View Full Version : will jar jar die?
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 8th, 2000, 07:54:56 PM
treat this thread as a poll. pick one of the following:
will everyone's fave gungan die at any point of the star wars saga. it has to be IN one of the movies, not a smart @ssed comment, like "yes he'll die between ep3-ANH." :)
don't care.
Jun 8th, 2000, 08:21:25 PM
Yes (:( )
Jun 8th, 2000, 10:49:23 PM
hopefully yes
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 9th, 2000, 12:29:24 AM
Yes in Episode 3 probably near in the end
Jun 9th, 2000, 05:31:33 AM
Jun 9th, 2000, 09:50:37 AM
Yeah, he probably will, unfortunately.
grand moff sauron
Jun 9th, 2000, 03:46:58 PM
hey sorry about the copy-cat topic Jedi Kyle I went to hit add reply and accidently hit add topic, all apologies but no apologies for what was said about Jar Jar
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 9th, 2000, 08:31:13 PM
don't worry about it, no harm done :)
here's my ballot; not only will jar jar die, but every living thing on naboo as well.
Jun 10th, 2000, 08:31:50 AM
Nope, no way. I predict that Vader will be killing everyone, and comes across Jar-Jar. He will have feelings so will let him go, showing the dark side hasn't fully consumed him. However, Jar-Jar will then help the kids escape
Probe Droid
Jun 10th, 2000, 06:13:51 PM
Why? You can't assume that everyone involved in TPM will continue as members of Anakin's circle. Jar-Jar has done his thing, is now a hero in the eyes of the Gungans, what purpose could his death serve? I like to think of him settling down and living on his laurels on Naboo.
Who knows how long Gungans live?
Jun 10th, 2000, 06:31:28 PM
well when TPM first started filming lucas stated that it would have a tottally CGI character which would be in all three movies,
plus on the official site jar jar is listed in returning characters, so it does seem that he will be in anikin "circle" for at least EP2
Jun 10th, 2000, 06:49:04 PM
It is another showing that Vader isn't wholly consumed. Jar-Jar will be Anakins best friend, so it will show his emotions
Darth Lynch
Jun 10th, 2000, 11:35:08 PM
How or why I don't know but it's his death that counts.
Maybe Vader has some frogs legs with his cajun friends.
Doc Milo
Jun 11th, 2000, 03:04:12 AM
I think he will die, and I think his character will be a mirror of the "mood" of the galaxy. From innocent, slapstick humor, I think we may see him grow to be more jaded, independent, and cynical. Ultimately he will die. And it will signify the end of innocence, the advent of "the dark times."
Jun 11th, 2000, 04:25:05 AM
No matter what though, I hope he doesn't. It ould mean all those annoying bandwagon jumpers have won. I would say 99% of the people who hate Jar-Jar only say it because it is the 'in' thing. Also like some Blair Witch Project or Matrix fans
Jun 11th, 2000, 05:04:35 AM
Yeah, I agree people go overboard. It's like they think they're special for realising Jar-Jar is a bumbling klutz. I mean, that's his role; he's not a character you're supposed to idolize and copy!
Another thing I hate is how people want him to die in horrible nasty ways or get tortured, etc. When someone is evil and downright bad, like the Emporer, it's great to see them get what's coming to them. With Jar-Jar, it's like your neighbour down the street; you might not care for him, but you're not going to laugh your head off if he gets killed by a mugger, either (I assume you wouldn't laugh).
I mean, fun's fun; it more or less started with people just wanting him to die so he wouldn't be in the movies anymore, plus just venting their annoyance like they do with Barney the Dinosaur and all the others, but some people have gone into an all-out obsession about killing Jar-Jar and how great it would be to have him die a nasty horrible death. Quite disturbing.
Okay, rant's over.:)
On a personal note, I liked Jar-Jar overall. In the above rant I was simply saying what some people think about him, not me.
Jun 11th, 2000, 05:07:05 AM
Jun 11th, 2000, 11:45:42 AM
What does that mean when you post just (...), Ive seen you do it a lot, does that mean you agre with the above thought, that you wish to hear more on the discussion or what?
Jun 11th, 2000, 11:53:37 AM
Well, I'm confident Jar Jar will die. But I don't think it will be in EP2, because that's a love story and we have to see Jar Jar do something stupid at the wedding. ;) So, I think Jar Jar will get axed in EP3, because like someone up there ::RH points up at the previous msgs:: said his death would signify the end of innocence and all that jazz, and EP3 is supposed to be really dark and such...
scully x
Jun 22nd, 2000, 04:15:41 PM
Yes, jar-jar will die in connection with anakin's transformation to vader.
Of course if Qui-gon had done the right thing and let the trade federation droids kill him, then the Star Wars Universe would be a better place for all.
Jun 22nd, 2000, 10:45:43 PM
The more I think about it, the more I realise just how hard it is to kill Jar-Jar.
He survived growing up in a society of warriors, despite being clumsy and annoying.
He survived banishment in the swamps.
He survived the Federation occupation forces.
He survived the harsh planet of Tatooine.
He survived the Gungan/Federation Battle.
As clumsy and annoying as Jar-Jar is, he always manages to survive through sheer dumb luck. He'll probably outlive the Jedi.:)
Doc Milo
Jun 23rd, 2000, 02:31:05 AM
Yeah, you have a point Bromine.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that all the events we have seen is being told to us by Jar Jar himself.
Imagine: The saga is over, and Lucas adds one last scene to RotJ. Just before the credits roll, the screen wipes to Jar Jar, in a not-to-distant future in the swamplands of a free Naboo. Sitting there around a fire are Gungan children, and Jar Jar, now with a Capt. Tarpals-like hair growth on his face, shuts off a datapad. "And that is the history of the Galactic Civil War. Any questions?"
The camera focuses on the leaping tongues of flame as children stumble over themselves to ask Professor Jar Jar questions like: "Why didn't Artoo and Threepio recognize Tatooine or Obi-Wan Kenobi."
Jun 23rd, 2000, 02:36:15 AM
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 23rd, 2000, 11:40:35 AM
and he replies by lashing his tongue out and snatching a fruit off a tree and says "excuse me!"
Jun 24th, 2000, 08:14:42 PM
(I think Lucas already said he wouldn't)
GL sides with the Jar Jar fans, not with the Jar Jar haters.... :p
Jun 25th, 2000, 04:49:35 AM
The reason why I disliked the Jar Jar character is the fact that slapstick humor seems strongly out of place in SW. The original triology was not by any means aimed at children, yet it was still a film they could enjoy (A family film, if you will). Jar-Jar makes it seem like GL went out of his way to make the movie appeal to little children. Also, while we're on the subject of things I disliked about ep1...
It was too colorful. Or rather, the colors contrasted too much. In ANH, Tatooine had an overall tan tint to it that really gave you the feeling that it was a desert planet. I found this type of cinematography lacking in TPM, and I think it was due, in part, to the large use of CGI. In short, I think it had more to do with a lack of mood for settings.
And finally: I hated the explanation of mitochlorians. I always imagined the Force as mysterious, sort of like a Magic. I strongly disliked the fact that they assumed people couldn't comprehend this (or whatever) and decided they needed to spell it out. Anyway, that's enough of my rant, for now...
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 25th, 2000, 11:39:20 AM
hmm, i found one of the greatest things about TPM was the great scenery and use of colors.
Jun 25th, 2000, 01:23:16 PM
I agree Kyle. The scenery was beautiful, especially Theed!
I think i might have a good explanation to why many people think the OT and the prequel are so different.
TPM is SO StarWars Universe, but its SO not StarWars Trilogy
There you have it. TPM is like... almost EU if i may say so. There are so many stereotype EU things there. Not the "simple scenery" thing we talked about above, but many incredible cities, and robes, and aliens and stuff.
And the hyperdrive for example, the OT just says stuff like Oh no, the hyperdrive is damagest, and then R2 goes to a computer console and does almost nothin and then the enter hyperspace. In the novels, AND in tpm, we see the hyperdrive, and they talk about it in more detail. This is just one example.
And, for the jar jar thing, i do not think he will be killed. He is just a funny side kick, and killing him of would be totally unnessessary. Though, as someone wrote before me, i could stick to the idea of all life on Naboo being destroyed. We could know that jar jar is on naboo, living there or anything, and then the planet is @#%$ed. That would mean : No more jar jar, and still no crying babies in the audience............
Personally, i love jar jar and i wouldnt want it to happen. I havew saíd this so many times to my friends, "just because a character isnt in the OT, doesnt mean he gets killed in the prequels.
OOoop, kinda made this a long post.
Bye folks
Jun 25th, 2000, 07:28:35 PM
Yes, the bright contrasting colors were nice in some situations (The Boonta Eve Race and the Droid war, for example), but I think it was over-used. I haev always said that one of the things that seperates a good movie from a great movie is the film direction. Another problem inthis area was that the scenes seemed to shift much too often, as if GL had too much to do for a 2 hour movie. If that's the case, it should have just been longer.
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 25th, 2000, 10:18:38 PM
that is exactly my only problem with TPM. (aside from some sterile acting...)I thought that the pacing was too frantic, and i don't think it was done intentionally because the galaxy was in a state of panic. i agree 100%, George had alot of groundwork to lay, and may have rushed it a little bit in a 2 hour film, but who could blame him? unless he made a 3 hour movie, there was no other choice.
Jun 25th, 2000, 10:26:11 PM
The pacing was a little quick, yes. For one thing, I loved Coruscant but they rushed back to Naboo so quickly. I would have liked to see more of the inner workings of the planet, like how people got around in the immense buildings; maybe the long elevator ride up to the Jedi Council room.
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 25th, 2000, 10:37:48 PM
i thought certain sequences could have been left out and replaced with scenes to develop the story further. an example would be the journey through the planet's core. while that is a neat sequence, i thought it's onlt there to say "look at what we can do with our crazy computers!" I could have lived with the one part with the opee sea creature, but i would have left it at that, and use the extra time to develop the characters more. there are a couple other sequences i would leave out, maybe a total of 2-3 minutes, but that would leave more time to develop other aspects of the movie. that's my 2 cents.
Jun 25th, 2000, 10:44:30 PM
Yeah, that was one scene that seemed rather useless. We saw Jar-Jar panic and be a coward, but we see that elsewhere. For me, the only thing that justified the scene was the line about "There's always a bigger fish."
Doc Milo
Jun 25th, 2000, 10:54:06 PM
I agree with the pacing criticism. It was a little quick. Seemed like you just got used to being in one place, and they're off to another. Or you would just get a quick glimpse of something you wanted a longer look at...
As for the colors and there being "too many of them." I think that is an intentional contrast to the OT, to establish that this is the height of the Republic, rather than the "dark times." I think the slapstick humor of Jar Jar is another intentional contrast to the cynical humor of the OT to again create an innocence to the galaxy that will be ripped away by the time the OT starts...
The main "problem" I think people have with TPM is that it is not meant to stand alone as a movie -- by that I don't mean that the plot of the movie doesn't end (there are three plots, I believe, and one comes to an end -- the movie plot. The Trilogy Plot and Saga Plot are just beginning) -- but that a lot of the "metaphors" are incomplete without the rest of the trilogy. I believe once everything is out, we will be able to examine how those metaphors of color and humor and other metaphors work in the context of the six movie saga...
Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 25th, 2000, 11:13:50 PM
that's for sure. there's going to be a whole lot to analyse and interpret when all is said and done.
one of the parts of the film i had a problem with is the end starting with when palpy arrives on naboo. quickly, we are told that palpy is the chancellor, then in a seemingly rushed sense, anakin and obi wan are united as padawan and master, then a quick blurb about the 2 sith rule. while i think that they are well done, they were rushed and cramped and came off like a highlight reel.
things i would have liked to have seen in TPM:
-to have seen palpy's election--seeing his crooked smile when he is elected would have been priceless. i would also like to know other senators thoughts on palpy, and how they figure he would be the best chancellor. we know that he manipulated his way to the top, but it seems to coincidental to me. "here amidala, oust him, and i'll probably be nominated..." and it just so happens that he is nominated just like that.
-more of a bond between obi wan and anakin at the end; seeing them take to each other, as friends.
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