View Full Version : This board is pissing me off.

Jul 25th, 2001, 10:59:54 PM
Either it's Swfans.net or it's ezboard. - one of them keep crashing my Netscape. Other sites load fine.


Maybe I don't need to post the BO winners tonight...

buff jedi 2
Jul 25th, 2001, 11:31:06 PM
Ok darth , The best way to calm down is find a good sturdy wall and just start hitting it until it either hurts or you get tired .Or you could slame yourself back first into it ,I promise these are great stress reliever's DONT let STRESS rule your life.


Jul 26th, 2001, 09:19:30 AM
So at work there's a delay loading, but it doesn't bomb out after a javscript error.

It looks like one of more banner ads is causing the problem. Right not it's stuck on trying to connect to mirror.qkimg.net.

Jul 26th, 2001, 09:35:08 AM
This is a board that gives me few problems. I've visited others that are constantly popping up things and destroying my posts...so I know where you're coming from Darth.

Jul 26th, 2001, 10:12:03 AM
No problems here. But I think you're on to something with the banners. The ones from mirror.qking.net haven't been loading on my computer for a couple of days now.

Jul 26th, 2001, 10:35:22 AM
I used to get explorer errors on ezboard sometimes. Since I upgraded to 5.5, its been pukka

Jul 27th, 2001, 09:31:32 AM
It totally crashes at home for some reason. I think there's a DNS issue also. Maybe soem settign my IPS has is contributing to the problem.

Here at work, even though the pages load, the browser is still trying to load something from mirror.qkimg.net and/or swfans.net.

Hart Kenobi
Jul 27th, 2001, 11:35:28 PM
Never crashes for me :) Well, not for something specific. My comp does crash for no apparent reason many times though.

Jul 28th, 2001, 10:10:19 PM
I've switched to IE5.5 for this board.

As much as that pains me.

Jul 30th, 2001, 05:07:00 PM
So it looks like THIS:

www.swfans.net/images/3ditv4.gif (http://www.swfans.net/images/3ditv4.gif)

is causing my browser at home to crash. I can't see it at work either, but the whole browser doesn't bomb.

Can any Admins out there tell me if this is a valid url?