Jul 2nd, 2000, 11:26:05 PM
Ive been wondering in episode 1 how come qui gon and obi wan use the force to attack those droids with a "force push" that slams em into the wall when in the OT yoda says that a jedi never uses his powers for attack, but only for knowledge and defense. Seems like there is a conflict here. My theory is that something will happen in EP 2 or EP 3 that will cause the jedi council to change its position on how the force is to be used. I think perhaps Anakin will be angered in some way and he will use his tremendous force ability to attack and kill a certain group of enemies or opponents in a merciless way which will cause yoda and mace and the rest of the council to state that from that point on the force is to be used only for defense and knowledge, but NEVER for attack. Any thoughts or theories anyone? Or am i making no sense lol :)
Jedi Master Kyle
Jul 2nd, 2000, 11:44:25 PM
obi wan using the force push on the federation bridge was purely defensive. on naboo, they attacked the droids, but they had to free the queen. you know what they say, "the best defence is a good offence." i agree that anakin will lash out at someone or something in anger, maybe it'll just make them reinforce the point that the jedi use the force for defence!
Jul 2nd, 2000, 11:53:44 PM
I think it's more of the mindset than the action itself. If you use the Force out of anger or to attack, that's bad, but if your intent is only to defend yourself, it's different. There's not really a clear line. GL talked in an interview about how there is a gradual "graying" of the Force among the Jedi, which leads to a breakdown.
Obi-Wan and QuiGon never lashed out with the Force. They only used the Force to repel an attack. The droids charged at them, and they pushed them back.
Doc Milo
Jul 2nd, 2000, 11:58:19 PM
Yeah, to Bromine you listen.
The Force Push Q and O used was like using the Force as a shield to repel an attack. The push by Maul, when fighting Obi-Wan was an out and out attack.
But it can also be a sign of the graying -- a sign of the imbalance... and a sign that the Force needs to be put back into balance...
Jedi Master Kyle
Jul 3rd, 2000, 12:07:18 AM
would you classify when q&o drop in on the droids in theed to spring the queen loose an act of defence? i agree they clearly did the right thing, but they were in no immediate danger themselves...
Jul 3rd, 2000, 12:11:58 AM
Maybe it depends on the bigger picture, too; not just the actual Force moves you use. For instance, if someone runs up to me on the street and starts kicking and punching me, so I start kicking and punching, I'm defending myself and he's attacking me, even though we're both using the exact same moves, right?
Jedi remain calm and focused in order to use the Force, whereas Sith get angry and mad in order to use the Force. So, my opinion is they can do the same things, but it's the WAY they do it that matters. A Jedi can concentrate, focus his mind, and push a door off its hinges, whereas a Sith will get mad that the door is in his way and force it open. Same result, but the Jedi was calm while the Sith used his anger.
Okay, enough examples.:)
Jedi Master Kyle
Jul 3rd, 2000, 12:14:42 AM
here bromine, just because you love examples so much! obi wan pushes the droids away in a "get the hell away from me!" manner. maul pushes obi wan in a "you're going in that hole pal!" manner. same move, different motivation.
Doc Milo
Jul 3rd, 2000, 09:16:53 AM
would you classify when q&o drop in on the droids in theed to spring the queen loose an act of defence?
Yeah. As I remember, they drop in and spring the Queen using their lightsabers. After Qui-Gon shuts his down, he notices three droids moving in on them with blasters ready, then uses the Force to push them away. That they slammed into a concrete railing and got destroyed was not Qui-Gon's problem :)
If they were going to use the Force to attack, then they wouldn't have even had to jump down from the balcony. Just stay up there and push the droids away, then drop down and whisk the Queen off...
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