically I was one of the first 17% or so, which gave me the best picks as far as I'm concerned.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays my earliest class is at noon, but on Tuesday and Thursday it's 1:35 p.m.! HECK YES!

Just the schedule I like. I won't even have to adjust my summer schedule to meet my school schedule, which is great.

I am taking Film 180 on Tuesday's from 7 to 10 at night (they're all in the late afternoon or at night anyway, just how the film program works). I am majoring in film production, which is pretty cool I think. I think it'll be exciting and fun.

I am seriously worried about where and how I'll go get my movie fix, haha, I need to figure out where the nearest theater is, so maybe I'll go see Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back with my mom when she's down there helping me get my room set up and all. I am not living in a dorm, so she's coming down to help me move in a bit. I am staying in a room of a house that is bordering campus. If you walk 15 feet out the back door (not exaggerating), you are on campus in the North Building parking lot, which is technically closer to most of the campus than many of the freshman dorms (at least the primary one, Rosecrans). Actually many freshman and sophomores apparently stay in a wing of this sleaze bag hotel called the Furama, which is a good 7 or 8 minutes from campus and you have to take a shuttle to get there (of course, there are only a few shuttles per day, so sucks to be you if your schedule doesn't work with the shuttle). I'm far closer to most classes than people on campus, but I have the luxury of my own room that is much bigger than the dorms, and even better, it's cheaper! $500 per month, $4,500 for the year, cheaper than the dorms by far. I got lucky on that one.

Jedi Master Kyle
Jul 14th, 2001, 09:50:51 AM
I've been dying to see this one! Have you seen the cast? You've got to be a Kevin Smith fan in order to fully appreciate how many familiar faces you'll see in this movie!

Jul 14th, 2001, 11:43:54 AM
I hope you love the college experience as much as I did. I'm still technically in it till August 11(the day I graduate)...but for the most part it's over. Get the most out of college you can....don't just go to class and study. Join an organization...get involved...meet people. Thats the true measure of college IMO. I've learned just as much in my non-academic circles as I have in the classroom.

On a side note...glad to have you in the Film Production field...though you'll probably take my job someday. :) You will very soon be more respectable than me(at least until I get a job in the field)...it's way better to be a "Film Student/Major" than a "Film Graduate that's unemployed." :)

Jul 14th, 2001, 05:07:57 PM
haha, no no, CMJ, you will find a great job soon enough! :)

You have been writing a script, or have one finished, right? Never know, that may take you somewhere too.

I'm really interested in screenplay writing too, so I hope I can take some classes in that area in addition to just film production.

Meanwhile, I'll just keep writing books and hope I get a deal for Anticipation soon. Dang it has been a while, but Leonard Maltin endorsed the book, so that could potentially help a good deal. Ugg, soon, I can feel it. :)

Jul 14th, 2001, 06:53:17 PM
Yeah...I should hear if I made the quarterfinals of Nicholls in the next few weeks. My fingers are crossed.....

Jul 16th, 2001, 12:47:27 PM
Chris ROck is in it? Nuts! I wanted to see it as well, first SMith film. Ill wait now