View Full Version : Episode 2 author announced
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 16th, 2000, 06:20:48 PM
lucasfilm announced that R.A. Salvatore will do the novelization of Episode 2. I haven't read Vector Prime, so is this good or bad news? I would assume it's good news...
Darth Hez
Jun 16th, 2000, 06:53:01 PM
Yep, pretty good, certainly I had no complaints with Vector Prime.
Jun 16th, 2000, 09:29:21 PM
I thought he did a good job with Vector Prime as well. Some fans are upset with Salvatore over Chewie, but I don't blame him one bit. The powers that be wanted to kill off a main character and you can't lay the blame on Salvatore. I think he'll as good a job as Brooks did with the TPM novelization, which I thought was excellent.
Jun 17th, 2000, 03:10:25 AM
good news!:)
Doc Milo
Jun 17th, 2000, 03:11:28 AM
IMO this is great news -- better, in fact, than when I first heard Salvatore was going to be writing for the Star Wars Universe! I loved his novels in the "Forgotten Realms" fantasy line. All of the books he wrote for that line were of the type where you can't put it down, or else you feel like you'll miss something.
If anyone is into fantasy, I'd suggest checking out some of his books in the Forgotten Realm Saga!
He should do an excellent job with Episode II. :)
Figrin D an
Jun 17th, 2000, 01:40:43 PM
I personally didn't care for Vector Prime that much, (no, not just the Chewie thing, there were other things I didn't like about it), but Salvatore is a good writer. Despite the bland premise of Vector Prime, the book was reasonably well written and, as Doc said, his Forgotten Realms books are excellent. He should do a good job with the Episode II novelization. Brooks did a good job with the Episode I novel, as long as Salvatore maintains or improves upon that standard, it should be a good read.
Jun 18th, 2000, 09:07:29 AM
Lets just hope!:)
Darth Hez
Jun 21st, 2000, 06:48:05 PM
The only thing I didn't like about VP was that the aliens (can't recall their name right now) were force insensitive, like the ysalmiri in Zahns novels. It just seemed a little bit too easy a get out to make them seem tougher than they would otherwise have been.
Jun 21st, 2000, 11:41:16 PM
I think the Force Insensitiveness was a good thing - a nice change for once because it limits the Jedi's abilites for once.
It irked me at first but now that we're into the 3rd book already I think the idea is working well.
Doc Milo
Jun 22nd, 2000, 01:45:01 PM
Also, with the advent of the midi-chlorians it makes perfect sense. If the Force and its midi-chlorian link is something that only develops in that galaxy, and the Vong are an enemy from outside the galaxy, it makes perfect sense that they would exist outside the Force.
They are quite different from the ysalamiri, though. The ysalamiri actually repel the Force -- and I think for that to be explained with what we know about midi-chlorians now, the ability has to be an ability of the Force, a subconcious defense mechanism for the ysalamiri to avoid their natural predators.
The Vong exist outside the Force, as near as I can tell, because they are invaders from a different galaxy -- a galaxy where the Force doesn't exist, or at least the link to the Force (midi-chlorians) doesn't exist....
Jun 22nd, 2000, 10:49:25 PM
I think it has to be something more than that, Doc. Midichlorians only exist in living cells, yet Jedi can use the Force to move and sense inanimate objects (which don't contain midichlorians.) If the Vong simply lack midichlorians, wouldn't that just mean that they couldn't USE the Force, but could still be affected by it?
Doc Milo
Jun 23rd, 2000, 02:20:32 AM
Good point. But also, it doesn't have to be just the midi-chlorians. If the Force only exists within the SW galaxy, then the Force has some form of link to inanimate objects as well. The midi-chlorians would be the link to animate objects and something else would be the link to inanimate objects, and so everything in that galaxy would be present in the Force.
Then something from outside the galaxy comes -- to the Force it's not a living thing because it has no midi-chlorians, and it's not an inanimate object, because it doesn't have whatever link those inanimate objects have to the Force -- so the Force cannot "classify" it, and so to the Force this invader does not exist....
Of course, if there is no such link in an inanimate object in the SW galaxy, it could then be argued that the Force user may not actually lift the rock, but the hundreds of thousands of microscopic lifeforms (all with midi-chlorians) that surround the rock (or other inanimate object.) Thus the rock or other inanimate object is linked to the Force through the life that exists around it...
I would think it has to be either one, for something will have to link the inanimate objects to the Force...
Jun 23rd, 2000, 02:31:49 AM
That makes sense.
Jun 23rd, 2000, 07:21:28 AM
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