View Full Version : Who is your favorite really minor character?
Doc Milo
Aug 15th, 2000, 04:34:18 PM
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 15th, 2000, 04:43:39 PM
Anything that reminds me of a McDonalds trash can gets my vote!
Aug 15th, 2000, 05:01:04 PM
I voted Gonk because I'm assuming this is just for the OT. If you're talking about TPM, then it's Twi'lek slave girls all the way!:)
Nic Olie
Aug 15th, 2000, 05:02:13 PM
GONK! He was in TPM too, did you know?
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 16th, 2000, 05:53:06 PM
If were talking TPM, then the girl with the blue hair and the slave outfit gets my vote!
Aug 17th, 2000, 07:35:49 AM
Funny you mensioned TK-421, i was going to put a post here about him. We really never know what happened to him and the other ST "helping" han and luke with the scanner. They just are shot down in MF, and then.... who knows. Maybe they were jedi undercover and just disappeared :)
Seriously, what happened? The other STs never knew that they had two troopers missing, cuz han and luke were disguised.
Maybe its just a typical B-movie blooper. Heroes knock down guards, steal their uniforms (wich perfectly fits) and guards disappears...
Doc Milo
Aug 17th, 2000, 02:22:10 PM
I assumed they were stashed in the cargo hold and then, when someone said: "Hey what IS that smell" Han clapped his head with the palm of his hand and remembered. He and Chewie then ejected the two into deep space -- and that's why they were doing all that work on the Falcon in ESB: To get the smell out! :)
I'm in the middle of writing some fanfic that deals with a stormtrooper who actually steals TK-421's identity, escapes the death star before it is destroyed on Tarkin's shuttle, and becomes a bounty hunter.
Aug 17th, 2000, 04:45:26 PM
I don't think it's so much a blooper as something they didn't bother showing us. Han obviously had to keep them in the ship (dead bodies on the hangar deck would be kinda suspicious;) ). I assume he took 'em out sometime after, like when they landed on Yavin.
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 19th, 2000, 12:59:47 AM
I think he just threw them out on the way back to Yavin.
Aug 20th, 2000, 10:58:38 AM
They could have been easily removed by the Imperials when they placed the tracking device about the Falcon. It's not like Tarkin and Vader didn't know Luke and Co had made it out of the Falcon and into the Death Star. I'm sure at some point they went to investigate the Falcon again and found the bodies and removed them.
Aug 22nd, 2000, 10:35:48 PM
That's probably it, Jedieb. Never thought of that.
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 22nd, 2000, 11:01:21 PM
The man is a genius! Pure genius!
Grendel 666
Aug 25th, 2000, 11:55:08 PM
I'll vote for anything with a bad motivator.
I never really thought about that business with the bodies when I was a kid but I thought about it recently. Nasty fight: some imperials go onto an "empty" ship, and are confronted by an angry Wookie, a Jedi Knight and his apprentice, and a REALLY irritable smuggler with an itchy trigger finger.
Not even a fight, really.
My guess was they were stacked up like cordwood in the hidden compartments until, as Doc Milo suggests, the smell presented itself.
Ben Carrozza
Sep 8th, 2000, 12:21:51 PM
I'd have to go with Jek Porkins just because everytime he appears for the first time I start gutting myself with laughter.
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