View Full Version : Summer Catch: A Review

Aug 26th, 2001, 09:12:59 PM
I took my younger cousin to see this today and got quite a surprise, Freddie Princeess Jr is now in my opinion the worst actor alive. Ok, it wasn't that shocking, but he did ruine a film that contained some potential, I stress some.

The film is full of rushes, and none developed ideas. They start out talking about baseball, but they just give the audience a glimpse at practices, which are actually cool to watch. They then rush into the love story, which is a typical

Hart Kenobi
Aug 26th, 2001, 11:11:52 PM
You mean the movie actually had potential?

I actually liked Prince in the IKWYDLS's.

Aug 27th, 2001, 02:21:38 PM
Yeah, I don't see what the big deal is about FPJr.? I rented "She's all that" for Racheal Lee Cook.:)


General Ceel
Aug 28th, 2001, 09:25:10 PM
FPJr couldn't act if his life depended on it.

Aug 28th, 2001, 10:52:08 PM
What happened to my review...?

Only a third of it got posted??? Whats the deal?

Well, let me sum up the missing parts.

The movie isn't exactly about baseball, yet it isn't exactly about a romance either. They don't focus on one single plot thread long enough for the film to actualkly get any where, and there in lies the major problem. The potential of the film lies in it being about baseball. If they would have stuck with baseball as the main plot, and romance as a backdrop orsomething like that, it could have been good. Instead it never reall peaks, it just sort of stays flat. The ending sucked big time, it was farfetched and ruined it totally for me.

Three things that should have been done to make this a more worthy film:

1. Ax Freddie, he brings nothing to the character but bad accents that change every ten seconds.

2. Make the film baseball oriented by showing, you guessed it, more baseball. As in practices, games, anything.

3. Change Jessical Biel from a crying baby, into a baseball babe. She is a major hottie throughout, but the whole "I'm rich and oppressed so feel bad for me" doesn't work at all for her. She has some talent as an actress that goes totally wasted by corny lines

Quote: "You want big rewards, you gotta take big risks."


"Why are you so scared...?"

Matthew Lillard was a hoot. He is funny and this film was perfect for him. In fact, he was the most believable part of the film.

The best scene other than Jessical Beil all wet in the bikini was the heart wretching speech by Freddi Prince's best friend. It was actually the least cheesy thing in the film, and I really got into it and felt the pain of a true friend in pain. Well done.

Oh, one more thing...

The film flies through everything importnat and remains slow on boring stuff. They never develope the friendship of Lilard and Prince. One day they meet, the next they are friends. Same with other things.

It was decent, a rental.

Rating 2.5 stars.