View Full Version : JP3 question

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 24th, 2001, 01:05:07 PM
I have a question for those who saw JP3. What do you think killed those guys on the boat in the beginning of the movie? At first I thought it was going to be the Pterdons than I saw them locked up so I know its not them. I guess it could be the Spinosaurs since it can swim. Any thoughts?

Jul 24th, 2001, 01:10:10 PM
The Pterdons may have been able to get in and out of the aviary so it could have been them. Aside from that, I've got no idea what could have killed them. Maybe the Raptors built a raft and paddled out there?

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 24th, 2001, 01:21:50 PM
LOL that would be a funny picture. I didn't think the Pterdons could get out, maybe they could, I don't know. The reason why I thought they couldn't was because of the emphasis they put on showing the door was unlocked and then showing them fly towards the mainland. It could be the Spinosaurs since he could have swam up to the boat unless there was someother creature on the island we don't know about. Also what killed that Ben the one that was dangling in the tree. I was thinking it was the raptors because there was too much of him left to be a bigger dinosaur. I guess it could have been the compys they could have pulled it off.

Jul 24th, 2001, 02:03:46 PM
That boat plot hole really bothered me. What is it with JP films and "boat" plot holes?? LW had one as well.

Jul 24th, 2001, 02:27:11 PM
I thought it was obvious it was a Raptor in LW?

Jul 24th, 2001, 07:22:15 PM
That's not the most obvious plot hole.

I have another question for you guys that I really want someone to take a stab at, because maybe I just missed it, but first I'll get to your question.

Well, who knows, but maybe it was a sea creature, you know, like one of those things with the long heads that only existed millions of years ago. They stay near the island, but InGen had secretely brought back even the sea creatures, some of them ;)

Who knows, haha.

Ok here is my question: the kid goes gliding with his dad or whatever, lands on the island, and survives for eight weeks. Ok, that's not that believable but we'll let it slide. The real question is, what exactly happened to the dad? He was just sitting there, dead, in his harness and all. Now, if a raptor or Spinosaurus got him, then don't you think his skull and other bones would be, well, missing or all over the place? If it was just little dinosaurs that picked away at him, umm....then why didn't he just escape? I'm totally confused as to why and how the kid escaped, but the dad was just there, intact except for the skin.

What is up with that?

Jul 24th, 2001, 07:29:57 PM
That kid surviving for 8 weeks WAS pretty unbelievable. Couldn't they have made it 3-5 weeks? I mean he didn't even look like he'd lost any weight! He must have been feasting on Raptor eggs. As for the body, that looked as if it had been picked by the smaller dinosaurs. Although they left a bit too much meat on the bones. And they also screwed up on the smell. Believe me, they would have smelled that corpse from 100 yards out. That's not a pleasant aroma.

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 25th, 2001, 12:35:16 AM
The Boat I think was as Jonathan said the spinosaurs or some sea creature we're not aware of. Now the kid surviving for 8 weeks is a bit of stretch, I'm thinking though that he stayed close to the compound like he said and hid in the water truck where no dinosaurs could get to him. He probably found food in the compound, I know according to the book they left a lot of stuff behind. As far as the smell it has been 8 weeks so I am not sure if you would smell anything, I'm no expert on this so I won't say thats a certainity. And then the body well there is another possibility maybe he got caught in the harness and couldn't get out he might have been stuck in there and the boy would have been too small to get him out. Maybe he did the noble thing and told him to run and not worry about him. He then would have either starved to death or the compys would have got to him and picked him apart. Hopefully this scene will be on the DVD, as I assume they probably shot it but they might have cut it because they did not want to interfer with the movie's running time.