View Full Version : Go Roeper!!!

Aug 11th, 2001, 05:07:38 PM
I like this guy already. Did everyone read the TFN story about him blasting critics of AOTC? I think that's awesome. He's absolutely right. Anyone who would sit around and nitpick about the title of a movie that won't come out for nine months is in serious need of SOMETHING else to do. Star Wars is great, but come on people.

That's a great "parting shot" for Roeper. It's sweet he did that.

Aug 11th, 2001, 05:16:09 PM
the supporters and dislikers are as bad as one another. As normal, only one side sees this

Aug 11th, 2001, 05:42:59 PM
Ha, BS! That's not true at all! The people like me who initially didn't like it but just didn't care that much are MUCH more reasonable than the IDIOTS who cannot stop complaining about the mere title of a movie! It's absurd! It makes you look utterly stupid and geeky.

If you don't like the title, fine, but you don't have to go starting petitions, acting stupid, and complaining all day about a four word title. THAT is nerdy. There's nothing wrong with discussing Star Wars, but when you have NOTHING else to do but sit around and make fun of a title, you NEED a life, or as Roeper suggests, a girlfriend.

Both sides are not the same at all. That's like saying TPM supporters are "as bad as" TPM detractors. Not so at all! The people who DO NOT like TPM and STILL go to the forums every day to rag on the movie have NO LIFE WHATSOEVER! They are wasting their time on a movie they don't like. That would be like me going to a Godzilla forum and ragging on those movies every single day of the week for maybe an hour or more per day. Whereas the supporters go to the forums to talk about a movie they really enjoy, so they are doing something that pleases them. They're having fun by discussing a film they loved, which is beneficial, but NOT going to rag on a movie you don't like.

If you don't like TPM, you state your opinion and discuss it for a while, but after a month, you should give it up. Some of these people are still there two years later BSing about TPM.

Aug 11th, 2001, 05:49:47 PM
why is it sad? I admit, Im a geek. I go to rebelpilots.com, dedicated to the pilots of star wars. THe boards are excellent there. However, I know its sad. If someone come on and posted we were sad, were both as bad as one another

Its just funny, how a supporter can basically flame a disliker, and spend paragraph after paragraph supporting it. But if a basher did that, instant flames. Isnt THAT pathetic? Oh, I THINK SO!

or as Roeper suggests, a girlfriend.

he can sit there and write something criticising these people. GET A GIRLFRIEND!

Let me just resay my stance, so noone attacks me. Awful film title, but its the actual film that counts. However, Im not letting any fanboy act so hypocritically as that. No way

Aug 11th, 2001, 05:57:06 PM
What the hell are you talking about? Stop smoking the dope and be reasonable here.

There is nothing wrong with saying you don't like the title, but there IS something wrong with going to TFN every day to post in threads about how much you hate it. That's just STUPID. I don't go to TFN to post about how much I like it even! That is also equally as much a waste of time, because there's nothing to discuss either way. I'm debating here with you because clearly you need it. You just don't get how pathetic it is to spend your life complaining.

What you are saying, which is totally stupid, is that if you spend your whole life complaining about films you hate THAT is equal to spending your life talking about movies you love. There is NO COMPARISON! One person is negative about everything, while the other chooses to use his time on movies he loves. It's your choice, you can be a negative, miserable person, or you can be a happy, fun person. Yet you say there is no difference.

I cannot help you. That's the stupidest thing I've read so far today, even more than Buff Jedi's moronic words about American Pie 2.

Aug 11th, 2001, 06:03:17 PM
course there is. I spend my time talking about MOVIES. In this time, it could be my love of DUsk till Dawn, or my dislike of the Matrix. If I say either, Id expect a disagreer to actually...disagree. I wouldnt expect him to call be pathetic for an opinion, which is said more than once, and then rant on and on (and on) about how stupid and sad they are. If he was being intellegent in his comments, then fine. But to say they need to get a girlfriend? Thats sad. In fact, he is as bad. He is going from commenter to sad 10 year old status, where we have to call names to try and win arguments. He needs a girlfriend, ASAP :)

Force Master Hunter
Aug 11th, 2001, 09:58:30 PM
Johnathon - This place is not a flamefest, Buff Jedi2 and Reaperfett have every right to express thier views without being flamed.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 11th, 2001, 10:36:00 PM
I actually agree with Roeper. The fans that are sitting around making this petition obvisoly are losers who have no life. I believe that is his point. Anybody who gets that carried away with a title for a movie certainly has problems.

Aug 12th, 2001, 01:57:54 AM
The fans that are sitting around making this petition obvisoly are losers who have no life.

maybe some of them, but I am sure many have a life...and many spend lest then 1% of their day working on the issue...why is it so wrong for someone to talk about something they enjoy or hate? If they have fun doing it, and as long as they are not hurting anyone, they should go for it.

Jon you seem to be making generalizations about a group of people....this made you mad when another person did the same thing in another thread.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 12th, 2001, 03:16:02 AM
Go to theforce.net forums some of them just sound pathetic. I have heard 8 year olds whine less. I don't have a problem with somebody hating the title but some of these guys have been going on all week about it and the petition is just rediculous.

Aug 12th, 2001, 05:03:37 AM
but like I said, are you saying there are ONLY whiners that bad on the dislikers side? I dont think so

Aug 12th, 2001, 07:02:17 AM
"Go to theforce.net forums some of them just sound pathetic. I have heard 8 year olds whine less. I don't have a problem with somebody hating the title but some of these guys have been going on all week about it and the petition is just rediculous."

I agree with that.

Aug 12th, 2001, 12:50:01 PM
I have heard 8 year olds whine less.

so...if they like doing it, they should be able to do it without people making fun of them...

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 12th, 2001, 01:15:47 PM
Yes Reaper there is the other extreme its those who think Lucas is a god and can do no wrong they exist there too ands are weird as well. My problem I guess is the petition is completely stupid and I have a problem with anybody writing a petition over a movie. If you want to petition something there are more important things to do it for/against: the environment, the Middle East, etc.

Aug 12th, 2001, 01:23:03 PM
there are more important things to do it for/against: the environment, the Middle East, etc.

yeah, but a person can not spend all of their time on things like this..if they want to spend some of it having fun by doing an anti-AOTC petition....then they should. Now if a person is spending all day on the petition, then maybe they need to get a life, but even then it is their choice.

Aug 12th, 2001, 11:47:20 PM
I don't think that a person who spends their time supporting a petition for an AOTC name change is a pathetic loser. I just think it's my obligation to make fun of them whenever possible! ;)

Bashers and gushers can BOTH be annoying. Either one of them that thinks they're the coolest guy on the block is deluding themselves. They're ignoring the fact that while they've BOTH been surfing the net lots of people around them have been getting... Well, let's just say they've been getting some while they've been typing. I gave up on being cool the day I proposed. Once you're married you have no business even THINKING your cool. "Get a girlfriend" comments are mostly uttered by losers who don't have one themselves. Guys with girlfriends and wives want other guys to be in the SAME boat they are. Why? Because misery loves company!