View Full Version : Jon and Das Boot….aka…boy refuses to be a man

Jul 17th, 2001, 02:03:53 AM
Could someone help me get Jon to watch Das Boot? It is my most humble opinion that Das Boot is the holy grail of Sub movies. In fact, I would say it is one of the top 3 war movies of all time period. The realism and tension of the over 3.5 hour directors cut is absolutely brilliant.

Lets examine the evidence in this case, and I am sure you will agree that Jon is guilty of the charge of being a wuss!

Exhibit A: Jon has owned Das Boot on DVD for over 6 months, and has never had the “TIME” to watch it, while watching much lesser pieces of cinema.

Exhibit B: Jon loves war movies, and even if he finds the movie boring, owes it to himself to see this masterpiece nominated for 6 Oscars, and the movie that invented the current steady-cam.

Exhibit C: A picture of Foxdvd and Britney Spears making out.

As you can see, Jon needs to watch this movie now…quickly…before he goes off to college. The girls can smell a man who is devoid of the Das Boot experience, and they will eat him alive if he does not see it before he goes!

Jul 17th, 2001, 06:35:56 AM
keep meaning to see it, but sub films run a fine line for me

Jul 17th, 2001, 09:15:25 AM
All that jerk camera movement will give him a headache.

Still, Siskel and Ebert loved it.

Jul 17th, 2001, 09:19:09 AM
I finally saw DAS BOOT for the first time a little over a year ago. I really dug it....but I find fox's enthusiasm for it a little unwarranted. It is worth seeing though. It has great acting, great sound, and real tension in alot of places. On the other hand I did think it dragged at times. I should probably see it again, since I prefer to see films at least twice before I make mu ultimate judgement on them...but I'd say it's definitely worth a viewing for Jon. :)

Jul 17th, 2001, 10:53:32 AM
Tell him it's in color. :D

Jul 17th, 2001, 11:47:50 AM
I for one think Jon should NOT watch Das Boot. If for no other reason than foxdvd will then have no reason to keep posting hilarious threads such as this. If he watches it the magic will go away....;)

Jul 17th, 2001, 12:32:39 PM
yes it is slow at times..but that is the point...it tried to show what sub life was all about!

Jon, when you watch it..turn the volume all the way up!

Don't take my word for it...number 4 on the top war movies at imdb.

us.imdb.com/Charts/Votes/war (http://us.imdb.com/Charts/Votes/war)

Roger Ebert's review

www.suntimes.com/ebert/eb...40401.html (http://www.suntimes.com/ebert/ebert_reviews/1997/04/040401.html)

Oscar nominations..

Best Cinematography
Jost Vacano

Best Director
Wolfgang Petersen

Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing
Mike Le Mare

Best Film Editing
Hannes Nikel

Best Sound

Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium
Wolfgang Petersen

Jul 17th, 2001, 03:05:35 PM
Well, Foxdvd made me buy it, than made me enjoy it, and it is in color!

The only thing that buged me about it was the music, they kept playing the same song over and over again.(imo)

Jul 17th, 2001, 05:49:09 PM
notice how Jon stays out of this thread! If he had seen Das Boot, he would not be afraid to stand up for himself. He would be able to make long post defending his positions that take 10 minutes to read!

Jul 17th, 2001, 05:58:48 PM
haha, no I just missed seeing the thread. Dude I will see it, I keep forgetting though and renting other movies.

Its length makes it hard for me because I try to write most of the day, or get together with friends, and when I watch a movie it needs to be under 2 hours...

I'll see it though.

Jul 17th, 2001, 09:27:46 PM
THAT'S IT JON!!!!!!! We were expecting a ten paragraph whopper explaining why you haven't seen it! Has carpal tunnel finally kicked in? Is a girl with a deep seeded Das Boot prejudice been keeping you busy?

I feel so cheated... :(

Jul 17th, 2001, 10:12:51 PM
haha, no girl unfortunately. I swear I will never have a girlfriend :(

On the plus side, my best friend and I are having this girl named Liz over tomorrow and her boyfriend is leaving town in the morning (they're breaking up in less than two weeks because of college anyway). Liz is ultra hot, of course, otherwise we wouldn't have invited her to come swimming with us, haha :)

All of the girls I talk to have boyfriends because all of the best girls do. I talked to Ellie on Sunday night on AIM in a 10,000 word conversation (out of curiosity, I did the word count after it was done through Word). That's like 40 manuscript pages (1/8 of my first book), and she said I'm her favorite person to talk to online, but of course she has this loser boyfriend who she's had for about 2.5 years now. He is not smart, he drinks all of the time and becomes violent when drunk, or at least very argumentative, and he smokes (she hates that), and his name is Joe, so he is quite literally "your average Joe." I hate that guy. At least Liz has a nice, cool boyfriend, but dang, Ellie could do way better. She's ultra hot too (and her picture is my desktop display for right now, hahaha!).

Then my other hot friend, Caitlin, is going after Kevin, who is chasing three different girls at the same time and none of them know (I know this from talking to Ellie, who used to go with Kevin and he is good friends with Mr. Joe, hehe).

Jul 17th, 2001, 11:57:26 PM
that would make a good movie JOn

Jul 18th, 2001, 02:50:31 AM
Caitlin is supposed to go see Legally Blonde with me soon. That'd be cool.

Hey guess what is really sad, other than my history with girls? I have never been to a movie with a girl, I mean, just one girl and I. Never happened. Not even just as friends or anything.

Geez, how pathetic. Can't go anywhere but up from here!

Jul 18th, 2001, 08:17:06 AM
join the club:)

Jul 18th, 2001, 08:45:35 AM
Pay attention boys, Joe has valuable skills he can pass on to you. He's not terribly bright, he drinks too much, and he treats Ellie like a disposable napkin. Yet she's been standing in line for seconds for more than 2.5 years. Genius, pure genius. In fact, Jon is actually helping Joe out by providing the emotional support that Cro-Magnum Joe is incapable of. Men like Joe have discovered a secret it took me years to learn; Women love "project guys". What are project guys? Guys who have a boatload of problems and generally treat women badly. Women think they can "fix" these men the same you could fix a car engine. They usually fail miserably. Joe will have the time of his life in the back seat of his dad's car while Jon uses the word count feature on his computer. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!

Does this make sense? No, of course not, because WOMEN DON'T MAKE SENSE! Don't be the nice guy! Treat women like crap! Watch episodes of the Man Show! Belch in front of women whenever you have a chance! Tell them you'll call and then blow them off! Be a man! Be a pig! Trust me, women will love you for it. Sorry, I gotta go, my wife wants me to do some dishes.

Bitter Jedieb Dish Washing Internal Monologue
(Please let those little bastards find a life sucking mate like I did!!!! Let them do dishes, change diapers, take out the garbage, wake up with the same women day after day after day after miserable day! OH YODA, LET THEM JOIN ME IN MY SUFFERING!!! Wow, this new dish washing detergent really is "New and Improved"! Oh Yoda, strike me down where I stand!)

Jul 18th, 2001, 08:58:18 AM
I found your response to be much more about high school girls. By the time they get to their 2nd year of college most girls just want a nice guy. Thats why I got hokked up with my current one. Not to say we haven't had problems(we broke up and got back together on numerous occasions)...but I am pretty positive it's gonna work.

Don't feel bad Jon...at your age I wasn't doing too much better than you. I didn't have my first real girlfriend till I was 20.

Jedi Master Kyle
Jul 18th, 2001, 09:37:28 AM
Nice guys finish last. You have now become her confidante. You are now "The Friend" who will "always be there to talk". Meanwhile "Joe" is reaping the benefits of being a jerk. To paraphrase Trent from Swingers; he basically says that girls don't want the guy from the PG-13 movie. They want the guy from the rated R movie that you're not sure you like yet. They don't want you to be all about puppy dogs and ice cream, at least not yet. They want to CONVERT you to puppy dogs and ice cream. If you're already there, you become a friend because you're a listener.

Women do not make sense. It's like the changing of the tides, just let it be.

Darth Turbogeek
Jul 18th, 2001, 09:47:35 AM
I wet myself laughing. How true! Oops, was that my wife about to belt me one? YIKES!

Mate, they dont convert you to puppy dogs. They convert you to cats. I used to hate em. I now own three. At least the race car stayed, there was no way that was going!

You reminded me of a song by Joe JAckson called "Is she really going out with him?" That examines this very problem, where the most drop dead gorgeous girls are often found with the ugliest gorilla.

Take heart tho. When the cheerleaders have lost their looks and the gorillas are hardly able to do anything from drinking beer and eating pizza, you'll be making yourself worth more and more. Buggered if I know if it will help, but hey, you get the last laugh. And you might get one of these beauties, you know the one, the one who was geek girl, or a mouse at school , you see em later and they just look soooooooo good and only get better as they get older.

Sometimes good guys DO win. 4.3 years married and 32 with no kids yet, plus free hand to go racing, I reckon I've out done the jocks from school easily :)

Jul 18th, 2001, 10:24:11 AM
IMHO(not that I've got a lot of actual experience of that age) but High School girls(and those 19-20) are usually pretty fickle and outside of a romp probably not worth the time. Sow your seeds, wait a year or two and hook up with a junior/senior college chick and you'll be all set!

Jedi Master Kyle
Jul 18th, 2001, 12:23:42 PM
Yes, I know the type of geeky girl no thought would ever get a second glance, but then she turned into one of the hottest chics I know. Dated her for 3 years. She had the nerve to try and convert me to cats and ice cream. The ice cream conversion was smooth and easy, the cats....well, let's just say we're not going out anymore...

Jul 18th, 2001, 02:39:34 PM
Many girls are like that...I was lucky to get one that was not..but my wifes sister just had a baby, and she is not sure who the father is. Well she 90 % sure it is a nice guy, who treats her well, but she does not want him in "THAT" way. The other guy she wants to be with is an A-hole, and treats her like dirt. Never showed up during the delivery, and so forth. Still she is not sure if she wants the real father in her life, who treats her good, or the man that she is sure is not the father, but she has the hots for...>UGH!

Anyway, I am lucky my wife is not like her....I am the A-hole who lucked out...but I am not an A-hole in the way I treated her. I was raised to treat women with respect....and she liked that.