View Full Version : Pearl Harbor R-rated version...maybe in theaters..and on dvd

Aug 15th, 2001, 12:48:05 PM
By Susan Wloszczyna, USA TODAY

When a DVD of the director's cut of the successful yet critically bombarded war epic Pearl Harbor reaches store shelves on Jan. 15, perhaps it should be retitled "Michael Bay's Retribution." An R-rated version of the story behind the Japanese air attack that launched U.S. involvement in World War II will be contained in a deluxe three-DVD set ($39.99). It's the one Bay wishes could have played in theaters. When Harbor opened in May, he expressed regret that the horrors were muffled by a mandated PG-13, the family-friendly rating required by his agreement with Disney. He said then, "I would have liked to have made this movie more violent."

Now he has. Although the 40-minute sequence of the actual bombing was the most praised in the film, "I think it will have more of a profound effect," Bay says. "The gore that has been interspersed gives you a moment to pause. It makes it more real."

Only four or five minutes will be added to the original's 183-minute running time, but scenes will be cut and replaced with more graphic alternatives that were shot at the same time.

"There will be more R-rated setups in the hospital, the kind of stuff that unsettles the stomach. You'll see that a 50mm round can cut a body in half. You don't need a lot to get the point across."

The language will be stronger, including more racial slurs against the Japanese. The love triangle involving nurse Kate Beckinsale and pilots Josh Hartnett and Ben Affleck will be downplayed, and the focus will shift to the men's friendship. "The DVD cut is more male-oriented," Bay explains. Hence, the addition of a Beckinsale butt shot.

Other features in the DVD collection that has more than 12 hours of extras: audio commentary by Bay, the actors, producer Jerry Bruckheimer and members of the tech crew; a breakdown of the attack sequence; and a segment on the boot camp endured by the cast.

The video and DVD release of the PG-13 version will be available on Dec. 4, and both double sets (VHS, $24.99; DVD, $29.99) will include a documentary on the attack, plus the Faith Hill music clip There You'll Be. Gift editions (VHS, $39.99; DVD, $49.99) will add a National Geographic special.

Bay is urging Disney to rerelease the R-rated version in theaters timed to the 60th anniversary of the bombing on Dec. 7. "It's a shame not to have a chance to see it on the big screen."

As the film closes in on $400 million worldwide, Bay is able to shrug off how Pearl Harbor has been labeled a disappointment. "It is all about people's perceptions." He also hopes that his director's cut will satisfy those who accused him of turning a tragic event into a bloodless video game. With the DVD market exploding, "This is where movies will maintain most of their life."

Aug 15th, 2001, 12:50:22 PM
Pearl Harbor

Now with More Gore!


Aug 15th, 2001, 12:54:54 PM
I remember when the film first came out I looked at the making of Book. I could tell from that, that Bay's vision didn't reach the screen. There was more gory stuff in the book than in the film. I am interested to see what the 'new' version would be like. I might have to rent the deluxe edition when it comes out.

Aug 15th, 2001, 01:03:35 PM


Aug 15th, 2001, 01:15:01 PM
I am not sure if the R-rating can turn a average movie into a great one, but I could see it going from say a B to a B+......even something like going from Pan-scan to widescreen can make a movie better, like with Leon (The Professional )....the Pan-scan version I gave a B to....the widescreen version on laserdisc I saw maybe 1 month later I would give an A+ to...

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2001, 02:27:45 PM
I think the cuts would make it a better movie to a degree. Now I liked the movie but I would have liked to have seen some of the things Bay talked about included in the movie. I also read the novel adaptation, I wish they had filmed that version it is really different in some areas (maybe this is what Bay is talking about) I know the screenwriter was mad at the version too. He didn't like the comical stuff they added and the stuff they cut out. With both the director and writer mad, who is to blame Disney or Jerry Bruckenhimer.

Aug 15th, 2001, 04:43:14 PM
Pearl Harbor was a decent film that displayed all its money shots in the trailer. The trailer was awsome. I saw it over a year ago, and I anticipated the film for that time. Boy, what a let down. I hope the DVD is good.

My guess is blame Disney. They have gone from the top to the bottom on my list of Studios/Corporations in the last five years. They know how to blow anything.

Aug 15th, 2001, 04:57:10 PM

Atlantis made more than Titan AE at least!

Mu Satach 2
Aug 15th, 2001, 08:01:20 PM
That's coz Bluthe is a Disney reject. :p ;)