View Full Version : Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back: A Review

Aug 24th, 2001, 10:55:13 PM
Let me start by saying I was dissapointed, in a way. Those of us that follow Smith's films closely and have enjoyed them all will be a bit disapointed by the fact that this film is no different than American Pie in the way that it evoces no feelings of a smarter comedy. This is just another run of the mill Penis and Fart joke film, but hey, I liked it.

Although devoid of the intelectual comedy and dialogue, though devoid it be of any true validity to real life, it was still really funny, esspecially all the jokes that tie into his other films, my bro and friends hated it, but they all laughed uncontrolably, as did I.

But I think my biggest gripe was the fact that this film ends the characters of Jay and Silent Bob. Even more so this film brings no closure to their departure from having more big screen adventures.

Even still I can understand that Smith obviously wanted to have one last triumphant harah with his world reknownd characters at the expense of unleashing every possible sick and disturbing joke on the audience.

If this sounds like a downer review, it shouldn't, let me get more up beat.

Althouhg not the best Viewaskiew film, it was still a laugh a minute ride with two of my favorite film characters. I laughed, I cried, I was one of only 5 or 6 people to laugh at every joke, even the subtle ones that link back to very small details.


Small Details like Snowball in the end, Susan's return and development, which ties in with the end of Mallrats.


Over all I liked it and plan on buying it the day the special edition DVD gets realeased so I can hve all his films, cause Smith is still the best. I can't wait to see what other wonders he has to unleash on the movie going audience in the future, hopefully a Superman movie???
Yeah I know it was canned, but who knows?

My sudjestion is to go see it after seeing every one of Smith's films so as to get the full potential out of the jokes. Better make it 2 times, see each of his films twice, including Good Will Hunting (Exec Producer). I've seen each of his films a minimum of 2 times (Clerks: 6x Mallrats: 12x Chasing Amy: 2x Dogma: 2x) It helps.

Rating: 3.5 Stars

buff jedi 2
Aug 24th, 2001, 11:53:40 PM
It's not a movie I'd normally go see BUT I have to admit the previews look as if it maybe pretty decent . Gotta loveanything that gives props to SW


Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 25th, 2001, 12:53:29 PM
Smith knew he wasn't writing his usual stuff. This script was written while he was frightened from all the death threats he received after Dogma. He just wanted to write something fun to take his mind off things...