View Full Version : Rescue Workers

Darth McBain
Sep 14th, 2001, 12:11:25 PM
I'm sure that many of you have similar stories to this one, but I just wanted to share...

A good friend of mine is a captain in the NYFD. Luckily, he was not in the immediate vicinity during the attack, but his team was, and 7 of his men were in the collapse of the towers and are as yet unaccounted for. He is now working around the clock to save others who might still be in there.

In my opinion, he and all of his co-workers are HEROES for pulling together and thinking of others before themselves. I wanted to start this thread for us to say "thank you" to them - and to ask everyone to remember them in your thoughts...

In addition, donations are necessary for them to continue the work which they and other organizations so bravely do... Please give if you can, whether it is by donating blood, taking up collections and donating money, remembering them in your prayers, or anything else. They need anything they can get at this point.

Sep 14th, 2001, 12:44:01 PM
With the help of a radio station a local kid in my area has helped to raise over $39,000. In my own class kids are bringing in their spare change and their savings. We can all help here.

Hart Kenobi
Sep 16th, 2001, 12:24:51 PM
I've been helping out at the Red Cross, loading crates of rescue supplies into trucks heading for Manhattan and shelters. But I wish I was there helping move the rubble. I'm only a few minutes away, yet with all that's been going on, it feels like days. It's hard to imagine my NYC in rubble.

Sep 16th, 2001, 12:39:21 PM
Thank you for your efforts Hart. Most of us wish we were doing more. You've done more than enough to feel proud about. I wish I'd been there right next to you moving crates. Thanks.

Sep 19th, 2001, 02:24:41 PM
I've donated some money to the relief effort too. My job had a fundraiser for the American Red Cross. Condsidering 95% of the people that work there are either poor college kids or poor(just graduated) college kids we did pretty well. I think the total was nearly a thousand bucks....

Nonetheless I think EVERYBODY wishes they could do more....

Sep 19th, 2001, 07:16:58 PM
Yesterday I got an envelope from a 4th grader at my school. It was from her sister, a former 5th grade student of mine I'd taught over 2 years ago. The envelope had $1.50 in change for the relief efforts in NYC and Washington. She just sent me that money out of the blue, without any prompting from me whatsoever. Every once in awhile I think I've got one of the best jobs in the world.