View Full Version : Shrek - wins the summer?

Force Master Hunter
Aug 12th, 2001, 07:59:11 PM
Shrek appears very likely now to become, I think the first animated movie to win the Summer Box Office.

Can it win the year?

Possible now, very possible, although if you had asked the same question 3 months ago, you would have heard lots of laughter.

So far, it's defeated some of the most hyped films, had good dropoffs and much repeat viewings.

What's left for it to be challenged? Normally, you would think, not much. But there are likely to be two mivies, both with large inbuilt audiences ready to watch. Both interestingly are Live action versions of very popular books.

1) Harry Potter - The latest phenomenon, the Boy Who Lived has been the force behind 100 million books sold. The Harry Potter fan club isn't just children, but also includes adults who have also been spellbound. The trailers look surprisingly accurate to the books and if it's half decent, the fan base will drive it forward with many repeat viewings. This movie potentially could attract just about every age group.

2) Lord of the Rings - Described as the 20th century's greatest fictional work (hey, not my words!) has a name recognition and also a large fan base. Lord of the Rings is one of those books which you tend to find anyone who likes to read will at least go through once. Not likely to attact the kids, but the adults most definantly. If the complexities of LOTR are translated well, it will be big. However, this live action version has much more risks in going wrong and failing.

Are there any others? Who will win? The real battle could well be later this year!

Aug 12th, 2001, 08:10:31 PM
Blade 2, Jay and SIlent Bob and Windtalkers will do well, but not that well. Possibly Oceans Eleven

Aug 12th, 2001, 08:22:22 PM
Blade 2?

I don't think that one will hit 100 million. Maybe I'm just biased because I saw the first one. :D

I think only Lord of the Rings will have a decent shot - it all depends on if it's a good enough movie, and if it can bring enough people to the theaters. There could be some confusion about whether or not LOTR is a kids movie - that coudl hurt it a bit.

Aug 12th, 2001, 08:28:11 PM
I liked Blade. And the remake did well. Ah, what was it called again? Oh yeah, Matrix :)

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 12th, 2001, 08:43:55 PM
Ali has a shot. I think Harry Potter might surprise some people the first book was number one forever it seemed and on another note it might be the movie that carries the EP2 trailer.

Aug 12th, 2001, 09:12:49 PM
The Matrix was much more like Dark City than Blade.

Aug 12th, 2001, 09:15:37 PM
nah. Blade, John WOo and Bill & Ted, merged up :)

Force Master Hunter
Aug 12th, 2001, 09:22:03 PM
Blade was unmitigated and utter CRAP.



Have I said how much I hated Blade? Why the hell do we have to put up with a second dose of that POS?

Now back on topic, I honestly think Harry Potter, if anything is going to beat Shrek, will do it. But, you do have to remember that anything beating Shrek would almost need to be a movie that makes the top ten of all time. I dont see Harry Potter doing it, tho 200 million is possible.

General Ceel
Aug 12th, 2001, 10:01:55 PM
LOTR is going to be huge not just in the USA but internationally. I think it will rule the box office from when it opens in Dec all the way up until late spring when the summer movies return. With all of the crappy winter releases there will be nothing to stop it.

Aug 12th, 2001, 10:11:10 PM
you calling Windtalkers crappy?

Aug 12th, 2001, 11:14:28 PM
Did Snow White win the year it came out?

Force Master Hunter
Aug 12th, 2001, 11:35:35 PM
Are there accurate records of what Snow White got in ticket sales?

When I first checked up on Toy Story, seeing if it was the first animated feature to win a year, I did think of Snow White, but it's not easy to find real records from that year. Undoubtfully, it's BO has gone up for re-releases, so it now total isnt what it got in it's first B.O. year.

given the uncertainty, Toy Story is the only animated feature I could verify as winning a year.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 13th, 2001, 01:08:21 AM
It does have to make the top 10 it will just have to pass 260 to do which is possible. Harry Potter does have a huge following and if the EP2 trailer is attached I would think that would help it at least in the short run. LOTR has a great chance too it comes out about a month after and like Potter has a huge following, it could easily do a Titanic and eat through the crappy releases of late december and the beginning of 2002. Also I think Windtalkers comes out before it so I don't see the two being in competion. There is also Ali, a movie about who some people have called the most influential athlete ever. And Will Smith being in it will help. Still, this movie needs to be good, if it a film like the Babe then it will sink really fast. By the way Blade 2 comes out next year I think around March. They pushed it back to avoid LOTR.

Aug 13th, 2001, 01:47:03 AM
Blade 2 could come out anytime and make the same 72 million bucks. :D

Shrek won't hit 260 million this weekend like I thought - depending on how many theaters it still has, it might to it Monday or Tuesday - or not until Thursday. It needed about 1.3 million for the weekend to clear 260, which would have been a 30% INCREASE over last week.

Force Master Hunter
Aug 13th, 2001, 02:21:31 AM
Blade 2 avoiding competition? How about they just avoid releasing it and do us all a favor.

So Harry Potter will have 4 week to itself most likely. It LOTR really gets going, it will need it.

Aug 13th, 2001, 03:38:51 AM
Whatever!!! Do not rag on one of the biggest surprises of that year! Blade is an AWESOME film! I'd give it four stars easily. I've hardly ever met anyone who didn't like Blade. It was a massive surprise success and Wesley Snipes, as always, was awesome in what is probably his best film.

I cannot wait to see Blade 2 and I've been waiting a long time for it now. I'll probably see it several times if it's as good as the first, which I saw twice in theaters.

Aug 13th, 2001, 03:44:52 AM
And, Norman Reedus is in it as scud. Cant fail :)

Force Master Hunter
Aug 13th, 2001, 06:19:59 AM
And every person I know hated Blade. And with good reason, it was a stinker of a movie. Terrible actions, bad stunts, woeful SFX, shocking script and premise. I rank it on the worst 10 films I have ever seen.

Aug 13th, 2001, 07:01:51 AM
Bad stunts? Most ended up in the Matrix (Hmm, topdown view of someone jumping with superhuman powers from one building to another? :)

And the action was great, especially the sword fight at the end

Aug 13th, 2001, 07:24:14 AM
Did Snow White win the year it came out?

Heck yeah. It's number 41 on The All Time Boxoffice List (http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/records/100million.html) and the only one from its year. Gone With The Wind (1939) and Bambi (1941) are the only other 2 movies prior to 1960 (and Snow White is from 1937) that made $100M+. So, obviously, Snow White won its year hands down.

Aug 13th, 2001, 09:30:15 AM
Still haven't seen Blade, but I'm familiar with the comic book character. It seems like a good premise for an action flick. But I thought it wasn't that well received at the B.O. I'm surprised a sequel is in the works.

Aug 13th, 2001, 09:40:25 AM
I used to like the comic book character- I guess, I only barely remember hit. I thought the sword fighting was pretty cool, the villian was pretty annoying, Wesley was pretty stiff as the Daywalker Chosen One, Kris Kristofferson was fairly harmelss. The comic relief bad guy was pretty annoying.

Maybe I'm just bored with the whole vampire thing.

Aug 13th, 2001, 02:45:28 PM
No Jedieb, I'm not sure where you got that idea. It was actually a big box office surprise! New Line was very happy with the results and for an August release, it did incredible, which is why there is a sequel, that and the fact that rentals were really strong too.

Almost everyone likes Blade! Come on, I've never heard anyone rag on Blade. How stupid!!! One time I was looking for Blade Runner (before I bought it), and he thought I said Blade, and he's like, "Man that's one of my favorite movies! I love Blade!" I said I did too, but I was looking for Blade RUNNER, quite different.

The action in Blade is awesome! That's what I like about it, and the plot is really good too. It was just a very cool, very well done film. Matrix does have a few things in common, I suppose, though I had always considered Matrix more of a new twist on Dark City or something. I love movies like Matrix, The Truman Show, and Dark City.

Aug 13th, 2001, 06:03:16 PM
Well I just looked up the numbers and they weren't that impressive. I mean it ranked 28th, just behind ST:Insurrection and just ahead of Lost In Space at $70M. These aren't exactly awe inspiring numbers. I just don't see the potential there for a sequel unless its video rentals and sales are strong enough to inspire New Line to take a chance. I just kind of remember it coming and going. $70 isn't bad though, especially when you consider Blade isn't a major comic book character. I've seen the character show up on the Spiderman cartoon, but not much else. Maybe it will do well, but I don't see it breaking $100M.

Aug 13th, 2001, 06:25:08 PM
dont look in just the US. Blade was a worldwide hit, and didnt cost much to make. Remember, its PROFIT that matters, not how much it takes in

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 13th, 2001, 07:44:10 PM
Exactly, I remember that it cost them like 30 million to make it and then it made around 300 world wide giving them a good profit. I remember reading it was a surprise hit for New Line and one of the more profitable films. I like Blade myself it was a solid vampire movie that had a great swordfight sequence in the end. I'm not sure about a sequel, it could be good or could stink and bomb, it will depend on the story for me. I wish they had set up with Moribius, the living vampire as the villain. He was cool in the comics but he does not show up as far as I know in the sequel.

Aug 13th, 2001, 07:49:24 PM
nope, not on the cast list. Ron Perlman is a vampire I think

Force Master Hunter
Aug 13th, 2001, 08:22:48 PM
Dutchy - Re: Snow White

That total also includes the several times that movie has been re-released. Did it win 1937 without counting re- releases several years down the track?

That's like saying Annie Hall won 1977, given sixteen billion re-releases and it eventually toppled Star wars. (I know that wont happenn, just an example). Can we say Snow White won 1937 when we cant really find definitive records to compare against?

So, dicounting re-releases in years NOT of the original release, did it win 1937?

Aug 13th, 2001, 09:53:13 PM
Exactly, I remember that it cost them like 30 million to make it and then it made around 300 world wide giving them a good profit.

Are you talking about Blade? It did not make no 300 million bucks WW.. I would be surprised if it made more then 140 million..

Still it did not cost a lot..and went on to make a profit, AND it was a big hit on DVD and vhs...for a movie that must have cost less then 50 million..it did well...

Aug 13th, 2001, 09:59:27 PM
50m to make. Think it made 100, and then rental/Video/Rental (Top DVD btw)

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 14th, 2001, 12:39:07 AM
I was counting DVD and Video into my guess. If it made a 100 over seas then that 170 WW and so probably another 50-70 on DVD and Video, So somwhere around 250 I would bet and if it cost somewhere between 30-50 to make it that would defentely be considered a profitable film.

Aug 14th, 2001, 12:53:16 AM
I just looked it up, it made less then 130 million WW..so if you say 50-70 million for Video/dvd (high, but not out of the question) that would be 180-200 million...

imdb says it cost 45 million to make..

Aug 14th, 2001, 07:39:23 AM
Well they make a bit off TV sales, too, generally 15% of the North American box office is the rule of thumb, unless rights are sold at a fixed price before the release, which is unusual because they are usually sold either just before on a sliding scale, 15% domestic system, or afterwards at a price roughly equal to that. So that's another $10+ million from TV.

Blade was a very popular DVD if I remember and I'm sure it did well on VHS. It's not hard to make $75 million from rentals and sales! Not at all. TPM made hundreds of millions on sales plus another $50+ million from rentals. Of course Blade is no TPM, but it did well at least.

Also, hello, the movie came out in AUGUST. $70+ million for any August film is VERY GOOD! That is rare that a film can reach that high. August movies are generally studio films that didn't make it into a good release month and were thrown out by the studio to collect a few dollars and recoup as much as they can, while ultimately the studio accepts the fact that the film won't break even or make a profit. That is how August has often been. Not this year, though, not with AP2 and Rush Hour 2. Those were two hugely anticipated films that just happened to arrive in August. Osmosis Jones and Original Sin are both just movies that had no potential at all. Honestly I have to wonder why a studio would even make either one of them.

Anyone see the preview for that film with Kevin Spacey about him supposedly being an "alien" from another planet who looks just like a human? I really like Spacey and he's a great actor but WHO THE HELL greenlit that thing? It looks like a frickin' joke. I hope to god it's better than the lousy trailer. I was laughing during the trailer. I mean I wanted to take it seriously because it MIGHT be good, there is at least some hope, but it looks so corny and stupid I have to wonder what idiot would let that go into production.

At least if someone tells me they're going to make a movie like The Others, I would be very intrigued by the plot and the concept, and I'd risk the money and hope it succeeded (by the way, it was a great film). At least if you fail, you failed trying to do something that had a heck of a lot more potential than Osmosis Jones or whatever.

Aug 15th, 2001, 09:14:16 AM
Looks like Shrek will ht 260 NEXT weekend. Saturday or Sunday, I think.

Force Master Hunter
Aug 15th, 2001, 08:13:20 PM
And I guess that will most likely be it for Shrek, unless there is a re-release. 260 million is quite a number and it has easily beaten everything for the Summer win. Quite deserved victory for Shrek too.

Aug 15th, 2001, 08:16:31 PM
Honestly I have to wonder why a studio would even make either one of them.

I dont know, but Im happy. Means my eventual screenplay will have a chance :)

Aug 15th, 2001, 08:18:39 PM
Maybe Reaper but I like to think my screenplay is pretty good and it hasn't been picked up yet.

Aug 15th, 2001, 08:26:12 PM
I think films are picked up in trends. As of now, for example, action movies are at such a lull itd be hard for an average script to make it. But good ones can still make it. Remember, Star Wars and Reservoir Dogs were rejected hundreds of times, but they made it, and both did amazingly well.

Aug 16th, 2001, 07:59:36 AM
I would NOT say Reservoir Dogs did "amazingly well," but whatever.

Most screenplays that turn into movies honestly are average to below average. I'm not even very demanding, but how often do you get an American Psycho or a Snatch, or a Star Wars, or even a Matrix script? I really enjoyed Tomb Raider and Planet of the Apes, but both screenplays were average or worse.

Aug 16th, 2001, 08:18:10 AM

All sold well. I didnt mean just from takings at the BO

Aug 16th, 2001, 12:17:03 PM
I would NOT say Reservoir Dogs did "amazingly well," but whatever.

that is the funniest thing I have ever read!

Aug 16th, 2001, 05:18:18 PM
Well first off, my dad hated the movie and after he saw it, he took his tape out and smashed it with his shoe. He NEVER gets that mad, but he says it was the most digusting movie he has ever seen. I don't always trust my dad's taste in movies, but from what I hear, Reservoir Dogs sucks hard.

Furthermore, you DO NOT compare a dinky little film like Reservoir Dogs to Star Wars, so you cannot say it did "amazingly well." IT DID NOT DO AMAZINGLY WELL!!! Amazingly? What is that supposed to mean? The Matrix did amazingly well. Star Wars did amazingly well. Reservoir Dogs made $2,812,029 (USA), WHAT is amazing about that?! That is a pathetic, sad little gross.

Fox, what was your comment supposed to mean?! How is it funny that I don't consider a PATHETIC gross of less than $3 million impressive? The budget was $1.2 million. Big deal, it doubled its budget. I'm not impressed AT ALL.

The movie looks like it was practically a bomb. It must have been a cult hit, but obviously nobody saw it in theaters.

Honestly, don't be stupid, if you think it's funny that my definition of amazing doesn't fit a $3 million gross, then explain to me exactly what makes this pitiful little film "amazingly" successful or whatever.

Aug 16th, 2001, 05:24:49 PM
it mad 3 million dollars BOX OFFICE




And all this from some first time director working in a video shop. THAT IS AMAZINGLY WELL!!!

there, anger gone :)

Aug 16th, 2001, 06:39:20 PM
lol, yeah ok whatever. You are entitled to your own definition of amazingly well, of course.

Mu Satach 2
Aug 16th, 2001, 07:01:10 PM
Resevoir Dogs: for a new screenwriter/director's FIRST movie... is amazingly well done and did very well.

The movie is good, I fell in love with Qt's work because of this flick. I think it was his theory on Madonna's song that did it. ;)

Jon - your dad probably just got upset over what happened to Mr. Pink.

Aug 16th, 2001, 07:07:07 PM
it was the film where Michael Madsen oozed cool, and Buscemi gave his best performance ever. Near perfect film :)

Aug 16th, 2001, 10:29:48 PM
The movie launched the careers of many people, not the least of which being the director. The vhs rentals and sales were in the top 50 list for many years in a row….and the dvd was one of the highest selling when it came out. Success is not always measured in things like box office gross. It probably made more on rentals and vhs sales then a movie like Pearl Harbor will make, (not dvd because of the fact that the dvd is going to be amazing for PH) and because of all the things that came out of its underground success, with little advertisement, it is a big success.

As far as it being gross, I am still scratching my head on that one. Almost ALL the violence happens off screen. To even compare it to a movie like Scary Movie, or even Pulp Fiction is not even doing it justice. It is not gross in any way, nor is it really that violent. It is one of the best 20 movies ever made. That is another thing I measure success by. How many people would call it one of the best movies of all time?....which is a lot.

Aug 16th, 2001, 10:41:21 PM
snd best behind Hard Boiled

Aug 16th, 2001, 11:11:05 PM
Hard Boiled

na...I still say The Killer, and Bullet in the Head are better! ;)

Aug 16th, 2001, 11:52:00 PM
As far as it being gross, I am still scratching my head on that one. Almost ALL the violence happens off screen.

Except for the whole EAR thing.

It's not Tarantino's violence that I don't like. It's the depictions of sadistic acts. My theory is that he used to get his ass kicked every day at school and he's still working those issues out in his art.

Aug 17th, 2001, 12:44:17 AM
Except for the whole EAR thing. is not that bad dude....they do not show it getting cut off...and only shots of what the head looks like after..and that has blood on it..and of course the part when he talks into the ear...it is his skill as a director that makes that scene seem worst then it really is.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 17th, 2001, 01:41:50 AM
I've never seen Reservoir Dogs, I might one day but I do agree it has achieved a cult following and did better later on much like such films as Tremors and Rocky Horror Picture Show. Still, I am not a fan of QT's work. I never understood Pulp Fiction the film lost me half way through. Its probably because I don't like films that switch Chronological order like when Travolta's character is dead one second but walking around later that stuff confuses me and I hate movies that do it (if I want to see those kind of films then I'll go watch French movies). I am a traditionalist when it comes to plot that is all and that is just my opinion. Besides what has he done since he wrote that piece of garbage for Stone, Natural Born Killers that is not just a violent films but just plain stupid. I can't think of anything else but I don't follow his work so I probably missed something. Realize this is just my opinion if you like his work that is fine I just don't.

Mu Satach 2
Aug 17th, 2001, 12:01:13 PM
Besides what has he done since he wrote that piece of garbage for Stone, Natural Born Killers?


I think Jackie Brown is my favorite QT movie.

Never seen NBK... not a fan of Woody... :p

Aug 17th, 2001, 12:15:55 PM
I kind of like Natural Born Killers - in a way.

It's a sick and twisted movie, great soundtrack. I always kid of looked at the movies as a Vient Nam vetran's revenge on American culture for putting him though that experience.

Aug 17th, 2001, 12:17:45 PM
The best thing about Natural Born Killers is that the people who hate it so much because of the violence will never understand (not all of them most of them) that the movie is on their side when it blasts media violence and lust for blood. It is one of the most ANTI-violence movies ever made, and that just flew over most peoples heads. The original script to that movie is brilliant. Over-rated Oliver Stone is the one that turned it into a headache.

Don’t forget QT also touches up screenplays all the time. His work on Crimson Tide really helped an otherwise dull script. I feel Pulp Fiction is his best movie, with Jackie Brown and Reservoir Dogs coming in a very close second.

Mu Satach 2
Aug 17th, 2001, 12:25:35 PM
forgot what I was gonna say about the ear thing... to me it's got the same effect of Hitch's shower scene in Psyco... you never really see what's happening but your brain fills it in and makes it very... *shudders*

Aug 17th, 2001, 01:21:22 PM
anyway, most people know, Natural Born Killers was one of his first scripts. Crimson Tide, The Rock, Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction, possibly Reservoir Dogs and True Romance (the script is better). ALL after NBK

Aug 17th, 2001, 02:47:34 PM
I don't think it's a stretch to sat RD did amazingly well, especially when you consider where it started with. Anytime a small budgeted film by a first time director ends up becoming a big VHS and DVD hit and a cult classic then you can say it did amazingly well. It's gotten to the point where almost a decade after the film was made action figures are being made, there's a sign of its cult status if there ever was one.

Didn't like the movie or the main charcters. To make it worse, I've never been very fond of Robert Downey Jr. so that didn't help matters. I get the message of the film, I just didn't like the way it was delivered.

Aug 17th, 2001, 05:10:02 PM
Action figures are beign made for EVERYTHING these days. :p

Aug 17th, 2001, 10:04:42 PM
Action figures are everywhere!!!!! :)
The Seven Samurai, Snake Pliskin, Monty Python figures, etc... If you've got a movie character you'd like to put on your desk at work or at home, there's probably a figure out there for it.

Aug 21st, 2001, 12:00:59 AM
nice to see Shrek get past the 260 million mark.

Aug 21st, 2001, 09:47:05 AM
It need another 25 million to pass Home Alone for the all time number 12 spot.

I don't think it will make it. Even a re-release would probably only get it a few million more (like Spy Kids).

I can't help but think that LOTR is going to get screwed a bit. Looking at the all time box office leaders, most of them had a lot of kid/family appeal. I think LOTR can reach the 250 million range, but I don't think it will have enough family appeal to make it to 300. I also think that some reviewers wil get hung up on the 'it's not for younger kids' issue. it seems like your average cluesess reviewer automatically associates 'Fantasy' with 'kids' so they'll be looking at the movie with that in mind.