View Full Version : Their Voices

Sep 22nd, 2001, 12:26:07 AM
After a few hours trip, the black form of a ship known as the Draco’s Honoo lands and its ramp drops down, settling onto the planet’s surface. A cloaked figure with a battle-scarred muzzle emerges and stands in the doorway of the ship peering out into the murky darkness. His eyes glow eerily in the dim light as he bares his teeth in a sneer. Soon pushed forward, he loses his balance slightly as another figure shoves its way past him. The first growls and the other snarls in response.

And just what are you going to do, Wolfie? Fight me for shoving you? You were the one standing there gawking like an idiot blocking the door-the second yells as his eyes narrow into an icy glare and a thin jagged scar can be seen over his right eye and continuing to cut down the side of his face.

The first growls and moves forward but is stopped by another much shorter figure who glares up at him. The second man is likewise stopped by a figure not much taller than the shortest one.

Enough, boys, we have work to do, we don’t have time for you to fight amongst yourselves-Videl glares up at the second with the darkness within the hood of her cloak making embers out of her eyes.

A Ctarl Ctarl woman bares her teeth at the largest of the group standing in front of her before she pushes him backward a few steps. Okami, behave, dammit!-Aisha yells

The wolf lycanthrope smiles down at her before answering Or what?-Okami asks while smirking down at her, but a warning glare from Videl stops him. Oh fine, I’ll play nice for now but I’ll get you later, fluffy-Okami says in the direction of the second figure.

Videl starts to say something but her attention is soon distracted upon hearing the padded footfalls of a massive ebony wolf and his equally dark partner in crime panther as they saunter down the ramp. The wolf sniffs the air interestedly before stopping to scratch his ear with his hind leg. Without warning, the wolf is swatted by one of the panther’s paws as the large cat looks at him admonishingly as if to say pay attention. Cocking his head slightly to the side with his ears pricked forward, the wolf looks at the panther in confusion. His confusion seems to fade quickly though as he lunges forward and snaps his jaws shut just centimeters from the panther’s face. Snarling, the panther swats him across the face, to which the wolf responds by shaking his head a few times and opening and closing his jaws to make sure he’s okay. He starts to lunge forward again but is stopped by someone holding him back by his collar. Looking up, he sees his captor as Videl who smiles at him briefly and scratches behind his ears before she lets him go. Now where is this outlaw that you need help with, Namu?-Videl

The second figure looks up upon hearing his name being called. Somewhere around here, he was last seen on this planet but he’s killed everyone else that has tried to collect the bounty-Namu replies but soon hears a voice speaking to him through telepathy

(Are you going to tell her where we are, Fluffy?)

(Oh sure, Okami, and why don’t I go and show her where her brother was killed while I’m at it?) Namu yells back through telepathy

(Fine, don’t tell her where we are but she’s going to figure it out.)

(I know but I’m not going to be the one to tell her.)

We don’t have all day to just sit around, let’s get going-Videl says, stirring the males from their telepathy chat. Walking out into the murky haze that covers the planet with her wolf and panther following closely behind her, Videl’s form soon disappears in the dense fog. Aisha looks back at both males questioningly before walking in the direction that Videl disappeared from with a small cat perched on her shoulder.

Okami watches Aisha for a moment before following behind her smirking widely. Namu grins, stretching out the stripes that streak across his jet black fur. Okami’s way of following behind Aisha was quite comical, it reminded him of a puppy following behind its master. Waiting a few moments, he then began to follow, somewhat lost in his thoughts, he couldn't bring himself to tell Videl where they were.

Sep 22nd, 2001, 12:35:09 AM
Videl continues to lead until something stops her in her tracks. Looking around curiously with her eyes darting around, she tries to figure out what had stopped her.

What?-Aisha asks

Did you hear that?-Videl

Aisha’s ears flutter briefly as she strains to hear anything No-Aisha

And you didn’t hear that either?-Videl

Nope, I’m not hearing anything, are you feeling okay?-Aisha

I’m fine, I guess it’s nothing-Videl says as she then continues walking

Sep 22nd, 2001, 12:36:28 AM
After a while, Namu walks a little bit faster to catch up with Videl and falls into step with her. Occasionally his long ears flicker at something but he stays quiet. The half Maknan/Ctarl Ctarl assassin seemed quite nervous but he said nothing as he walked but he tried not to show it as he smiles at Videl. Videl raises an eyebrow at him before he quickly looks away. Videl watches him for a moment but the large felinoid ignored her stare as he continued to look out into the haze that hid all of the objects within it.

Sep 22nd, 2001, 12:37:34 AM
Several hours later, it was apparent that this planet was deserted. It had been several miles of walking so far but no matter how far the walked, there was no signs of life. Occasionally the broken down ruins of dilapidated buildings loomed up out of the shadows, but otherwise the planet seemed quite dead. And then it came again, voices echoing from somewhere in the gloom. Hollowing and disembodied, the voices seemed to move with the wind, growing louder at times then quieting down to a mere whisper. Strange voices whispered all at once in many different languages that Videl had never heard before. But something else bothered Videl, she couldn’t sense any lifeforms in the area except for her traveling companions. A snarl from nearby caused Videl to look down to where her wolf stood with his hackles raised and his ears flattened back to his head while the panther snarled. (So I’m not the only one who can hear it) She thought as she glanced up at Namu who quickly looked away, avoiding her eyes.

Sep 22nd, 2001, 12:39:05 AM
Looking back, Aisha then stops and looks around some more.

Where’s Namu-Aisha

What? Where did he go? He was here a second ago-Videl

Not too far off, a panther climbs up to a steep cliff and sits down on the ledge as the wind blows gustily around him and through his whiskers. Lowering his head and putting his ears back, he draws his inky black tail around him before looking down into the seemingly bottomless chasm in front of him. One of his ears twitches at a small sound and when he turns to look, a thin scar is noticeable over his right eye as a silvery grey wolf slinks out of the shadows. With a chunk missing from his right ear, a battle-scarred muzzle and one scar over his chest, the wolf growls at the panther and flattens his ears back to his head

(What are you doing up here, Namu?) a voice asks within his head through telepathy as the wolf looks at him intently with his murky brown eyes.

(I can’t face her, I can’t tell her where we are. Why of all place did Ritsuko have to pick here to hide out?)-Namu, in his transformed state answers back still through telepathy

(Are you scared fluffy?)-the wolf as he pokes Namu with his battle-scarred muzzle (You don’t have to tell, she’ll figure it out soon)

(Oh sure, Okami, you weren’t here when it happened, it’s easy for you to deal with it) Namu says back

The wolf growls (Idiot, get back there before I make you. I bet I can trounce you pretty good in this form)

(I’m coming, just give me a minute and you could not) Namu says back before bopping Okami on the top of his head with one of his paws

Okami responds by lunging forward and chomping down hard on Namu’s tail. Yowling in pain, the panther pounces and pins Okami.

(Never ever do that again, wolfie, or you may just lose a chunk out of your other ear) Namu says, leaning in close so his razor sharp teeth are mere centimeters from the wolf’s face. Growling once more, he then slinks away into the shadows, back in the direction of Videl and Aisha. Okami rolls to his feet, growls then follows.

Nov 2nd, 2001, 12:44:48 AM
Aisha looked out in the darkness, squinting a bit as she peered out into the haze that covered the planet. Occasionally the woman's ears twitched as she tried to pick up some sound from them but to no avail.

What are they doing? Why would they both just wander off like that?-Aisha asked, turning to look at Videl

I don't know, seems idiotic to me-Videl

But soon, the males appear out of the dark fog acting as though nothing had happened. Videl glares and wastes no time in yelling at them but a yell from Aisha soon stops them, it seemed the Ctarl Ctarl had found something. Okami takes what she had and holds it at arms length, it was a tattered old book.

What language is this? I can't make head or tails of it-Okami while baring his teeth in a sneer

Something about it though seems familiar to Videl as she swipes it from Okami and begins to look it over. Okami growls in protest but soon gulps as the blade of Videl's katana is held to his throat. Stopping dead in his tracks with a slightly alarmed look in his eyes, the lupine male decides to back off and let her keep it. Videl's eyes dart back and forth until a look of comprehension dawns across her face. Her eyes then dart over to Namu and her katana blade is soon held up to his throat as a venomous look shone in her eyes.

Namu, I want the truth, what planet are we on?-Videl

Namu stammers a bit with his tail twitching nervous at the tip behind him I didn't want to tell you this but this is Myce-Namu

Were you just going to hope that I didn't notice?! This was my home! Let me go!-Videl yells as Okami pulled her close and held her tight so she couldn't fight back

Videl, calm down!-Okami yelled as he did his best to hold the enraged Mycejin. Mother f---Okami cursed as Videl threw her head back to hit him full in the face but he didn't let go. A slightly stunned look shined as he growled but he didn't attack Videl back.

Videl, I'm sorry really, I wanted to avoid all of this, that's why I didn’t tell yo---Namu said before Videl tried to kick him but missed since Okami backed up.

Oh no, you don't, woman!-Okami growled Now calm down!-he said while putting his ears back

Why is this all still here?-Videl yelled to Namu as she continued to struggle with Okami, even though he had no force ability, the lupine male was very strong.

Namu looked a little thrown until he realized what she meant The buyer dropped out, the planet wasn't completely purged-Namu

So my parents died for nothing? And I was forced to kill for 15 years for nothing? All so some rich bastard could drop out of the deal and leave my race dead or dying and for what?-Videl yelled

Namu started to move forward, but Okami shook his head and held the now crying Videl close to him.

(Is this what you wanted?! Just look at her, is this what you wanted to happen? Is this any better than she might have been if you had just told her before?) Okami yelled to Namu through telepathy

By now, Videl had dropped to her knees in grief while Okami continued to stay by her. Whimpering and growling, Shiji and Kuroi moved forward to comfort their master. Shiji was rubbing his soft cheek to hers while Kuroi tried to wipe away her tears with swift swipes of his tongue.