View Full Version : OT-Must start working out before SW Con2

Aug 24th, 2001, 10:52:55 PM
SW Con2 is rapidly approaching. Before you know it we'll be able to start making reservations. We might be able to buy tickets as soon as October. I for one plan on being there. But, I must get in shape. My reasons for this are twofold;
1) Buff will most likely be at SW Con2 and I must try to whip my puny frame into some kind of shape. Otherwise, I'll never survive the mighty buffjedi handshake when we finally meet. The prospect of having buff break every bone in my hand keeps me up at night.
2) My wife's been working out to a Denise Austin tape every night. She's lost all of her pregnancy weight plus another 10lbs. She's starting to look hot and I'm worried she's going to trade in for a better model.

I will use this thread to chronicle my workouts. Ignore the thread if you wish, but you cannot stop it! It has the iron will of Rosie O'Donnel at an all you can eat buffet!

8/24/01 10:24 PM EST
I will now attempt to do 10 push ups.

Done, unfortunately the sounds of my joints popping woke my baby girl.

I will now attempt 10 more push ups.

oh god, I'm in agony, someone please sstopp me...

I will nowe attempt another set of 10 up

i hit muscle failure on # 10, but at least i made it to number 29

I will now bring the mat into the kitchen to do 10 stomach curls.

oh god someomne stop me!!!!!!!! i barely made it back into my chari.....

I will now do 10 more.

my lower back is on fire!!!!!! what's worse, i keep passing gas whenever i bring my legs down. again, someone please stop me!!!!!

I will now do a final set of 10 stomach curls. Please tell my wife and kids I loved them very much.

i'm done. i'm breathing hard and i think i see spots swimming in front of me. i'm done for the night. manana i'll do some arm curls and some more push ups. feel free to post your daily workouts in this thread. oh god the PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 24th, 2001, 11:26:28 PM
LMAO!!!! I don't do work outs and it shows since I'm pretty damn skinny. I'd probably be in worse shape than you Jedieb. :) I bet I could out run most of you(the board) though....I run 2 miles about every other night.

buff jedi 2
Aug 24th, 2001, 11:38:20 PM
LMAO!!!!!!!! :lol:
O crap That means I've got to get back to the gym :) :( it's good because I NEED TO its bad Because its a pain un the ARS. I cant let old guy OPPss .....I mean can't let Eb(s) best me .Of course we all know EB(s) is in good shape He's just not Loud about it like someone we know (i'll not name name's)

cmj 2 mile's ?!!?!?? hey I'll fill you in on a little secret ..there's this little invention they call CARS !!!!!!!!!!!it's for use of long journy's like that ;)


Aug 25th, 2001, 01:03:41 AM
Just start with Cardio work.

Walking is always good.

Doc Milo
Aug 25th, 2001, 05:57:27 AM
The Doc Milo workout:

I will now attempt to lift twelve ounces of beer to my chin and back again.....done.

I will now attempt to lift eleven ounces of beer to my chin and back again.....done.

I will now attempt to lift ten ounces of beer to my chin and back again...done.

I will now attempt to lift seven ounces of beer to my chin and back again... done.

I will now attempt to lift three ounces of beer to my chin and back again... done.

I will now jog to the fridge to get another beer.

Repeat as necessary . . . until the world starts to spin . . . does nothing for the gut, though.

Unless you drink Lite Beer -- then you lose weight with every sip (a third less calories, you know!) ;)

Aug 25th, 2001, 08:40:04 AM
Curse you Doc!!! Your workout is much more fun than mine! I can't believe we have a runner on the board. I hate running!!!!! I'd rather crawl 2 miles in the Shawshank Redemption pipe than run 2 miles again. Oh, how I hate running! I ran 2 miles in 11:48 once, what's your best time CMJ?

Aug 25th, 2001, 12:21:01 PM
Well you were in the military right Jedieb? I'm sure if they made me run 10 miles at 4am every morning as soon as I crawled out of bed I'd hate running too. :)

To be honest I don't really time myself, but 11:48...thats pretty fast. If I really tried I MIGHT be able to run that fast...I think I'm more around the 15 minute range. I'm not as in shape as I used to be though.....

Speaking of running my Dad was a terrific runner which is probably where I get it from. He was a 2 time all state cross country runner in high school and a 4 year letterman in track and Cross country in college. I guess it's in my genes. :)

Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 25th, 2001, 12:58:15 PM
Sometimes I just like to sit back and daydream about myself exercising, then I get tired of that and fall asleep.
At work.

Aug 25th, 2001, 11:30:33 PM
LOL JMK :lol:
That's the kind of work ethic we should all try to emulate!

CMJ, I hated running before I joined the army, but running for 45-60 minutes every other morning at 4:30AM didn't help matters any! As for that 11:38 time, I didn't mean to imply I was still capable of a time like that. Holy crap, if I tried to run 2-miles at that speed today you'd have to have a crash cart and an ambulance waiting for me at the first 1/2 mile mark! I was 18 and had a Drill Sergeant threatening my life when I ran that 11:38. Today, more than 13 years later, I'd be lucky to finish 2-miles in under 16 minutes. Hell I'd be lucky to finish 2 miles period.

Today's workout:
30 pushups
30 stomach crunches
30 capillaries busted

At least I finish all 30 pushups today!