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Jun 8th, 2000, 04:01:44 PM
i think the best SW film 2 date is TESB. by far. but i think ep2 & ep3 are going to be amazing !
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 8th, 2000, 04:25:29 PM
TESB is to me by far the best. i can't find a flaw with that movie. It's perfect in every respect, IMO. the others are all great, but TESB is in a class by itself.
Jun 8th, 2000, 05:41:41 PM
everyones favorite episode is ESB ? i love esb as well and think its awesome but my favorite is ROTJ. seems like the vast majority of star wars fans think ESB is the best one. could you guys elaborate for me what makes it the best one for you personally? thanks :) oh and i think ep 3 will have the real potential to be a fan favorite once all is said and done because it promises to be the darkest of the series. just my opinion :)
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 8th, 2000, 06:04:44 PM
you said yourself dude! it's the darkest of the series thus far. it's (for me)perfectly acted, and i really like the fact that for once the baddies win. plus i love every set and vehicle and new character in ESB.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 8th, 2000, 06:22:34 PM
For me it was where the force was truly described. ANH barely touches on it. Then there is the fact that the bad guys win and our heroes suffer, it makes us wanting to see them triumph over the Empire. It also the many new characters that make the movie great as well, Boba Fett, Yoda, and Lando. Then there is the Battle of Hoth which is IMO one of the best land battles ever filmed. and finally it is where we learn the truth about Vader in the greatest lightsaber fight sequence filmed in the original triolgy. These are just a few of the reasons why it is my favorite, though I imagine either 2 or 3 might surpass that when it is all through.
Jun 9th, 2000, 05:33:50 AM
ESB is the best in my opinion!:)
Jun 9th, 2000, 10:01:51 AM
TESB is great indeed, as is ROTJ, and ANH is also pretty cool, but my favorite is TPM. I don't know why so many people were disappointed by this movie, there was nothing wrong with it. It was absolutely spectatular. Just for the heck of it, I'm gonna list the movies in the order I like 'em...I know, we've done this thousands of times, but I'm bored.
1. Episode I - The Phantom Menace
2. Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
3. Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
4. Episode IV - A New Hope
Jun 9th, 2000, 04:09:37 PM
I can never decide between the four.
I like ANH for its unique twist on a simple plot (good guys leave planet, escape bad guys, rescue girl, then blow up bad guys). I liked the whole philosophy of the Cantina, where the entire galaxy lived together instead of humans against the aliens.
I like ESB for the way it was depressing yet uplifting at the same time, as well as all the great stuff on Dagobah, and the way Luke gets put in his place by Vader.
I like ROTJ for the awesome ending, where it seems like the good guys are losing on all fronts and you're honestly not sure if they'll win. The scene where Vader turns on the Emporer and saves his son is the most powerful in the SW series, IMO.
I like TPM because the whole movie is like a work of art. I loved it. Nonstop battles and a podrace. Enough plot twists to keep fans occupied 'til Episode 2!:)
Jun 9th, 2000, 04:43:23 PM
There are so many reasons why Empire is my favorite. The dark tone, the romance, the cliff hanger ending, the introduction of Yoda, and above all else, Vader's revelation. Empire also has one of my all time favorite movie scenes; "Yoda makes Luke look stupid". The image of Yoda levitating Luke's X-Wing, Luke's expression, the music, it all blends together perfectly and gives me chills whenever I watch it. Empire rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 9th, 2000, 08:33:28 PM
the new insider is every ESB fans' dream. every reason why the film is great is repeated over and over through the different features and interviews. what a tremendous issue, not a coincidence that it is also my favorite insider ever! :lol:
Jun 10th, 2000, 07:59:57 AM
Hey people the thing is that all the movies together make one great,no sorry the biggest epic ever!:)
phobos 1
Jun 12th, 2000, 02:30:00 PM
I must say Empire is my fav. as well. But when Ep.3 comes out I think it will b4e my fav. as GL is promising it to be the darkest of all the movies.
Jun 18th, 2000, 01:49:50 PM
Um, my favorite is ep2. I have desided it to be. Thats it. I mean, have you read what has been revealed so far. We are going to see tremendous lightsaber fights like 70% of the movie. We are going to see ALL that a jedi can do, wich is like vibrating to the point of invisebility and so on so on so on....... Its going to be awsome im sure.
In the trilogy, i like ESB. I used to like ROTJ, but it is kinda boring nowadays. All that forests are veeeery monotome, and its so much. The speeder chase is really boring. The movie is, of course, GREAT in whole, but there is som many things that i just think its boring when you look at it.
Brad Kan Obi So Cool
Jun 18th, 2000, 04:31:11 PM
Jun 18th, 2000, 05:43:08 PM
To those who have never seen "The Empire Strikes Back" below are SPOILERS GALORE..........
"Empire" is easily my favorite one. Elaborate? O.K. It's because of the dark tone. I like seeing the bad guys win for a change. Everything that could go wrong for the rebels does.
1. Luke gets captured by the wampa. 2. Han and Luke get stranded in the frozen wastes of Hoth. 3. The rebel's secret base is discovered, they lose the battle, and are forced to evacuate (not to mention Luke crashes his snowspeeder). 4. The Millenium Falcon refuses to work properly. 5. Luke crashes his x-Wing in to the swamp. 6. R2 gets eaten by a swamp creature (he doesn't taste very good though). 7.C-3PO gets blown apart 8. Leia, Han, and Chewie get captured by the Empire. 9. Han's put in carbonite and taken away by Fett to Jabba. 10. The Empire takes control of Cloud City forcing Lando and everyone else to leave. 11. Luke loses his hand.
12. Luke finds out the truth about Vader.
Am I missing anything? What else could possibly go wrong? These guys are suppose to be the heroes, but they can't seem to do anything right. That's why this is not only my favorite Star Wars movie, but my favorite film of all time.
What other movies are there where the bad guys win, and the heroes aren't much of heroes?
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 18th, 2000, 07:28:28 PM
they're also faced with whether or not they should trust lando, and they're all tortured, physically and/or emotionally...
Jun 18th, 2000, 11:46:31 PM
Luke losing to Vader WAS darned cool.
In any other movie, Luke would have defied Yoda and gone to Cloud City, then taken on every Imperial there. At the end he would encounter Vader, and the two would duel and Luke would almost lose. He would fall to the ground, Vader would bring his sabre up over his head for a finishing blow, and Luke would all of a sudden stab his sabre into Vader's stomach. Vader would gasp in surprise and fall down dead.
I think the coolest moment was when Luke actually winged Vader, and then you realised that Vader had just been toying with him the whole time. After seeing ESB, Vader is the most terrifying movie villain ever because he actually wins.
Jun 20th, 2000, 01:15:39 PM
Luke also totally wasted his time going to Cloud City. By doing this he accomplished zero and became a liabilty. Leia, Chewie, and Lando ended up having to save him!
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