View Full Version : Interview with Lord of the Rings Producer

General Ceel
Aug 31st, 2001, 01:41:39 PM
I found this over at Movieheadlines.net Very interesting.

We got this fantastic report from Ringer Spy Healer2B, whose class in Auckland was visited by LOTR producer Barrie Osborne. For anyone wanting to know a little about one of the big names behind the LOTR films, read on!
Barrie Osborne (the LOTR producer) came to my school (Auckland) today for firstly, a lecture, followed by a smaller classroomtalk. Of course , being the loyal Ringer I am, I snuck into both, and frantically scribbled down as much as I could of what he was saying. I think I got pretty much everything', but THE MOST AMAZING THING HAPPENED. During his talk, he played us this special footage he had, a sort of rough 'Making Of Fellowship' that HAD NEVER BEEN SHOWN to anyone before!!


At this point in the presentation, he hushed the theatre with awe, as he made us reel with a list of stupendous figures, including :

. The filming schedule was 274 days over 15 months, from October 99 to Dec 2000.
. 21 cameras, 5 studios, 4.5 million feet of film.
. Locations from Te Anau to White Island.
. 350 different sets, including some larger than several city blocks (Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith)
. 330 Vehicles, including many trucks, in total a kilometer of metal when parked.
. A crew of 2000 people and 22 major roles.
. Will be shown in 10, 000 cinemas worldwide on the opening day "except Japan, and one or two others".
. 30 km of road were built for the filming.
. Cost = NZ$600 million.
. At one meal , on one set - 1440 eggs cooked, 160kg of meat.
. 28 containers, each 40 ft long for the costumes.
. 48 000 different props and other misc bits and pieces created for the films.

Then he showed Teaser Trailer #2 , which was all very well and good. (I was waiting for that magic moment when he said "and now I'll show you some finished footage" : ) The trailer was followed by tumultous applause. He then told us that there was another trailer in the works, due to be released in October probably. Apparently it will only be released once there is an agreement on what content it will display.


It begins with a driver's view shot of two cars going across a very NZ'er landscape - a farmland, complete with sheep. Barrie said this was a trip to Hobbiton they recorded. Next shot was of Barrie and what looked like PJ hanging around the party tree with cables roiling out of it's trunk. Barrie said that the party tree was in fact made up of several trees, and bulked out further with fake leaves and branches. (A close up revealed this to be true). The next shot was of Gandalf and Frodo riding into Hobbiton , which I believed he said to be "the first shot of the movie" . They showed this in several angles, then flicked to a few crew members demonstrating how the Frodalfian size-difference was achieved. Basically half of the wagon's seat was recessed about a meter back, and down slightly. They showed two crew members of roughly equal size sitting in the different seats - then, a rotation of the camera to front view , and voila! Minime vs Goliath

Aug 31st, 2001, 05:00:27 PM
I think my friend is right.

Guys ARE fixated on numbers.


buff jedi 2
Aug 31st, 2001, 08:19:51 PM
yeah 38-26-30!!!;)

Didnt realize the rings were going to be a trilogy.


Sep 4th, 2001, 04:22:13 AM
I'm glad you didnt' say that on some other boards, the LOTR peopel would rip you apart. :p

I saw John Rhys-Davies at Dragon Con over the weekend, he's still saying he thinks it will be bigger than Star Wars. He doesn't say that to be anti-star Wars, but to show how much he loved making the movie and how impressed he was with the cast, the crew, the whole process.

Should be interesting. I wouldn't want to see an LOTR movie beat a Star Wars film at the bo[x] office (duh), but it would be cool to see it come close.

Sep 4th, 2001, 07:21:17 PM
I doubt it would cause that much excitement among non rings fans.But than agian I've been wrong before :)


General Ceel
Sep 5th, 2001, 07:03:22 PM
I wouldn't feel bad if a great fantasy epic like LOTR beat out star wars, it would be alot of fun to watch the box office numbers if it even gets close.(And i think atleast the first film has a chance) What pisses be off is cheesy films like Titanic getting to the number one spot.