View Full Version : This is so stupid...

Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 7th, 2001, 05:15:58 PM
Now there's a couple petitions out there to lobby Lucas to change the title of HIS movie. Please, everyone, do not sign that petition! How would you feel if someone didn't like what you called your child? Let's remember who created this, and who can decide to end this ride at any given moment...

General Ceel
Aug 7th, 2001, 05:39:49 PM
Its not like he will pay any attention to them anyway.

Aug 7th, 2001, 05:41:54 PM
Holy crap, that is pretty stupid. For several reasons.

1) It's bound to fail. Why take up a cause you know has no hope fo success.
2) It's embarrases Lucas, Star Wars, and SW fans. a) GL looks like a bafoon that can't come up with a title that his own fans can stomach.
b) It draws more attention to an already silly sounding title, not allowing the title to grow on people.
c) It makes fans look like whining crybabies. Not liking the title and discussing your feeling is one thing. Organizing a petition is something completly different. Watch, one of these yahoos is going to try to get some major publicity for this.

People get over it. Who knows, in time it may make perfect sense. C'mon, it could happen!

Aug 7th, 2001, 05:57:09 PM
Yeah, the title is fine. A title is a title is a title.

Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 7th, 2001, 06:11:27 PM
"It's embarrases Lucas, Star Wars, and SW fans"

Very true.
Imagine the rest of the public laughing and pointing: "There go those geeky Star Wars fans again..."

I can't remember being so irate about something. I mean who do these people think they are? Really? Where does anyone get off asking someone to pretty please change the name of their story? Anyone claiming that the fans made Star Wars the phenomenon what it is, and therefore should have a say in the title needs some professional help.

Aug 7th, 2001, 06:15:44 PM
I dont sign petitions, unless it is for something unfair, like the one world one release thing. Id like a better name, but it happens

Aug 7th, 2001, 06:53:05 PM
Oh gawd, the geeks strike again.

I swear, most Star Wars fans bother me -- they are so frickin' picky! It is getting annoying. I don't want the Star Wars fanbase to become the next Trekkies. Petitions like this, and even the backlash against the title, truly makes the whole fanbase seem stupid and is an INSULT to the Star Wars Saga. It sickens me that people cannot just appreciate Lucas's work and get on with it.

I didn't like the title either initially!!! I thought it was a joke, but I just remained calm and realized it is only a title, and now, I'm actually liking the title a lot more. I think it's pretty sweet really! On a scale of 1 to 10, TPM struck me as a 6 or so, the title, that is, and it grew into a 10 by the time I actually saw the movie. On a scale of 1 to 10, AOTC was more like a 3 initially, and already I'm thinking it's more like a 6.

Aug 7th, 2001, 06:54:35 PM
still a .5 for me

Force Master Hunter
Aug 7th, 2001, 07:04:07 PM
Nothing wrong with the title!

Will these whining fanboys sit down and work out that it fits in really, really well. I mean COME ON. The Empire Strikes Back is any better?

NO!! And we all LOVE that movie!

The Attack of the Clones is as Star Wars as they come, especially when you see WHAT the tiles from the other movies were. It FITS.

I'm not signing a damn thing

Aug 7th, 2001, 07:15:14 PM
I wasn't wild about TPM's title either but in retrospect the title fits the movie. Palpy/Sidious is in the background "menacing" the Republic and the Jedi. After AOTC is released the title may make perfect sense. It certainly suggests more action that TPM's title doesn't it? How can that not be considered positive?

I don't even think I can rate the titles from 1-10 because they just seem so natural. They don't seem bad or good, they just seem as if they were meant to be.

Aug 7th, 2001, 07:44:04 PM
Yeah, Jedieb is definitely right there...

I guess it's pretty hard to rate them, because to me they're all ten's, at least for the movies that have already come out, just because they are so natural now. I mean I don't THINK about "The Empire Strikes Back," I just say it and that title invokes great music, images, and a sweet story, so when someone says that I'm just like, "Yeah, ESB *drool*..." haha!

Aug 8th, 2001, 08:43:01 PM
I'll be honest, I hate the title, but then again I was laughed off the board for hating Planet of the Apes. My feeling is that the title makes the movie sound like a cheesey 50s B-Movie. Star Wars is more dignified than that.

Doc Milo
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:00:42 PM
The guy on AICN -- who I usually don't agree with, and can't stand the site -- said something that I agree with wholeheartedly about the title. The Title is Star Wars The episode is "Attack of the Clones." We're not talking about a movie title. We're talking about an episode title. How many times do you read a book and each chapter has a title -- do you complain when that chapter title is silly? No. This is the same thing. The title of the movie is Star Wars. The episode is Attack of the Clones.

These people have to stop whining about every little thing!